Ramón Esteve: 西班牙Sardinera住宅设计/Sardinera House

设计: | 项目地点:西班牙 | 类别:居住空间 | 2017-12-28 10447 131


        Sardinera住宅位于El Portixol和Cala Blanca之间一座小山的山顶上,四周景观条件得天独厚,不仅环绕着郁郁葱葱的植被,而且与附近的海峡紧紧相连,可面朝地中海,坐观碧波海景。

Located in a setting of great beauty and valuable landscape, in front of the Mediterranean Sea, between El Portixol and Cala Blanca, the Sardinera House lays on the top of a hillside, lined by a headland entering the sea on a bay of turquoise waters.


▲位于山顶的建筑 residence building laying on the top of a hillside


“The original idea for the design was based on enjoying and enhancing the panoramic views of the setting, by creating a relaxing contemplative environment that allows enjoying the experience provided by the place.”


▲建筑外貌 appearance of the architecture

        室外空间被设计成室内空间的延伸。通过束缚着建筑的线条,以相同的方式也束缚着植被,路面,水池和室外照明设施。 花园分为几个具有不同特征的区域。其中的每个区域都是独立的,但同属地中海花园风格。在阳光充足的入口处,种植着一些橄榄树,其粗壮、扭曲的树干,体现着个性且优雅气质。山坡区域重现了典型的海边台地的样貌。不同种有松树,橘树和草本植物,由由石墙包围,并连接到花园和地下室。

The outdoor space has been designed as an extension of the indoor space. The lines that define the building are drawn beyond the walls, marking the patterns of the vegetation, the pavement, the pool and the outdoor lighting. The garden displays several zones with very different features. Each outdoor zone is singular but belongs to the same concept of a homogeneous indigenous Mediterranean garden. The flat and sunny entrance area, contains some olive trees with big twisted trunks that give personality and elegance to the access. The sloping area recreates the typical terraces of the hillsides by the sea. Pine trees, citrus trees and herbal plants are displayed on these different levels, contained by masonry walls that links the garden to the basement of the house.


▲入口 entrance

“It results in a house with several spaces where the sea can be contemplated, from each of its indoor rooms or outdoor areas.”


▲封闭的入口区域 sealed entrance area

        建筑由一组向不同方向展开的混凝土墙构成,通过压缩和扩大视野的方式,在室内呈现出不同的景象。垂直立面在悬臂的支撑下延伸向海面,构成了围绕大露台的悬挑阳台。 由于结构体的支撑,这些悬臂并不依靠墙体,而是装配在墙体之间,从而增加了视觉张力,营造出矛盾的重量感和失重感。

A set of concrete walls exhibited facing different directions, compressing and expanding the views and generating several images. The vertical surfaces are limited horizontally by long cantilevers that extend towards the sea, thus creating verandas that enclose the large terrace. Because of their constructive system, these cantilever don’t lean on the walls, but fit in between them, thus increasing the visual tension and generating paradoxical sensations of massiveness and weightlessness.


▲住宅的一侧 facade of the residence

“The house has a strong tectonic character because of its expressive materials. The texture of the white concrete poured into the white timber have achieved such a resemblance that they sometimes seem the same, as it becomes apparent in the lateral windows.”



▲室外游泳池 outdoor pool

        建筑纵向上的两个立面呈现风格对立的形式。入口正面,采用白色Accoya木材制成的自动调节百叶窗系统作为保护,密闭且不透光。 不仅可以避免阳光的暴晒,而且限制了来自于街上窥探。而东立面则表现得更加通透。混凝土墙体之间由整面玻璃窗密封,并由悬臂和扭曲的窗帘保护,体现地中海风格。

The longitudinal façades of the house are opposite. The entrance façade, hermetical and opaque, is protected by an automatic system of adjustable shutters made of whitened Accoya wood. It protects the façade from the sun exposition and, at the same time, limits the viewing from the street. On the contrary, the East façade is much more permeable and transparent. The concrete vertical surfaces are sealed with large glass panes, protected by cantilevers and twisting curtains that bring an ethereal Mediterranean atmosphere.


▲挑高屋檐 overhang eave


“The house reflects the construction process. All structural parts are made of exposed concrete, while the enclosure is made of timber and glass.”

        建筑体前设有一条带围墙的过道,可以看到海景,并访客提供与地平线第一次接触的机会。 休息室设在建筑的一层,和白色混凝土墙相连。两者间种有一些植被,将花园引入建筑,加强了室内外的联系。而每间休息室都可以通过自己的阳台看到外部景观。

There is an access through a double-height volume with side walls aiming the view at the sea and offering the visitor a first contact with the horizon. The day rooms are on the ground floor, as part of a fluid set articulated by the white concrete walls. Some vegetation is introduced in the in-between spaces, bringing the garden into the house. Each room opens towards the horizon through its own veranda.


▲立面图 section


The texture produced by the print of the timber formwork is noticeable on the concrete surface, thus establishing a common language with the white-shaded timber used in blinds, ceilings, party walls and furniture. A white hue covers all the element, which are different just because of its material, generating subtle changes of texture. The local stone masonry walls build a base for the white concrete volumes to stand on and also link the building to the landscape.


▲客厅 living room


The living room takes on a role and a unique dimension, a corner of glass of six meters in height frame the best views of the sea. Throughout the whole house are generated multiple spaces from which to contemplate it, so much as from each one of their inner rooms all the way to the exterior spaces.

