©️ Justin Bare
历经三年时间的修复和改造,经典地标纽约瑰丽酒店 (The Carlyle, A Rosewood Hotel)于2021年惊喜回归。这座拥有93年历史的传奇酒店,曾留下梦露最美身影,接待欧洲皇室贵族,于2001年被瑰丽收入囊中,时至今日仍是邂逅明星最多的酒店之一。
人们都说瑰丽酒店的故事是传奇,与多数为压缩成本不断强调和复刻符号的品牌不同,它追求的是为宾客与各个目的地文化之间筑造持久的互动与联系。就像建筑师在描绘蓝图前,要深度考量场地文脉,瑰丽的A Sense of Place®需要定制来实现,它是PlaceMakers,更是酒店行业里的“建筑师”。“A Sense of Place®”的品牌理念灵感来自古时的历险家,为了探索远方的 未知领域,踏出游历世界的第一步,寻找独一无二的崭新事物,追求能够 丰富人生的非凡体验。
而对于室内空间,邀约缔造伦敦瑰丽神话的tonychi studio来做室内的升级,对空间语言和体验寓意现代的手法让经典延续。团队携手Dan Fink、Thierry Despont等多位设计师对其客房以及套房着重进行重整改造。
Rosewood Suite
Central Park Suite
每个房间都有以中央公园为主题的插画风格墙纸,显现出轻松俏皮的观感,以致敬艺术家Ludwig Bemelmans和Marcel Vertès。设计创新性地呈现了装饰艺术风格的精妙线条、几何图案与金属细节,向这座酒店的杰出室内设计师(同时也是美国最早的一批女性室内设计师之一)、大都会艺术博物馆的气氛营造者Dorothy Draper表达敬意。
Central Park Suite
升级的除了客房外还有餐饮空间,Dowling’s餐厅、Bemelmans酒吧还有Café Carlyle。当夜幕降临,爵士乐响起配合着空间华丽的纹理,创造出亲密而神秘的空间效果,入夜后的瑰丽酒店与每一位到访者续写新的传奇与故事。
Designwire有幸采访纽约瑰丽酒店总经理Marlene Poynder
以下Designwire为DW,Marlene Poynder为MP
DW:纽约瑰丽酒店(The Carlyle, A Rosewood Hotel),是位于纽约市心脏地带的历史性地标。瑰丽酒店品牌在收购The Carlyle酒店以后,是如何在保留其历史特色的同时进行创新的?
MP:瑰丽酒店集团一直尊重The Carlyle的伟大历史,并倡导保持酒店其独特的个性。
DW:瑰丽酒店品牌的设计理念与品牌的指导原则是 A Sense of Place®,这种理念是如何融入到纽约瑰丽酒店住户的体验当中的?
MP:纽约瑰丽酒店通过酒店的每一个细节来让客人感受到A Sense of Place®的品牌哲学。无论是Bemelmans酒吧墙上Ludwig Bemelmans的历史壁画,还是一些套房中依旧保留的小型钢琴,在酒店的每一刻,无不诉说着对纽约经典老牌的赞歌。
MP:酒店于2021年进行了翻新,我们的客房、套房和餐厅都焕然一新。客房和套房由屡获殊荣的设计实践tonychi studio重新设计,灵感来自曼哈顿战前时代上东区独有的风采,以及那些高雅的宾客们。新房间升级设计核心旨在让客人有家一般的感觉,如同回到自己的公寓一样。
Dowling餐厅同样由tonychi studio翻新,展现了酒店餐饮的新篇章。餐厅内陈设了精心策划的艺术作品,客人可以一边享受法式复古菜肴,一边观赏周围的艺术藏品(有些是Ludwig Bemelmans的原作)。
Designwire interview with Marlene Poynder,
Managing Director of The Carlyle, A Rosewood Hotel
1. The Carlyle, A Rosewood Hotel, stands as a historical iconic landmark in the heart of New York City. Upon its inheritance by Rosewood, how did it bring up the new and consistent legacy?
Rosewood Hotels has always respected The Carlyle’s great history and has encouraged the property to maintain the hotel’s distinct individuality.
2. "A sense of place" is what Rosewood aims to be in experience and design. How is the philosophy embedded in the guest experience at The Carlyle?
The Carlyle encompasses a Sense of Place method of hospitality through each and every detail of the hotel. Whether it be the historic murals on the walls of Bemelmans Bar by Ludwig Bemelmans himself or the baby grand pianos that still remain in a few of our suites, there are odes to old school New York hidden in every moment of The Carlyle experience.
3. In the post-pandemic era, hotels are viewed as a "home away from home." What unique experiences does The Carlyle, A Rosewood Hotel offer in this context?
There are many factors that go into making a hotel feel like a home away from home. The Carlyle’s secret weapon is not only our memorable restaurants and bar, but our Carlyle Associates, many of which have been working at the hotel for over 20 years. They know this hotel like the back of their hand and are the best resources when it comes to making a specific guest feel a connection at The Carlyle. Their smiles, warm greetings and familiar faces are what make our guests feel a sense of homecoming when they walk through our 76th street doors for another visit.
4. We notice that the renovations focus on rooms and restaurants. Could you highlight the key points or features you'd like to share regarding these upgrades?
The Carlyle underwent a renovation in 2021 with a new take on our guest rooms and suites as well as our restaurant. The rooms and suites were re-designed by award-winning design practice tonychi, inspired by the glamour and beauty of Manhattan’s pre-war era, the Upper East Side, and our elegant guests. The new rooms are meant to make our guests feel as if they are in their own apartment.
Dowling’s at The Carlyle was also renovated by tonychi and celebrates a new era of dining at The Carlyle. Covering in carefully curated works of art, guests can enjoy their French-American throwback dishes while gazing at what surrounds them (some being Ludwig Bemelmans originals!).
5. What is the future development of the hotel? What can guests anticipate in the upcoming phases?
The Carlyle is constantly looking forward to the next chapter as we introduce the next generation to the golden age of New York City. Guests can look forward to new musical entertainment, cocktails, dishes and exciting hotel experiences that guest of all ages will enjoy.