
设计: | 项目地点:四川 | 类别:腕儿线索 | 2018-01-04 10196 86

    Mirage (蜃景)是这座以古老寺庙得来灵感的旅店设计,因合作方意外的中止而停留在图纸上。然而,人生里的未竟,有时仅是别有缘分。


    随后它在欧洲设计界的意大利 A'国际设计大奖(A' Design Award& Competition)竞赛中,荣获2017年旅店设计金奖的肯定, 成了延续的实境。


Mirage is a hotel design inspired by ancient temples that stays in the drawing due to unexpected stops by partners. However, what you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts. It subsequently won the Gold Award for the highest honor in hotel design in

2017 for the A 'Design Award & Competition in the European design community.



    所有的短暂相遇,都是绵长未了的缘分,于人际间,也于一个远方。 旅游真正的目的是回归。酒店,成了蓄势待发的中继点,承载着前方的目的,停在此时此刻提供一方温暖。


All of the short-lived encounters are long-standing fate. The whole purpose of travel is to return home, and a hotel is an intermediate stopover for travelers to get ready for the next destination. A hotel is where travelers can stop for a moment and feel a bit like home.




    峨嵋山位于四川省,列为联合国世界文化遗产之一,也是中国佛教四大名山之一,以「如螓首蛾眉,细而长,美而艳」得名。 山脉峰峦起伏,郁郁苍苍,气势磅礴,四周庙宇环绕。 要在如此幽静的山群间盖座国际级避世旅店,气度是必须相符的,文化传达与大环境的和谐共容也是不能忘怀的。考虑到地点 以许多古老庙宇为胜,酒店设计的核心便从「寺庙为人们带来的心灵沉淀」为灵感,以宁静的空间氛围呼应大环境,也以精选 的建材与由小见大的山景为视野,引申出开阔的胸怀,迎接前来的四方旅者。


Located in Sichuan Province, Mount Emei is listed as one of the United Nations World Heritage sites and is one of the four Sacred Bud-dhist Mountains of China. Looking at its winding and beautiful figure, you will find that it very much resembles the eyebrow of a girl. The mountain ranges rise and fall; the trees are verdant almost all the year round; the scenery is magnificent and surrounded by temples.


Tremendous harmony must be found in order to build a world-class hotel in such a quiet mountainous region. The design must harmo-nize with the environment and express local culture. Considering that the location is dominated by many ancient temples, the core design element of the hotel is inspired by the idea that temples bring people a sense of spiritual precipitation. A tranquil atmosphere echoes the environment. Using featured building materials, vast mountain view broadens the mind and welcomes travelers from all over the world.




    酒店选址于峨眉山脚,由国际奢华旅馆经营团队Le Meridien进行管理,依山而建,与寺院元素无声地结合于空间设计中,山脚下的第一笔设计便是抵达旅馆大厅前,两侧对开的八片巨大木门。 循序跨进气宇轩昂的前沿木门,心灵由外界的喧嚷逐渐沉缓,视觉以极简的枯山水铺陈,过程像是内化的仪式,来到灯光映照的温馨接待大堂。刻意保留足够后台空间让服务员能在隐藏于墙面门后备妥茶点,善尽迎宾之责。


Located at the gate of Mt. Emei, the hotel is managed by an international luxury hotel management team-Le Meridien. It is built on the mountain and the structure silently blends with elements of the monastery. Guests first arrive at the front of the lobby and are greeted by eight gigantic wooden doors on both sides.


Step through the extraordinary wooden doors and the soul gradually calms, free from all outside noise; visually minimalist mountains and rivers spread in a ceremony of internalization of the warm lights in the reception hall. Ample backstage space has been reserved for staff, hidden behind doors within the walls to prepare refreshments for welcomed guests.


    酒店也属公共空间,在开放与隐蔽功能间必须取得平衡,是大厅设计至为重要的关键。酒店大堂以具有透视感的日本手作空心砖为墙,划分出小空间的局部隐密度,同时也保有整体视觉的通透感。不同木材的搭配与点睛的砖红色带勾勒了所东方本质。 面山的一侧以全幅度的开放做为设计,让随时变化的群山景象在视线里自由流动,融景于心。灯光造型设计概念则来自峨嵋山区的动植物-猴群与中国松。猴群的灵活生动与松木的长青、坚毅意象,象征着酒店的自我期许。


In the lobby of the hotel, Japanese hollowed bricks portray a sense of perspective and are used as a privacy wall within the space while maintaining the overall visual sense of transparency. Varying pieces of wood in combination with brick provide a finishing touch accented by red ribs which outline the essence of the East. The side which faces the mountains features a completely open design, so that changes of the mountain view at any time can freely flow from sight straight into the heart. Forms of lighting fixtures are inspired by animals and plants indigenous to Mt. Emei, such as monkeys and Chinese pine trees. The vivid monkeys and evergreen pine persevere an image symbolic of the hotel's lofty expectations.




The hotel is designed with a modern approach of overall ease and comfort, giving this leisurely vacation space a spiritual and artistic depth. Achieving a harmonious balance with nature is at the core of this design.









Experience is the final effort and purpose of architecture and design, and although this design only stays on the drawing sheet, winning this award offers great encouragement for JUST DESIGN team.


After news that cooperation had been suspended, we chose to participate in the A' International Design Competition in Italy instead. After waiting for a while, we were extremely surprised to receive word that we had won the Gold Award with highest honor.



    翻越一次设计挑战的山丘,是我们展现工作热情的成绩单。 迦思设计,期许以多元视角,与您共同探索生活之美与乐趣。


We have scaled the slopes of this design challenge and have shown our enthusiasm for our work. Just Design looks forward to explore the multi-faceted beauty of life’s interests together.

Edited by Designwire



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