
设计: | 项目地点: | 类别:腕儿线索 | 2023-05-18 5304 80

International architecture firm, SB Architects, part of Egis Group, known for creating spaces that capture the history, culture, and context of each location, is thrilled to celebrate the opening of the new Omni PGA Frisco Resort, a mixed-use development in Frisco, Texas, which opened on May 2.

Egis 集团旗下因创建反映所在地历史、文化与背景的空间而屡获殊荣的国际设计公司 SBArchitects 建筑设计事务所(SBA),热烈庆贺坐落于美国德克萨斯州弗里斯克(Frisco)的全新综合性开发项目弗里斯克Omni PGA高尔夫会议及水疗度假村于5月2日盛大开业。


Nestled alongside the PGA of America Headquarters, Omni PGA Frisco Resort is comprised of 500 luxurious guest rooms and suites, 10 exclusive four-bedroom ranch houses for hosting events and parties, 13 restaurant and bar concepts, nearly 130,000 square feet of indoor-outdoor meeting space, four pools, a leading-edge golf training center, a destination Mokara Spa, and more. Inspired by Texas modernism, SB Architects’ design for the development created an exciting golf and resort experience for advanced players and those new to the game, and everyone in between, through the introduction of “boutique experiences” located throughout the 50-acre resort development.


“The opening of the Omni PGA Frisco Resort represents an important milestone, not only in my career but for all of SB Architects given the size, scale, and innovative vision of this impressive project,” said SB Architects’ Senior Vice President and Principal, Bruce Wright. “It’s rare to get an opportunity to work with so many talented partners to create a true multifaceted project that will have such a profound impact on the future of golf as well as the City of Frisco, Texas. I’m so proud of the collaborative effort to transform this site not only into a world-class golf resort but a destination for excitement and gathering that will be enjoyed by so many for years to come.”

“弗里斯克Omni PGA高尔夫会议及水疗度假村的开业,在我个人和SBA所有同仁的职业生涯中,都是一个重要的里程碑。这个项目的规模、所涉及的范畴和创新的远见,都令人印象深刻,”SBA高级副总裁兼首席设计师Bruce Wright说道。“能够和那么多才华横溢的伙伴一起工作,创造一个真正包罗万象、对高尔夫的未来和弗里斯克这座城市影响力巨大的项目,是非常难得的机会。那么多人齐心协力,不仅将这个项目打造成全球首屈一指的高尔夫度假村,更创造了一个重要的目的地,在今后许多年里让人们体验运动的激情和相聚的欢乐,这令我倍感自豪。”


Throughout the pedestrian-focused property, the architectural design is warm, approachable, and contemporary to reflect the future-thinking approach of the development. Distinctive massing, courtyards, and layered natural materials were utilized to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The use of stone, large overhangs, wood detailing, and ironwork all work together to create a modern contemporary feel. With golf at the heart of the resort, the guest rooms are positioned to prioritize views of the two championship courses: Fields Ranch East and Fields Ranch West.

这个项目非常注重打造供行人使用的场地,建筑设计感觉温馨、亲切、现代,反映出一种前瞻性的思维模式。庞大的建筑体量、一座座庭院空间和层层叠叠的天然材料等元素的应用,营造出一种温馨而迷人的氛围。石材、悬臂结构、木质细部装饰、铁艺元素等的运用,烘托出一种现代摩登之感。作为一个拥有高尔夫主题的综合运动度假村,这里的客房充分利用了东西两座锦标赛球场——Fields Ranch East和Fields Ranch West的景观。

The design challenge for Omni PGA Frisco Resort was to develop a destination resort of a residential scale and balance to accommodate 500 rooms and the significant group meeting space that is a signature of Omni Hotels & Resorts. SB Architects approached the challenge by creating smaller districts within the resort, weaving in pauses for reflection along the way to break up the scale of the project and keep people engaged with the architecture. The pedestrian-friendly environment is centered around the sport of golf but thoughtfully programmed as the Texas version of a boardwalk, with activities and events along the retail corridor that are designed to be equally engaging to non-golfers.



Created in collaboration with design partners; Robert Glazier; Interior Designer, Jeffrey Beers International; and General Contractor, Brasfield & Gorrie; the resort is slated to become a leading destination for golf, providing an unparalleled experience for all visitors. In addition to the luxurious guest rooms, the property offers private ranch homes with dramatic views of two 18-hole championship golf courses designed by legendary designers, Beau Welling and Gil Hanse. Additionally, the resort features a lighted 10-hole short course and two-acre putting green, a Lounge by Topgolf, PGA Coaching Center, and a practice facility anchored by a clubhouse and entertainment district. The result is a development that provides a full deck of offerings, providing multiple layers of different experiences — ones that can last for an evening out or for a 10-day stay.

