MVRDV 改造阿姆斯特丹百年历史建筑,为蔚来汽车打造欧洲规模最大“蔚来中心”
图片 Image: © Ossip van Duivenbode
由MVRDV为智能电动汽车品牌蔚来设计的欧洲最大“蔚来中心”现已正式开幕,整栋“蔚来中心”共有七层楼高,由一座百年历史的保护建筑改造而来,位于阿姆斯特丹主运河之一Keizersgracht 的河畔。基于对蔚来品牌文化的理解和对历史建筑的尊重,MVRDV对建筑和室内进行改造,营造能够满足休闲、办公、活动和展览的复合功能空间。受到NIO“蔚来已来”的愿景启发,MVRDV设计了随着楼层渐变的空间色谱,从较低楼层的大地色系,到现代主义风格的天蓝色屋顶展厅。
Electric car manufacturer NIO has opened its flagship location in Europe, occupying a seven-storey building on Amsterdam’s Keizersgracht originally built in the late 19th century. The new NIO House Amsterdam renovates the building with an interior design by MVRDV, which combines design elements reflective of NIO’s brand with a respectful treatment of the historic building. Now offering a wide variety of spaces for relaxing, working, events, and exhibitions, the building’s floors form a colour gradient inspired by NIO’s “blue sky coming” slogan, from earthy colours on the lower floors to an airy blue that fills the building’s modernist rooftop pavilion.
图片 Image: © Ossip van Duivenbode
建筑本身记载着传奇般的历史:始建于1891年,由 建筑师Jan van Looy 为纽约人寿保险公司设计,当时是阿姆斯特丹最高的私有建筑之一。20 世纪的大部分时间里,这里都是Metz & Co 百货公司的所在地,后于1933年的扩建中,增加了由建筑师Gerrit Rietveld设计的钢结构玻璃屋顶展厅,Gerrit Rietveld是荷兰现代主义运动最重要的代表建筑师。2013 年,Abercrombie & Fitch 入驻后,建筑内高楼层的空间关闭,包括Rietveld设计的屋顶展厅,室内许多原有的细节也被掩盖。
The building has a storied history: designed by Jan van Looy, when it was built in 1891 for the New York Life Insurance company it was among the tallest private buildings in Amsterdam. For the majority of the 20th century, it was home to the Metz & Co department store and in 1933 was extended by a steel and glass rooftop pavilion designed by Gerrit Rietveld, arguably the most important Dutch architect of the modernist movement. Despite this heritage, in 2013 it became home to an Abercrombie & Fitch store; as a consequence, the upper floors including the Rietveld pavilion were closed to the public, and many of the original interior details were covered up.
图片 Image: © Ossip van Duivenbode
如同在世界其他的城市中一样,蔚来中心不仅将建筑本身转换为一个典型的汽车陈列空间,也为空间赋予了更强的功能性和公共性,与所在的社区产生积极互动。 一楼是汽车展厅,展厅上方设置了咖啡厅,包含一个暖黄色的儿童空间;二楼是论坛空间,用于各种研讨会、分享会和小型讲座,相邻区域还设置了一个“乐营”儿童游乐区。 三楼配置了可供公众预订使用的联合办公空间,四楼包含了一间艺术和设计画廊,用于陈列蔚来的产品,也可作为当地艺术家展示作品的平台。五层是蔚来的办公空间,六层是活动空间,顶层则是一间展厅。
Just as in all of their locations worldwide, the arrival of a NIO House turns the building not just into a typical “car showroom”, but a public building with a variety of functions that contribute to the neighbourhood that hosts it. Above the car showcase on the ground floor is a café including a soft yellow kids’ corner; next, the second floor is home to the Forum, which local businesses and event organisations can utilise for workshops, presentations, and small-scale lectures, alongside a “Joy Camp” where children can entertain themselves. The third floor features co-working spaces that can be booked and used by the public, while the fourth is home to an art and design gallery that can equally be used to show NIO products or as a platform for local artists to showcase their work. Finally – above a fifth floor reserved for NIO’s own offices – are event spaces in the sixth floor and the rooftop pavilion.
图片 Image: © Ossip van Duivenbode
MVRDV 在改造中保留并展示了室内楼梯的历史细节,使其成为空间的核心元素,贯穿每个楼层。通过拆除内墙、抬高天花板,整体空间被最大程度地打开,创造出明亮通透的环境;同时强调了空间的纵向联系,例如贯穿了地面层展厅和上层咖啡馆的中庭。
In MVRDV’s design the staircase, with its historic details once again revealed, becomes a central element of the design, and is always visible from the main spaces on each floor to help orient visitors. Throughout the project, the space is opened as much as possible to create a light and airy environment, removing internal walls, raising ceilings, and emphasising vertical connections such as the atrium that links the ground floor with the café.
图片 Image: © Ossip van Duivenbode
MVRDV 创始合伙人 Jacob van Rijs 表示:“阿姆斯特丹蔚来中心项目最令人兴奋的挑战在于,如何将这座百年建筑的历史与蔚来的品牌形象统一起来,展示品牌对未来的愿景。从某种意义上说,这与 Rietveld 在九十年前用优雅方式解决的挑战类似。这次,我们探索了新与旧之间的奇妙对话,以及是这两者是如何从对立最终走向融合的。”
“The exciting challenge of this project was in unifying the history of this building with the identity of NIO, a company which in many senses is interested in offering a vision of the future”, says MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs. “In a sense, we are confronting the same challenge that Rietveld resolved so gracefully 90 years ago. NIO House Amsterdam shows how the old and the new can provide a counterpoint for one another and ultimately enrich each other.”
图片 Image: © Ossip van Duivenbode
MVRDV为阿姆斯特丹蔚来中心设置了一套材料色谱。随着楼层上升,材料的效果逐渐向更加纯净和轻盈过渡,隐喻从地球到天空的氛围变化。地面的两层空间墙壁安装了由回收饮料纸盒 3D 打印而成的饰面材料,由MVRDV与荷兰3D材料打印公司Aectual 合作开发,为墙壁赋予质朴的颜色和具有质感的纹理。同时,地板采用了天然铺地品牌 Duracryl 的 Durabella 系列,这是一种由可再生资源制成的可持续水磨石地板。顶部楼层空间的墙壁和地板均采用木材,三楼的木地板采用环保油漆。四楼的墙壁采用了桃红色向橙色的渐变,将视线引导至从原建筑保留下来的拱形天花板。
The design team devised a palette of materials that becomes progressively cleaner and lighter as it ascends the building, suggesting an atmospheric journey from earth to sky. On the ground and first floors, the walls are panelled with a 3D-printed material made from recycled drinks cartons, developed in partnership with Amsterdam-based Aectual, which gives an earthy colour and a fluted texture to the walls. Meanwhile the floors are made from Duracryl’s Durabella, a sustainable terrazzo flooring made with renewable resources. On the level above, the walls and floors are finished with wood, while on the third floor, wood floors are complemented with eco-friendly paint. The fourth floor features a peachy orange gradient on its walls, which draw attention upwards to the vaulted ceilings of the original building.
图片 Image: © Ossip van Duivenbode
垂直的渐变在最高处的两层空间达到顶峰。第六层空间的墙壁从金色过渡到蓝色,通向Rietveld展厅的天蓝色空间。在这里,这段现代主义历史的精髓得到了尊重和传承,精致的软装也为举办晚会和秀场等活动提供优雅的场所,就像这里百年前经历的场景一样。延续了Rietveld 设计的玻璃外墙,人们可以在开敞明亮的顶层欣赏阿姆斯特丹市中心的优美天际线,感受“未来已来”的独特体验。
This gradual vertical change culminates in the top two floors. The walls of the sixth transition from gold to blue, leading into the sky-blue floor, finishes, and ceiling of the Rietveld pavilion. Here, the essence of this piece of modernist history is faithfully preserved, with refined finishes such as the carpet and curtains helping to make it an exquisite space for events such as galas and fashion shows – just as it was almost 100 years ago. The glass walls of Rietveld’s design give panoramic views over the rooftops of Amsterdam, completing the feeling of expansive lightness and giving space for visitors to reflect on the future to come.
MVRDV建筑规划事务所由Winy Maas、Jacob van Rijs和Nathalie de Vries 于1993年创立于荷兰鹿特丹,致力于为当代的建筑和都市问题提供解决方案。MVRDV的创作基于深度研究与高度协作,各领域的专家、客户及利益相关方从项目初期一直参与设计的全过程。直率而真诚的建筑、都市规划、研究和装置作品堪称典范,让城市和景观朝向更美好的未来发展。MVRDV的代表项目,如鹿特丹市集住宅、深圳妇儿大厦改造、鹿特丹Depot公共艺术仓库、首尔“空中花园”天桥改造、台南河乐广场,上海宝格丽中国旗舰店,和早期的荷兰公共广播公司VPRO总部、Wozoco老年公寓、2000汉诺威世博会荷兰馆等都获得了广泛的国际赞誉。MVRDV的300余位建筑师、设计师和城市规划师在多学科交叉的设计过程中,始终坚持严格的技术标准和创新性研究。MVRDV采用BIM技术,公司内拥有正式的BREEAM和LEED顾问。MVRDV与荷兰代尔夫特理工大学合作运营独立智库和研究机构The Why Factory,通过展望未来都市,为建筑及都市主义提供发展议程。
MVRDV was set up in 1993 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. MVRDV engages globally in providing solutions to contemporary architectural and urban issues. A research-based and highly collaborative design method engages experts from all fields, clients and stakeholders in the creative process. The results are exemplary and outspoken buildings, urban plans, studies and objects, which enable our cities and landscapes to develop towards a better future.
Many projects by the office, such as the Market Hall in Rotterdam, Shenzhen Women and Children’s Centre, Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, Seoullo Sky Garden, Tainan Spring, Bulgari China Flagship in Shanghai, and early works including the headquarters for the Dutch Public Broadcaster VPRO, WoZoCo housing for the elderly in Amsterdam, Dutch Pavilion at Expo 2000 in Hannover lead to international acclaim. More than 300 architects, designers and other staff develop projects in a multi-disciplinary, collaborative design process which involves rigorous technical and creative investigation. MVRDV works with BIM and has official in-house BREEAM and LEED assessors. Together with Delft University of Technology, MVRDV runs The Why Factory, an independent think tank and research institute providing an agenda for architecture and urbanism by envisioning the city of the future.