
项目地点:邯郸 | 2020-07-24 268 1


This project is located in the core area of Southern New City, which is the key development area of Handan City in the future. The project is located 100 meters west of the southbound intersection of Donghuan Road and Handa Road. The surrounding large shopping centers, education, medical, entertainment and financial services, etc. Living facilities are readily available.


With the support of the digital Internet environment, a lifestyle and aesthetic trend of young groups with "personalized" consumption habits as a guide has emerged. We roughly summarize it as follows: the pursuit of personalization and difference, creativity and artistic sense, and circle identity ...




The target group of the project is the young and middle-aged group of 30-45 years old, which is mainly based on rigid needs and supplemented by improvement. Combined with the positioning of the customer group, we conducted a series of thoughts and made a differentiated management. Therefore, in the end, we used different styles of design to create two living spaces suitable for this age group.


117 户型针对的是40岁左右的客户群体,定位为冷色调的精英家庭,现代轻奢风格,强调雅居生活。

117 units are aimed at the customer group around 40 years old, positioned as an elite family with cool colors, modern light luxury style, emphasizing elegant living.

精英家庭 追寻低调、雅致的生活方式,倡导内敛和谐的家庭氛围,提出“雅致生活”新主张。我们希望通过并不张牙舞爪的方式去展现空间的美,并借着空间宁静优雅的情绪,去唤醒居者对生活方式及城市节奏的思考。

The elite family pursues a low-key, elegant lifestyle, advocates a restrained and harmonious family atmosphere, and proposes a new idea of "elegant life". We hope to show the beauty of the space by not opening our teeth and dancing claws, and by the peaceful and elegant emotions of the space, to awaken the occupants' thinking about lifestyle and city rhythm.


The four-person restaurant adopts a color-matching design and seeks change in unity. The decorative painting selects the artistic treatment of fabric folds. The colors and flowers, and the entire color of the dining chairs echo, creating a harmonious atmosphere at home.


主卧多处运用细节的设计, 壁灯和台灯两种形式,面料则选用了有质感的皮革,丝质和丝绒。灯光与金属在蓝色床品上跳动着,凸显空间优雅舒适的氛围。

The master bedroom uses details of the design, wall lamps and table lamps in two forms, the fabric uses textured leather, silk and velvet. Light and metal are beating on the blue bedding, highlighting the elegant and comfortable atmosphere of the space.




The 104 units are aimed at a younger customer group, positioned as a lively family with warm colors, modern and simple style, highlighting a healthy and happy lifestyle.



乐活家庭 倡导绿色和谐的家庭氛围,提出“快乐生活”新主张。在城市化进程越来越快,都市人普遍感受生活压力的当下社会,现代人开始寻求“乐活”的价值取向追求。

LOHAS Family advocates a green and harmonious family atmosphere and puts forward a new proposition of "happy life". In the current society where the urbanization process is getting faster and faster, and urban people generally feel the pressure of life, modern people are beginning to seek the value orientation of "Lohas".



The youthful space design symbolizes vitality, the living room decoration painting uses the art masterpieces of independent French designers, and the space integrates the decoration of the architectural theme, revealing a simple and extraordinary artistic atmosphere. The furniture of the restaurant is also selected from the top Italian brands, with simple shapes, contrasting shades of warm and cold, exquisite details and smooth lines, which reflect the personalized taste of young people everywhere.



Project Name: RiseSun.Jinke Yayuan Model Room

项目地址:河北 邯郸

Project address: Hangzhou, Hebei Handan


Developer:Jinke Real Estate


Project Name: 117㎡、104㎡


Interior design: SUMAY Domestic Design Center


Completion time: April, 2020


Project Photography: Dicheng Media. Dabai



\ 树美设计

\ 合伙创始人

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