“The living room has a main role and a singular feature, a glass corner framing the best views of the sea.”


▲户外阳台 balcony

“The views outwards are framed between the architectural surfaces and the pool surface, outlined on the horizon.”


▲餐厅 dining room

        一层划分出的每一单元空间内都有一间卧室。 卧室内,用玻璃角代替了以往的墙壁作房间正面的做法,以提供更有趣的室外全景。 每个房间都有一个类似于凸窗的小型玻璃阳台,由悬臂支撑,以增强观海的视觉效果。

Each volume on the first floor hosts a bedroom. Instead of allowing frontal views framed by the walls, the glass corners offer much more interesting panoramic views. Each room has a small glass balcony, similar to a bay window, set back of the boundary of the cantilever, to enhance the visual importance of the horizontal surfaces.



▲室内观景区 indoor sight view point

        室内设计由RamónEsteve工作室独立完成。 路面由白色抛光混凝土铺砌,内外相连。所有木材都使用的是白色Accoya木。浴室的大吊椅由天然石材制成。花瓶则由不同色调的抛光混凝土制成。两个游泳池都有一个铺有鹅卵石的休息区。

The interior design has been totally made by Ramón Esteve studio. The pavement is made of off-white polished concrete, continuous both inside and outside. All the timber is whitened Accoya wood.The large hanging benches in the bathrooms are made of natural stone. The pool vases are also made of polished concrete in different tones. There is a lounge area by both swimming pools, de ned by its at cobblestone pavement. 


▲玻璃楼梯 staircase with glass steps

        楼梯被设计成了一个雕塑元素。通过半透明的玻璃台阶可以看到大海。这种设计手法还可以让自然光线到达地下室。在晚上,台阶就像地下室的照明灯。 旁边扶手是一面倾斜的矮墙,使用了和建造建筑墙壁相同的做法。

The staircase has been developed as a sculptural element. The sea is visible through its translucent glass steps. This transparency also allows the natural light to reach the basement. At night, the steps light up as a lamp. The banister is a sloping surface that follows the same idea than the architectural walls.


▲室内游泳池 indoor pool


On the basement floor, besides service and parking areas, there are some guest bedrooms, a gym and an indoor pool, with a sauna and a dressing room.


▲室内游泳池 indoor pool

“The indoor and outdoor pools are on different poors but linked by a longitudinal window. Through it, the water of the outdoor pool casts shadows over the indoor pool.”


▲可调节遮光板 the facade with adjustable enclosure

        该建筑一直遵照可持续性标准进行设计,并且已经获得了节能A级证书。建筑铺装下装有一个真空蓄能系统,用来加热室内和游泳池中的水。并通过地热补充能量。建筑呈东西向布局,以满足空气流通和采光充足。东立面受几个大型悬臂梁保护,而西立面则笼罩着一层由马达驱动的可调节的木板装置,在夏季,不同的打开角度会营造出不同的遮阳、通风效果;而在冬季,打开后可以获得充足的采光。大玻璃窗表面覆有隔热和隔音的双层涂层,并具有阳光控制功能。 另外,建筑表面由十厘米高密度挤压的聚苯乙烯环绕,确保绝热。在室外游泳池下设置了一个10万升的地下水箱,储存雨水,而后用于灌溉。

The housing has been designed by sustainable criteria and has obtained the energy certification A. Situated on one of the decks is a system of vacuum tubes that, using accumulators, heat the interior hot water and of the swimming pools. This solution is complemented with a heat pump that is powered by a system of wells of geothermal energy.The house is oriented east-west to ensure the exploitation of the natural currents of air and sunlight. The east façade is protected by overhangs, while the west façade has an enclosure formed by a blade motorized steerable and adjustable, which protect in the summer of sunlight allowing for the passage of the breezes, in winter it is open by capturing the sun. In the large glass surfaces has been provided a double coating with thermal and acoustic insulation with solar control. In addition, the housing presents a wraparound of ten centimeters of extruded polystyrene, high density, which ensures a high thermal insulation. Under the outdoor swimming pool has been prepared an underground tank of 100,000 liters, where the rainwater is channeled subsequently for the use of irrigation. The groundcover vegetation of the garden is watered by exudation。


▲庭院 courtyard


The species used in the landscaping are native to providing a high level of integration in the environment and rational behavior of the species, with a consistent and controlled consumption of water resources. The entire House is administered through a system of home automation management, from the air conditioning, lighting, irrigation, in such a way that the energy consumption of the housing is managed optimally. 


▲与建筑相配合的照明设计 lighting design compatible with the building


All the lights in the house are adjustable LED integrated in the architecture. Outdoors, the lines of lighting draw the same direction than the walls of the house.



▲平面布局图 floor plan

设计师:Ramón Esteve

项目地: Spain

面积: 1285.0 m2

项目完工: 2014

摄影: Mariela Apollonio 

家具生产商: Accoya, INNTEC

参与设计师: Anna Bosca, Estefanía Pérez, Víctor Ruiz, María Martí 

合作: Tudi Soriano, Natalia Fonseca 

技术设计师: Emilio Pérez 

施工: Construcciones Francés 

项目经理: Gonzalo Llin 

产品和视听: Alfonso Calza

Edit by Designwire



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