首发 . 谷 腾|1808 “对错” 研究室 【环球设计3318期】

设计: | 项目地点: | 类别:腕儿线索 | 2023-09-15 6173 98

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Right or wrong is a judgment as to whether an action opinion,judgment,or statement conforms to moral,logical,rule,legal,etc. Yes means conforming,correct,or  reasonable, while wrong means nonconforming,wrong,or unreasonable.
Right and wrong,however,are not always absolute and    unchangeable.   Because different norms  and standards may vary across cultures,societies,and time periods.   Therefore, for certain situations and problems,different times may have different  judgments of right and wrong. For some complex ethical and philosophical issues,there are still disputes and diverse views. 

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Design GU | nooof 1808

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Video | 生而伟大 |

Jean Nouvel 让.努维尔 / 建筑师"法国"
ll presidente di fiera Milano / Maria / 意大利米兰展主席
Super potato 新谷典彦 /  设计师"日本超级土豆"


There are different interpretations of different philosophical views and ethical theories. Judgments of right and wrong are often made within the framework of moral  and  ethical norms,epistemology and notions oftruth. Such judgments are often complex and controversial, involvingdiscussions and debates on ethics ,l ogic, values, and social context, as well as paradoxes.

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拍摄花絮 | nooof

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DrinkDàn®的含义是指我们的固体饮料容量环的功能设计,一个容量环就是一饮诞®,我们简称"一Dàn"  。

每一Dàn都可以是不同的口味,可以选择口味,选择一饮诞®容量环与专属的NOOOF®水杯组合揭开饮诞®容量环上下的易揭膜后,加入适量的冷水或热水即可享用一杯专属的饮品,因此我们称产品为“DrinkDàn®饮诞®"  。

DrinkDan ®    is the first and patented innovative lmagine Cup withadjustable capacity and exclusive flavor capsules.
The meaning of DrinkDan®  refers to the functional design of our solidbeverage volume ring, a volume ring is a DrinkDan®,which we refer to as"one Dàn".

Each Dan can be a different flavor, you can choose the flavor, choosea DrinkDan® capacity ring and the exclusive NOOOF ® cup combination,open the easy film above and below the DrinkDàn® capacity ring, addthe right amount of cold or hot water to enjoy a cup of exclusive drink, sowe call the product"DrinkDàn ®".

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Perceived experience
               Physical entity
                                     Awareness and engagement
                        Timeliness and reproducibility

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IP 企划 | 产品研发

Most people believe what they see; More doubt and fear about the unknown future; But universal greatness is born out of theunknown; ta is not some kind of revival; lt reconstructs thestarting point of a new chapter of consciousness.

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大多数人都是相信看过的事物;对于未知的更多是怀疑和恐惧;但普遍的“伟大”都是在未知及反常识中诞生的; ta不是某种复兴;而是重构了新的意识篇章的起点。

禁示项目 | 私人住宅

项目面积 |     -   m²

设计周期 |       2017

总设计师 | Gu  谷腾

竣工时间 |       2021

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项目地点 | 中国香港

空间拍摄 |         9%
执行设计 | 佰灵  ma

              | 杨    晓迪

Design Gu | MULI  木里木外

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禁示项目 | 行政会所

项目面积 |     -   m²

设计周期 |       2020

总设计师 | Gu  谷腾

竣工时间 |       2022

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项目地点 | 中国深圳

空间拍摄 |          5%
执行设计 | 麦    琼喻

禁示项目 | 集团展馆

项目面积 |     -   m²

设计周期 |       2018

总设计师 | Gu  谷腾

竣工时间 |       2020

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项目地点 | 中国广州

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项目名称 |     -   

项目面积 |     -   m²

设计周期 |       2020

总设计师 | Gu  谷腾

竣工时间 |  ?  2022

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项目地点 |        -    

空间拍摄 |     2%






Creativity, the possibility is infinite, and design is the way to achieve the possibility. When consciousness and creativity are intertwined, there are more powerful  possibiities.

However, creativity needs to be nourished by possibility,
Design is a tool to realize possibilities and a reality to build dreams.
Through design, we can turn the illusory into reality and the abstract into the concrete. Design is not only the external form, but also the internal direction and point of view. lt gives us a deeper understanding of what'sinside us.

In this world of possibilities, creativity, possibility, design and consciousness must have a sense of the unknown.

In a sense there is no right or wrong, the most interesting part of the soul is the intuitive part.

Design Gu | ing 2025-

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项目名称 | nooof 对错研究室
项目地址 | 中国   广州  . IGC
三谷设计 | 众象控股
创始人 . 总设计师 | 谷 腾

项目经理 | 司徒国胜
项目工程 | 参胜建设

深化设计 | 李健强
               Parrot 鹦鹉

执行设计 | Hal 子豪

执行设计 | 晴      子

执行设计 | 谷      跃

影片导演 | 熊      超

创意总监 | 谷      腾

摄影指导 | 郭永宏

总灯光师 | 陈永禄

美术道具 | 阿甘;关永鹏

影片CG  | Pafassion Lab

空间摄影 | 谷      腾

影片监制 | 谷      腾

影片制片 | 熊仔,汪祺婧

后期制作 | 陈佳伟工作室

                TC调色 .张英杰工作室

影片制作 | The Nine上海

                 混音.Syn    上海


影片花絮 | 西安 . 花生工作室

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我时常感到恐惧同时又很坚信;  不应该因为困难而担心这件事做不成;   所以就不去做了;   人没有恐惧肯定是脑子有问题;   利ta是有效的方法之一;   在这个基础上的空间才属于自己的;   要不断的启蒙自己的思维。习惯误解是件好事;   不用回应。

Gu: The most miserable thing in life is not close to the ideal; Nor doessolve problem of survival.

The most obvious problem in our era is' fool resonance ; l only do thisfor people who understand a little; there is a strong demand for' reverseexperience ; l oppose certain labels and try to findcertain symbols. Thedesigner internalized their ideas after tasting the sweetness, which isdefined as dimensionality reduction.

I have often feared and believed at the same time; We should not worrythat it cannot be done because it is difficult; So you stop doing things;There must be something wrong with the mind when one has no fearHelping others is one of the effective ways;    The space on this basis isone's own;  To constantly enlighten their own thinking.

lt's good to get used to being  misunderstood; No need to respond

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传媒管理 | GeGe (V)       GEGU9999

商务管理 | GeGe (T)    19120061119

IP   产品 | Raison 旭升
                    谷      腾

品牌供应 | 铭高工业铝 周囍

                得闲家具   an彬

                DECO·DECO 树脂玻璃


                HunterDouglas 亨特窗饰

                富美家(中国) FENIX




                未来视野 陈子健 郑毅恒



                丽联家具 liberlife








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