卢志荣丨 DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO 2016 珈里尼灵修所
在遥远却可即的某处,悬在虚实之间,珈里尼灵修所以优雅之姿屹立于希望之巅。建造一己之所的想法虽简单,却是此般令人振奋的实在挑战。为了找寻一种世界与内心和谐共处的方式、造就 DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO 2016 系列中的安逸氛围, 此灵修之所作为我们的奉献,向家居意义思索者的崇高梦想致敬。
「...无论房子该座落于何方,土壤将扎根于斯,文化会熔铸于斯,所欲之人进驻于斯。这所房子的本质会随四季的气息、黄昏的落日和点滴的雨水一起成长、一起老去吗? 和风还继续吹拂田野,云还飘在碧穹不断的变幻中吗? 他会在高原、在山谷、在岬角的另一边寻觅,哪里会被环抱,是否每叶归舟、每个灵魂都希望停泊的港湾。他的房子应该与最近的邻居距离多近,以保持君子之交,应该与其他人距离多远而不会被城市的扩张吞噬。
在坚固的地基上,他筑起了四面墙和一片屋顶。于此暗黑中,他以光雕镂,让屋内透视屋外的世界。让何物进来、让何物远离此处,他一直被这决策困扰。基本简单如这是否可吸的空气、可喝的水,这是否可建构的物料、可填注的色调,这是否可永久相随的家具和值得珍视的物品,这是否会被潮流匆匆淘汰的衣服,还有这只烦扰地提示他快要迟到的腕表... 当揭示一切之际,他只需忠于自己而非别人。每次的抉择都经过深思熟虑,他表露自己的喜好、在乎与否,无需向他人解释或献媚。他尊重这特有的自由,因而从来没低估自己的决定。个人积累的包袱、传统的压力,他人期望的重担,皆瞬间汹涌而至;然而,他斥骂,也许更好,他重新理解和重新调配它们,希望藉此能连贯他的过去, 塑造他向往的将来。透过一所房子、他内心的房子,或坚壮或无形,其纯粹的存在散发着一束反映内心的光华、一股滋养日久的内在精神。如今,这种精神不可思议地展露在白日下,在他眼前。在这里,他休息、清洗、进食和工作,与他人分享己见、与自己独处... 如此生活在他的脑海里、他的空间里。一如他的构想,一所房子应如这般包容和体贴,从而激发和助长着每一个充满即兴和想象力的时刻。
他的房子是其天赋的载体,而他本人则是其生命的策划人,视野的探险家,探索存在和追寻意义的研究者,这些不同的角色不断与他内心深处长久的向往产生共鸣。有这样一个传说:很久很久以前,在“特普依山”上,有人问他:“你将会在生命中有什么作为呢?” 他回答:“我只想建一所属于我的房子,如果不只是在我的脑海中实现”。 」卢志荣
卢志荣的珈里尼灵修所建筑与室内设计定义了于2016年米兰设计周「方圆之间」展览的光彩,在此将发表 DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO Italia 最新家具系列,旨在延伸探索的维度,试图突破常规、重置规范,享受着试验带来的喜悦、体验创新的无际境界。
Somewhere remotely reachable, somewhere suspended between real and imaginary, Haven Galini is at such bearings and at this altitude of hope. The thought of wanting to build a house for oneself, and nothing more, could be this elevating and solidly grounded. For finding a peaceful coexistence with the world and, above all, with one’s inner world, we would like to dedicate this haven with our collection of 2016 to honor this very noble dream of everyone who contemplates the meaning of a house.
[... Every man has been building a house around him, whether that be a physical place or a mental state. He often pondered upon these whenever he found a corner of a day from where he could dwell on... Where his house could situate, the soil it would take root, the culture it would embed, the people he would want to be with in his domain; the nature this house would grow old with, the scent of seasons, that setting sun, those drops of rain, across the field that wind would blow, the drama of clouds... He would survey, on a plateau, by a valley, on the other side of a headland, would that be embraced by a bay, a safe harbor in which every ship and every soul would wish to anchor; how far his house should be from the nearest neighbor to maintain a gentleman relationship, how close it should be with others without being devoured by the sprawl of a city.
On solid foundation, he raised four walls and a roof. Inside this darkness, he carved it out with light. What he could see inside led him to see outside. The idea of what he must let in or what he must keep out seized him. So fundamental as: if this could be the air to breathe, the water to drink; if this could be the material to build, the tone to infuse; if this could be the furniture that would be with him for long, if this could be the object which he would cherish. If his cloth could be worn out quickly by fashion, if his hand watch could be nothing but as annoying as to only remind him of being late... To no one else, in that moment of revelation, he was faithful once for all only to himself. Every decision and selection were conscious and deliberate. He expressed his preference as well as indifference, without the obligation to explain nor to please anyone but himself. In respecting his freedom, he never underestimated this involving decision. Burden ofhis accumulation, the weight of tradition, the load of others’ expectation, they all came on top of him at once. He denounced them, or better, reinterpreted and redirected them, in the hope of finding a continuity from what he had been to what he wanted to become. Through a house, his inner house, its solidity and intangibility, its sheer presence, only though from the aura it radiates... reflected this innate spirit that has been nourished underneath. Now it has become all so revealing, laid open in light, unbelievably in front of his eyes. Here he would sleep, wash, eat and work, to share his thoughts with others, to be totally alone... in every corner of his mind and in specific space. Like what he has conceived, perhaps the generosity of a house should be this kind and considerate as to inspire and support every spontaneity and imagination.
