The Standard国际集团着眼中国发展机遇,中国位列泰国酒店前五大客源市场

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The Standard国际集团宣布未来五年将新增14家新的Standard品牌酒店。继于伦敦、马尔代夫、伊比沙岛以及泰国的曼谷和华欣开设一系列屡获殊荣的Standard品牌酒店之后,该集团持续在世界各地成功吸引到开发机遇。

Standard International announces fourteen new Standard properties opening over the next 5 years. As a result of the award-winning debuts of Standard hotels in London, the Maldives, Ibiza, Bangkok, and Hua Hin (Thailand), the company continues to attract development opportunities around the world.

Lido-Bar - The Standard Hua Hin.jpg

Lido-Bar - The Standard Hua Hin

随着中国市场出境游的持续升温,新一代旅行者们追求标新立异、突破常规的住宿体验。Standard品牌亦以其卓越先锋设计和不遗余力突破标准的精神吸引了大批品位非凡的中国宾客。The Standard酒店品牌位于曼谷的亚洲旗舰店The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon酒店亮相以来,吸引了众多明星、意见领袖打卡。目前,中国更是位列泰国酒店前五大客源市场,并随着出境游的便捷措施出台,有着进一步增长的趋势。中国市场独有的文化、时尚与活力以及其巨大的潜力对于The Standard国际集团亦十分有吸引力。

As outbound travel continues to rise in China market, savvy Chinese travelers are seeking for different and creative accommodation experiences. The Standard brand is appealing to Chinese travelers with its pioneering design, taste-making clientele, and unrelenting un-standard-ness. The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon has attracted many celebrities and opinion leaders from China since its debut. Currently, China is among the top five source markets for properties in Thailand and is expected to grow further with the destination has become more accessible. At the same time, the unique culture, fashion and dynamism of the Chinese market and its huge potential are also very attractive to the group.

SKY BEACH -  The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon.jpg

SKY BEACH -  The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon

今年下半年和2024年年初,The Standard将分别在墨尔本和新加坡开设新酒店,之后还将有更多酒店陆续亮相里斯本(酒店及公寓住宅)、奥斯汀、墨西哥(度假酒店及公寓住宅)、布鲁克林(布什威克)、温哥华、都柏林、维也纳、布鲁塞尔、考艾、那什维尔和芭提雅等地。首个The Standard品牌独立住宅项目已经在迈阿密中城成功开盘,70%的住宅单元已经签约预售。之后,屡获殊荣的The Standard, Hua Hin度假酒店也将推出住宅部分,那将是The Standard品牌在亚洲的第一个品牌住宅项目。The Standard的姐妹品牌Bunkhouse Hotels也持续繁荣发展,前不久新开了位于路易斯维尔(东部市场区)的Hotel Genevieve,以及位于墨西哥城的San Fernando,另在查特怒加、沃思堡、休斯顿(2个)和墨西哥(2个-Todos Santos和Queretaro)有正在开发的项目。The Standard国际集团最新发布的品牌Peri Hotels已经拥有两家新酒店,分别位于曼谷的素坤逸和河滨区域。

The Standard will open in Melbourne later this year and in Singapore in early 2024, followed by new openings in Lisbon (hotel and residences), Austin, Mexico (resort and residences), Brooklyn (Bushwick), Vancouver, Dublin, Vienna, Brussels, Khao Yai, Nashville and Pattaya. The first Standard branded stand-alone residential project in Midtown Miami has launched successfully with over 70% of the units under contract, and with the upcoming addition of residences to the award-winning Standard, Hua Hin, The Standard will launch its first branded residences in Asia. The company’s sister hotel brand Bunkhouse also continues to thrive with the recent openings of Hotel Genevieve in Louisville (NULU) and the opening of San Fernando in Mexico City, along with projects under development in Chattanooga, Fort Worth, as well as two projects in Houston and two additional hotels in Mexico (Todos Santos and Queretaro). Peri Hotels, Standard International’s latest brand, has two new properties, Bangkok Sukhumvit and Bangkok Riverside, joining the portfolio.

“我们是最后一批独立生活方式酒店品牌之一,”The Standard国际集团首席执行官Amber Asher说到。“我们大多数的竞争对手都已经被收购,或者合并到大型酒店公司旗下。此外我们发现,世界各地的许多开发商和资方都更倾向于同我们这样一家保留了创业精神、蓬勃创意、灵活机制和文化相关性的企业合作。我们的业主和合作开发商对和我们一起开发的项目感到由衷的自豪,由此为我们在世界各地带来更多的项目。”

“We are in a unique position as one of the last independent lifestyle brands,” said Amber Asher, CEO of Standard International. “Most of our competitors have been acquired, or have merged into large hotel companies, and we find that many developers and capital partners around the world prefer working with us, as a company that remains entrepreneurial, creative, nimble, and culturally connected. Our owner and developer partners are incredibly proud of the projects we are developing with them which leads to more projects in our global pipeline.”

The Standard国际集团执行总裁Amar Lalvani进一步补充到:”中国市场对于Standard品牌而言意义非凡。作为全世界增长速度最快、最多元化的市场之一,中国旅行者追求标新立异的独特住宿体验,这与The Standard所秉持的“anything but standard”(不囿于标准)的理念是高度一致的。即使是在众多豪华酒店品牌林立的中国市场,每一家The Standard 酒店都不会找到另一家酒店能与之雷同。我们十分期待能够与志同道合的业务伙伴合作,为中国旅行者们带来独树一帜的The Standard体验。”

Amar Lalvani, Executive Chairman of Standard International further added, "China market is very important for The Standard. As one of the fastest growing and most diverse markets in the world, Chinese travelers are looking for unique and innovative experiences, which is in line with The Standard's philosophy of "anything but standard. Even in a market with so many luxury hotel brands, there is no other hotel like The Standard. We are looking forward to working with like-minded business partners to bring the unique The Standard experience to Chinese travelers, making it more accessible to Chinese travelers. 

Suite Spot - The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon


在新冠疫情肆虐的艰难岁月中,许多独立酒店品牌都挣扎在生存线上,寻求被财力雄厚的企业收购的机会。在这几年中,The Standard的团队反而更努力地发掘增长机遇,强化内部人才团队,包括吸纳才华横溢的创意、营销、公关、开发和运营人才,与世界知名内饰设计师、艺术家、新一代时尚新星、技艺高深的创新大厨等外部合作方建立更为深厚的关系,同时优化运营方式,在宾客体验和财务业绩上双双交出亮眼的成绩单。

During the toughest years of the Covid pandemic that left many independent hotel brands struggling to survive, and seeking companies with larger balance sheets to acquire them, the Standard team doubled down on its growth opportunities, deepened its bench of in-house talent (best in class creative, marketing, public relations, development and operations teams) and external collaborators (from world renowned interior designers and artists, to the next generation of fashion stars, to the most skilled and innovative chefs), and refined its operational approach to deliver both experiential and financial results.


The Standard以新潮的设计、创新的文化项目、细致又轻松的服务和卓越的内部餐饮概念与管理经验而闻名。其团队与业主及合作开发商密切配合,打造贴合次级市场和建筑特色的酒店项目,与大规模品牌试图强迫业主或开发商遵守所谓的“品牌标准”的做法大为不同。The Standard国际集团运用量身定制的方法,在世界各地创建了一系列标志性的项目,令新兴社区改头换面,成为当地的文化中心,同时为合作伙伴输送可观的回报。

Known for its progressive design, innovative cultural programming, detailed but casual service, and in-house F&B concepting and management, the Standard team works closely with its owner and developer partners to create projects that fit the submarkets and buildings themselves, a very different approach to the large brands who typically try to force the owner or developer to fit their projects into the “brand standards”. Standard International’s bespoke approach has resulted in the creation of iconic projects around the world that have transformed emerging neighborhoods into cultural epicenters while delivering strong returns for its partners.

THE POOL - The Standard, Bangkok Mahanakhon


虽然The Standard因为以创意与文化为核心而闻名,但该品牌同时也在酒店的财务与运营绩效上表现优异,同样令人刮目相看。

Though The Standard is renowned for creativity and culture at its core, the brand also has a track record for excelling in the financial and operational performance of its properties.

作为一个独立酒店品牌运营商,The Standard国际集团在这些年取得的骄人成就,远远领先甚至超越众人的期待,为业主和开发商带去了巨大的价值。这主要归功于:


· 超过50个餐饮与夜生活概念,全部内部管理

· 三大品牌:The Standard、Bunkhouse Hotels和Peri Hotels

· 直接预订率高达60%+(节省15%-20%的第三方预订佣金)

· 2022年网站用户超过300万,Standardhotels.com贡献45%的预订率

· 电子邮件数据库累积了大约100万条客户信息

· 回头客比例高达30%(相较于疫情前的25%逆势增长),体现出牢固的客户品牌忠诚度,减少了获客成本

· 业务版图遍布全球,在纽约、伦敦、曼谷和奥斯汀设立了办公室,支持业务发展。


Standard International punches well above its weight as an independent brand and delivers extensive value for owners and developers due to:

· Over 50 food, beverage, and nightlife concepts, all managed in-house

· Three brands: The Standard, Bunkhouse Hotels, and Peri

· Direct booking rate of 60%+ (saving 15-20% in third party booking commissions)

· Website users crossed 3M users in 2022, with contributing 45% booking rate

· Email database of approximately 1 million

· Repeat guest ratio of 30% (vs 25% Pre-Pandemic) which demonstrates brand loyalty and reduces cost of customer acquisition

· Global footprint with offices to support growth in NYC, London, Bangkok, and Austin.






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