概念设计 | 卡恩建筑赢得阿尔斯特表演艺术图书馆及学院项目
The city council of the Flemish city of Aalst has commissioned KAAN Architecten to design their new library, a largely new complex in the city centre which will also house the Academy for Performing Arts. The complex,situated on the corner of Oude Graanmarkt and Esplanadestraat, will be completed in 2018 – a full century after the end of World War I.
比利时阿尔斯特市近日授予卡恩建筑一新项目。它是一座位于市中心的图书馆,同时为其表演艺术学院提供庇护。这座位于Oude Graanmarkt市场和Esplanadestraat街交界的综合体将于2018年建成——刚好是一战结束100周年。
street view Esplanadestraat
The city requested: “A library for Aalst that will become an open and accessible place, a home for information, knowledge,culture and leisure opportunities.” Other, no less important stipulations included that the design by KAAN would be an impetus for the fulfilment of a vibrant city centre and a place where all of the different communities within Aalst can meet each other.
The preliminary design, which won KAAN Architecten the commission, is a complex with lively, urban allure. Precisely because its plan is functionally driven, it achieves a sense of spatial freedom that enriches the experience of the building. The so-called Pupillenschool, with its grand presence and eventful history, is being used as a ‘cornerstone’ to anchor the new complex in the surrounding urban fabric and in the hearts of the people of Aalst.
exterior view
first floor plan
The irregular street pattern of the historic centre of Aalst was a source of inspiration and forms the foundation for the newcomplex. At various points the streets converge erratically, leaving small open spaces – tiny public squares that dot the old city centre. By inserting a rectangular edifice loosely against the back and part of the side of the Pupillenschool, Aalst has gained two more of such small public squares: one serving as the entrance area for the complex and the other as terrace to the reading café.
interiors 1st floor
interiors coffeebar
interiors reading room
The combination of a library and arts academy may not at first seem very logical. The performing arts involve movement and noise, while reading is a static and quiet activity. The blending of the two, however, is also infectious and gives greater impact to the idea of a meeting place. KAAN Architecten believes the combination sets them a challenge to design a building that lets each complement the other in an ideal way. Aalst dances, plays and reads – a motto that speaks to the imagination.
ground floor plan
interiors 2nd floor
The city has chosen to perform a public private partnership (ppp) for the municipal library by means of a Design & Build contract.This DB has been procured as one single entity to the private party of Groep Van Roey NV. Subsequently, Van Roey has configured a consortium for this very purpose of which KAAN Architecten is a member, next to ABT, Studiebureau R. Boydens NV, Util Structuurstudies and Dutch Light Pro.
此项目是阿尔斯特市公私合作框架的产物,涵盖设计和建造。私企方为Van Roey集团牵头的联合体。联合体成员卡恩建筑、ABT、Studiebureau R. Boydens NV、Util Structuurstudies和Dutch Light Pro将开展项目的后续工作。
longitudinal section
site plan
地点:比利时阿尔斯特市Graanmarkt 4, 9300
客户:Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf Stadsontwikkeling Aalst (AGSA)
建筑设计:卡恩建筑事务所 (Kees Kaan, Vincent Panhuysen, Dikkie Scipio)
设计团队:Bas Barendse, Tjerk de Boer, Sebastiaan Buitenhuis, Sebastian van Damme, Raluca Firicel, Narine
Gyulkhasyan, Joost Harteveld, Martina Margini, Giuseppe Mazzaglia, Kevin Park
总建筑面积:8500 平方米
主要承建商:Van Roey NV 集团
施工顾问:UTIL Struktuurstudies
设备顾问:Studiebureau R. Boydens NV
可持续发展顾问:Studiebureau R. Boydens NV
建筑渲染:Edit, 卡恩建筑事务所