His house, a repository of his natural instinct, he has been the very curator of his own life, the explorer of his own vision, searcher of how he would see the meaning of existence and his pursuit, in resonance with what he has been longing deep inside. Once on this “tepui” *, someone asked this man long long time ago, “what will you do with your life?” He replied, “ I just want to build a house here of my own, if not just in my mind.” ] CWL
Chi Wing Lo’s architecture and interior of Havin Galini define the aura for the new collection of furniture and objects to be presented in SHAPES OF EXPLORATION during the Milan Design Week 2016. It is an exhibition of the latest works of DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO Italia that extends design with the dimension of discovery, the joy of experimenting and experiencing new possibilities and ideas through rigorous reinterpretation of set conventions.
*A tepui, or tepuy, Spanish: te’pui, is a table-top mountain found in the Guiana Highlands of South America. The word tepui means “house of the gods” in the native tongue of the Pemon.
关于 卢志荣
卢志荣创办的 DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO 是在他密切监督下于意大利生产的家具品牌。 他活跃于意大利设计领域二十多年;一直以来,他是意大利当代设计圈及国际设计界推崇的华裔设计师。
2004-2006 年, 他曾任意大利著名家具名牌Giorgetti 艺术总监。 2006 年, 他成为赴俄罗斯推广意大利设计精髓的意大利设计代表团成员。 他作品中的永恒性特征得到了国际广泛的关注与认可; 至今,他许多早期的作品依然备受追捧爱戴。
2007 年, 卢志荣获香港设计中心邀请, 为中国统一香港十周年献上设计作品 -「没弦乐」。 同年, 香港电视台广播了他的经历与作品的纪录 -「志在设计」。 2009 年,他曾担任俄罗斯圣彼得堡设计双年展评委会主席, 同年并以作品「塔之家」荣获2009 年密斯凡德罗建筑奖提名。 2010 年,在广东佛山, 他组织和主持了一个意义深远的开放式国际设计研讨会,发起了「中国需要原创设计」 的主题会议。
卢志荣以他的「一方」物品「以诗为用 以用为诗」的中心思想,融会古今智慧与感悟,以物品的创作重申永恒、简洁和本质之道。
卢志荣创作了一系列反映他的建筑和设计的雕塑, 他的艺术个展: 「卢志荣 - 物的灵与光」,「卢志荣 - 奇幻旅程」 ,「卢志荣 - 文明愿景」 和「卢志荣 建隆 一零五五年 」先后在意大利及亚洲地区当代画廊展出, 作品被国际收藏家垂青。
卢志荣在香港长大,于1988 年以最佳论文奖取得哈佛大学建筑系硕士学位,他曾任教于纽约 Syracuse 大学, 是德国斯图加特的 Akademie Schloss Solitude 成员,他还经常出席不同大学的设计论坛, 并担任主讲和客座评论,他的创作领域综合了艺术、 建筑、 室内、 家具设计,他的作品遍及米兰、 雅典、 伦敦、 伊斯坦布尔、雅尔塔、 迪拜、 上海、 北京、 深圳 等地。
About Chi Wing Lo
Recipient of the World’s Outstanding Chinese Designer award 2015, Chi Wing Lo’s works encompass the fields of architecture, sculpture, interior and furniture design. His prolific output has long been recognized, in and beyond the eminent cycle of contemporary Italian design, for his evocativeness in thought, gracefulness in form and meticulousness in every detail.
Founder of DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO, a brand of furniture designed and made in Italy under his close direction, Lo has been actively pursuing design in Italy for more than two decades. In 2006, Lo was among the Italian Delegates to transmit the spirit of Italian design in Russia. His aspiration for timelessness has brought his designs to international attention and many of his earlier works continue to be much sought after today.
In 2007, Lo was invited by the Hong Kong Design Centre to contribute a design to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Hong Kong‘s unification with China. The same year, the Radio Television Hong Kong broadcast a documentary of his life and work. He was the art director for Giorgetti from 2004-2006 and was the chairman of the jury for the St. Petersburg Design Biennale in 2009. His tower house in Athens was nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Prize in Architecture in 2009. At Foshan, Guangzhou, in 2010, he organized and chaired an international design conference on a theme addressing the need of original design in China.
Last year, Lo also founded 1ness to share with us his works inspired by unique materials and techniques that have passed on to our generation. The objects of 1ness are useful poetry. They unite wisdom and sensibility of past and present, creating objects that are lasting, simple and essential.
Since 2012, Lo has also presented his sculptures in solo exhibitions: The Light and Soul of an Object, Journey of Imagination, Vision of a Civilization and Jianlong 1055 in Italy and the South East Asia. His sculptures are favored by prominent international art collectors.
Raised in Hong Kong, Lo received his Master Degree in Architecture from Harvard University with the best thesis prize in 1988. He had taught at the Syracuse University, NY, and had been a member of the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart. Served as a visiting critic in different universities and a frequent speaker in design events, Lo has a multidisciplinary practice, integrating art, architecture, interior and furniture designs for exclusive projects in Milan, Athens, London, Istanbul, Yalta, Dubai, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen.