
设计: | 项目地点: | 类别:腕儿线索 | 2021-04-30 8178 71

Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) in collaboration with China Northeast Architectural Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd, Shenzhen, (CNADRI) have won a design competition organised by Shenzhen Airport Co. Ltd for Terminal 4 Bao’an International Airport in Shenzhen, China. The scheme will deliver a new 400,000 sq m terminal building with 60 new stands and connections to the mid-field satellite. Working with AECOM and Railway 2, the terminal will provide connections to existing and new transport infrastructure. The building aims to meet the demand of 31 million pax per annum (incl. 24 million international and 7 million domestic). 

Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners(RSHP)与中国建筑东北设计研究院深圳分院(CNADRI)合作,赢得深圳机场有限公司主办的中国深圳宝安国际机场4号航站楼设计竞赛。设计方案将提供一座40万平方米的航站楼,配备60个新机位,并与中场卫星厅相连接。事务所与 AECOM 和中铁二院联合设计的新航站楼,将衔接现有和新建运输基建,满足年旅客吞吐量3100 万人次(其中包括 2400 万国际旅客和 700 万国内旅客)。


Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport Terminal 4, photo by ATCHAIN


Andrew Tyley, Partner, RSHP says “The design concept has at its heart a 10,000 sq m central garden space, the size of 40 tennis courts. The garden acts as the front door to Shenzhen connecting and integrating ground and air travel.”

RSHP合伙人Andrew Tyley:”设计理念的核心是一座1万平方米的中央花园,面积有40个网球场大,作为深圳连接整合陆运和空运业务的大门。” 


The terminal will be at the centre of a new ‘airport city’ and will be a landmark portal through which thousands of people pass every day. The design provides Shenzhen with a state-of-the-art terminal with a particular focus on passenger experience, wellbeing, and sustainability. Reflecting this forward-facing dynamic city and region, it will become part of the lexicon of next generation airports.



The entire frontage to the terminal is considered a city scape rather than a traditional front door to the terminal. Stemming from the interior central garden is a network of landscaped pathways leading to the airside and landside as well as transportation connections within the terminal. The traditional relationship of the forecourt to the terminal has been transformed into a new city orientated environment. The design prioritises these movements and connections into streets and avenues where buses and trains provide service to a kerb street.


Simon Smithson, Partner, RSHP says “I am always impressed by how architecturally engaged our clients in China are with the whole design process. I like to think that our success is because we are great listeners and that our projects not only provide our clients with what they need but do so in surprising and exciting ways.”

RSHP合伙人Simon Smithson:"我们向来很佩服中国业主在设计全程对于建筑方面的投入。我想方案中标是因为我们用心聆听需求,我们的项目不仅满足业主的需求,还是通过惊喜和精彩的方式做到这一点。

Bingwen Ren, Principal, CNADRI says “It has been an honour to work with such a strong team, successfully sharing design ideas and decisions, resulting in the most satisfying teamwork experience with overseas practices. We would very much like to thank RSHP for all their trust and support. T4’s design, with so many original innovative ideas, will definitely be a new benchmark for all future terminals.”


The building aims to meet a number of key sustainable design objectives. The building’s compact form – providing an optimal surface area to volume ratio - maximises the use of natural light whilst controlling solar gain. The project includes extensive vegetation, displacement ventilation, low water consumption including rainwater harvesting and a significant proportion of off-site prefabrication. These strategies as well as an efficient plan, equipment layout and the promotion of integrated public transport connections will all serve to minimize the building’s energy consumption in use.


Ben Warner, Managing Director, RSHP Asia says “Winning the T4 competition with CNADRI, AECOM and Railway 2 is an important and substantial milestone in our work in China. Coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the founding of RSHP in Shanghai, it is a testament to the successful and collaborative teamwork we enjoy with our partners here.”

“Our design for the new terminal supports Shenzhen’s goal for being a centre for new technologies as well as its aspirations to be the world’s greenest city.”

Terminal 4 will be an environment that celebrates human nature and human interaction both for arrivals and departures whilst maintaining a safe post-pandemic environment for all.

RSHP亚洲区董事总经理Ben Warner:"与东北院、AECOM、中铁二院联合赢得宝安T4竞赛,象征我们在中国工作的重大里程碑。恰逢RSHP上海公司成立10周年,证明了我们与本地设计团队合作无间。



Ivan Harbour, Senior Partner, RSHP says “We have worked in China for three decades and are delighted to have won this prestigious competition to design a new terminal at Bao’an Airport. This is an airport that celebrates the hellos and goodbyes in a natural environment at its heart. These are the emotional moments that, despite the ever-increasing speed of our daily lives, remain important to us as individuals. It is a building where passengers’ wellbeing and pleasure are at the heart of the design.

RSHP高级合伙人Ivan Harbour:"我们在中国工作了30年,很高兴赢得宝安机场新航站楼如此高知名度的设计竞赛。这一座机场利用中央绿化空间,赞美接送机的悲欢离合。尽管日常生活的步调愈来愈快,身为人类的我们仍需要这些感性的时刻。而这一座建筑的核心价值正是旅客的幸福快乐。

About Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP): Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners is an international architectural practice with offices in London, Paris, Shanghai and Sydney.

Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP):RSHP是一家国际型建筑事务所,在伦敦、巴黎、上海、悉尼都有办公室。

RSHP has attracted critical acclaim and awards with built projects across Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia. The practice is experienced in designing a wide range of building types including office, residential, transport, education, culture, leisure, retail, civic and healthcare. The quality of its designs has been recognised with some of architecture’s highest awards, including two RIBA Stirling Prizes, one in 2006 for Terminal 4, Madrid Barajas Airport and the other in 2009 for Maggie’s West London Centre.

RSHP的项目足迹遍及欧洲、美洲、亚洲、澳大利亚,备受赞誉,屡获奖项。事务所拥有丰富的建筑设计经验,涵盖办公、住宅、交通、教育、文化、休闲、商业、公共、医疗建筑等各种类型的建筑,获得许多建筑奖项,其中包括2006和2009年英国皇家建筑师协会(RIBA)斯特灵建筑奖(Stirling Prize)得奖建筑马德里巴拉哈斯机场4号航站楼和铭琪西伦敦中心,设计质量备受肯定。





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