The building is a compact block 43m large and 11m high. We are « digging » a covered pathway enlarged on the West angle of the ground floor plan as to mark the entrance. This alley is a passage, a reception as well as a point of distribution for the program – it is a real public space as it articulates all program elements.
The concert hall takes places on one side, whereas the music school is situated on the ground floor of the other one. The path volumes are made of metallic colour anodized pannels. They are also perforated and thus are being an acoustique baffle as to protect from the noise.
As for the facades, we are « playing » with reflexion and transparency effects allowing a glimpse of the inside activities. We have designes them as a 90cm spaced out « mur rideau » (« curtain wall ») altering glass and mirrors. This duality associates program and urban environment, music and nature.
The accent in the interior spaces is placed on functionality and solidity. Wood and raw steel are privileged for their environmental traceability.
▲总规划/site plan
▲一层平面图/first floor plan
▲地面层平面图/ground floor plan
▲东北立面/north east elevation
▲西北立面/north west elevation
▲东南立面/south east elevation
▲西南立面/south west elevation
设计公司:Emmanuelle Marin+ David Trottin / PERIPHERIQUES ARCHITECTES
项目经理:Charlotte Lefebvre, Anne Clerget
项目助理:Julia Winding, Emilie Murphy, Alfredo Luvison, Anatole Jeannot, Thomas Dantec, Yann Peter, Alexandre Pascal, Mernoush Naraghi, Estelle Grange-Dubellé
技术工程师:Egis Bâtiment Centre Ouest
声响设计:Peutz & Associés
场景设计: Labeyrie & Associés
导视设计: Franck Tallon
图形设计: L’Autre Image
摄影师:Sergio Grazia
客户:Joint local authority group of Hague
项目面积:2, 560 m² SHON (net floor area)
项目地:Rue des Tohagues, Beaumont-Hague (50)
预算:6,45 M € not including VAT (value 2010)
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