SBA与建筑设计合作伙伴Robert Glazier、负责室内设计的Jeffrey Beers International以及施工总承包商Brasfield & Gorrie一起精诚合作,打造了一个定将成为高尔夫领域和综合体育社区佼佼者的项目,为所有访客提供无与伦比的体验。除了豪华客房之外,这个项目还有多个私人牧场风格住宅,可以欣赏传奇设计师Beau Welling和Gil Hanse设计的两个景色赏心悦目的18洞锦标赛高尔夫球场。此外,该度假村还有一个配照明设施的10洞短球场,以及两英亩的推杆果岭、一个Lounge by Topgolf贵宾室、PGA辅导中心和一个包含会所和娱乐区的练习场地。出色的设计令这个项目得以提供齐全完备的设施和服务,带来丰富多样的体验。不论客人只在这里度过一个傍晚,还是逗留长达10天,都能享受到精彩而充实的时光。


“We set out to create an environment and destination that not only caters to the world-class golf aficionados, but also to the general public to whom golf might not be the draw,” said Regan Holton, Vice President of SB Architects’ Dallas office. “The Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) region is thriving with innovation and optimism, this portfolio-defining project galvanized SB Architects to launch our Dallas office. With a marquee set of clients in Texas, we’re excited to continue to pursue local opportunities.”

“从一开始,我们就明确了我们创造的环境不仅要服务于出类拔萃的高尔夫球手,更要满足现在还不一定对高尔夫有兴趣的大众需求,”SBA达拉斯办公室副总裁Regan Holton说道。“达拉斯和沃斯堡大都会区(DFW)洋溢着创意的激情和积极乐观的氛围,整体呈现欣欣向荣的态势,而这个标志性的项目就如同催化剂,直接促使我们在达拉斯设立了办公室。我们在德州拥有众多优质客户。能够继续在这个地区发掘业务机会,令我们感到非常振奋。”

After PGA of America’s 56 years in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, the move to Frisco, Texas signals an exciting change. Named the “2018 Best Place to Live in America,” Frisco will be transformed with this development, bringing new vitality and economic growth to the local community. The inspiring architecture of the Omni PGA Frisco Resort complements the vision for this bold, state-of-the-art development, set to bring in a new chapter for the future of golf in America.

此前,美国职业高尔夫球协会(PGA)的总部设在弗罗里达州的棕榈滩花园长达56年之久。此次搬迁到德州弗里斯克,将引发一连串激动人心的变化。被提名为“2018年美国最宜居城市”的弗里斯克,将因为这个项目而焕然一新,当地的经济和社区都会因此注入新的发展活力。弗里斯克Omni PGA高尔夫会议及水疗度假村启发灵感的建筑,与这一富有创造性的先进开发项目的远大构思相得益彰,将为美国高尔夫的未来书写新的篇章。



About SB Architects

Having recently celebrated its 60th anniversary, SB Architects, part of Egis Group, has established an international reputation for design solutions shaped by the subtleties of the site. The firm has extended its leadership in hospitality, residential and mixed-use in thirty countries and across four continents, with a collaborative culture and dynamic team of passionate individuals driving the firm’s legacy and ongoing evolution. Since its beginnings in custom residential in 1960, SB Architects has prioritized staying true to the site and creating a strong sense of place that resonates with visitors, guests and residents on an emotional level. As it continues strategic expansion and its portfolio reflects even greater geographic diversity, the firm will leverage its entrepreneurial spirit and architectural craft to thoughtfully connect people to each other and to iconic experiences of a signature place.


SB Architects’ site-specific, hyper-localized design has resulted in legacy projects such as Calistoga Ranch, an Auberge Resort that immerses guests in the natural rhythms and solace of nature; Santana Row, a mixed-use project that fosters discovery and a meaningful sense of community in San Jose; and Fisher Island, an exclusive island resort community that was honored with an AIA Miami Test of Time Award and has enlisted SB Architects as its primary designer for over 39 years. For more information about SB Architects and the world-wide reputation for excellence it has built in the planning and design of projects across the globe, visit



关于SBArchitects (SBA) 建筑设计事务所

前不久,Egis 集团旗下的 SBArchitects (SBA) 建筑设计事务所迎来创办60周年庆。SBA擅于创造因地制宜的设计解决方案,并因此在国际上赢得广泛声誉,业务遍及四个大洲的三十个国家,在酒店、住宅和综合用途项目设计领域独树一帜。协作共进的文化和热情活力的团队推动SBA不断创造历史,持续创新发展。自1960年投身于定制住宅设计事业开始,SBA一直以创造突显建筑所在地个性特色的空间为要务,以此让建筑从情感层面与人共鸣。随着公司战略化扩张,SBA经手的项目从地理特色角度而言更为多元。公司上下发挥创业精神,运用丰富的专业经验与技术,精心创造让人连接彼此的建筑空间,收获彰显地域特色的标志性体验。


SBA运用因地制宜、高度本地化的设计方法,创造了一系列遍布全球的传世杰作,比、如西半球首家位于波多黎各多拉多海滩的丽思卡尔顿隐世精品度假酒店;美国知名酒店品牌Auberge度假村旗下让宾客沉浸于大自然节奏与怀抱之中的幽谷农场 (Calistoga Ranch),圣何塞激发探索之心并营造温馨社区之感的综合用途项目桑塔纳购物街 (Santana Row),以及夺得AIA美国建筑师协会迈阿密“Test of Time (时间历练)”大奖的私人岛屿度假村Fisher Island。后者开发商更在长达39年的时间里,一直将SBA列为主要的建筑设计合作伙伴。




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