X-ZOO成立于2022年,由设计师赵梦笛(Margie Zhao)和魏心儒(Xinru Wei)创立,是一个以建筑学为根基的艺术家具设计工作室。X-ZOO相信创作是自由生长的,作品的诞生先于其定义。设计团队致力于打破设计学科的传统分类和理解,尝试融合并寻求差异中的平衡感。不局限或定义作品创作及呈现的规则,作品从诞生到被使用始终是自由且生动的。X-ZOO设计Ta的生命形态,你来赋予Ta多面可能和独一无二的情感故事。
X-ZOO was founded in 2022 by Margie Zhao and Xinru Wei, and it is a design studio established to produce cross-disciplinary work that integrates architecture, experimental design with emotional sensibility. Their design philosophy is to provide work with “freedom of growth”. Pieces “happen” before its function is defined, allowing users to complete the design through the process of interaction. Through boundless imagination, they endow objects with life and characteristic, bringing excitement and vitality into daily living in addition to contemporary functionality.
X-ZOO深圳办公室 © X-ZOO
X-ZOO Shenzhen office © X-ZOO
The 36.5°C SERIES
Inspired by the body temperature of thermostatic animals, 36.5°C brings you into their embrace. It awaits to bring warmth into your life. Like the soft ground of morning spring or a puppy cuddle through the deepest winter nights. 36.5°C is here with you to rediscover the joy of being with friends and family.
36.5℃系列作品 © X-ZOO
The 36.5°C series © X-ZOO
This sculptural piece of art blends uplifting collectible with everyday function. It transforms your ordinary into extraordinary moments of life.
36.5℃系列作品 © X-ZOO
The 36.5°C series © X-ZOO
The 36.5°C系列-中号椅子
2023 NEW
The 36.5°C SERIES – Medium
Second chapter of 36.5 begins with healing colors and embracing form. It uplifts the space to one filled with affection and comfort. Newly launched Medium model is prepared to be flipped and used on either side dealing with different scenario. Its soft and furry touch comes to life like a cube sugar at home, resting, looking forward to sharing a sweet moment with you.
椅子以浪漫低饱和色系为主,轻巧可爱 © X-ZOO
With a romantic low saturation color scheme, the chair is light and cute © X-ZOO
椅子犹如一颗颗覆着糖霜的方形软糖,让家弥漫着纯真甜蜜的味道 © X-ZOO
The chair looks like a cube sugar, making the home filled with sweet atmosphere © X-ZOO
The 36.5°C系列-凳子
The 36.5°C SERIES – Small
This otherworldly wave-like form is designed just right to be cuddled and played with in all directions. Its hand-stitched fleecy fur, comes in vibrant desert hues, each infused with individual characteristics. These are objects to be cherished, like your pet, your companion that is sharing every moment with you.
将凳子翻转即可变作带有靠背的迷你椅子,兼具舒适感与互动性 © X-ZOO
The wave-like form is designed just right to be cuddled and played with in all directions © X-ZOO
The 36.5°C系列-大号椅子
The 36.5°C SERIES – Large
Designed with brilliant rule-breaking concept, 36.5°C collection re-imagines the definition of a chair. The loop-like form twists and turns into a structure that allows comfort and functionality in every position. Dressed with vibrant dessert hue and supported with cantilevering mechanism, the chair is here for you to interact and play with, like a companion. Feel free to treat it like a friend and enjoy the warmth and temperature it brings to your life.
6种治愈色彩和悬挑结构呈现趣味十足的特性 © X-ZOO
Six healing colors and cantilevered structures present interesting features © X-ZOO
36.5°C is a collection created with inventive design, combining qualities of durability, comfort and creativity. Applying advanced one-step metal forging technology, the sculpture-like cantilever structure pushes traditional material to its limits creating hug-like comfort.
使用者可根据自己的心情喜好将其颠倒随意摆放 © X-ZOO
The loop-like form twists and turns into a structure that allows comfort and functionality in every position © X-ZOO
X-ZOO作品曾展览于ART 021、无事发生画廊(Gallery – Nothing Happened)、我们空间(WeSpace Gallery)、颂艺术中心(Soul Art)、Light house 91、郎园Station、海上世界文化艺术中心等展会现场、专业画廊及艺术中心。作品不仅在互联网上具有一定的热度,也受广大藏家及用户喜爱,其中不乏知名收藏家、知名演员及各界精英等成为了X-ZOO的客户。
X-ZOO’s works have been presented at ART 021, Gallery-Nothing Happened, WeSpace Gallery, Soul Art, Light house 91, Langyuan Station, Sea World Culture and Arts Center and other exhibition sites, professional galleries or art centers. The works are not only popular on the Internet, but many famous collectors, actors and elites from different fields have become customers of X-ZOO.
Images from the internet
2023年,X-ZOO也将携36.5℃系列作品,重磅亮相国际性的创意设计展,包括纽约Wanted Design展览(5月21-23日)和「设计上海」(6月8-11日),期待这一温暖萌趣的艺术美学产物,带给人们不一样的身体体验和情感触点。
In 2023, X-ZOO will bring 36.5℃ Series and other works to international creative design exhibitions, including the WantedDesign Manhattan in New York (May 21-23) and Design Shanghai (June 8-11), looking forward to these warm artistic and aesthetic works could bring people a different touch experience and emotional journey.
纽约Wanted Design展览现场 © X-ZOO
Exhibition site of Wanted Design in New York © X-ZOO
Name: The 36.5°C SERIES
Design team: X-ZOO
Chief designers: Margie Zhao, Xinru Wei
Instagram: xzoodesign
E-mail: xzoo.us@hotmail.com
Copyright: X-ZOO (unless otherwise specified)
LEED AP BD+C 建筑师、设计师
纽约哥伦比亚大学 – 建筑学硕士
巴西圣保罗大学 – 家具设计进修
师从Benard Tschumi、Dan Wood等建筑名师,对设计哲学、美学和空间逻辑具有独特理解;希望利用在建筑表达上的特长,打破设计的边界,呈现出更具通感的空间实验。
Co-Founder of X-ZOO
LEED AP BD+C Architect, Designer
Columbia University – Master of Science in Architecture
The University of Sao Paulo – Certificate in Furniture Design
Studying under the mentorship of Bernard Tschumi, Dan wood and other influential architects. Margie developed unique understanding of design philosophy, aesthetics and spatial system. Her work breaks the boundaries of traditional academic fields and seeks for experimental design and expression.
美国南加州大学 – 建筑学学士
巴西圣保罗大学 – 家具设计进修
Co-Founder of X-ZOO
Architect, Designer
University of Southern California – Bachelor of Architecture
The University of Sao Paulo – Certificate in Furniture Design
Xinru’s design focuses on the research and application of material and structure. Integrating cross-disciplinary concepts into her work. As oppose to pure functionality, she pays more attention to the emotional and sensory impact created by the object or space.
Margie and Xinru’s works are inspired by their own experiences and deep understanding of culture and aesthetics in Eastern and Western life, that is, the consistency of the pursuit of “vitality” in the Eastern and Western world, and the search for harmony in the existing opposition. The creation is good at expressing the artistic form from architecture, so the works have stronger logic hidden under the emotional expression. Creative thinking is full of imagination, not limited by the laws of the objective world and often from beyond the perspective of the work itself to continue the inspiration.