【新作】LK DESIGN | 茶饮空间与城市空间和谐共生---CoCo青岛农业大学店
设计公司 / Design Company: LK DESIGN
刘柯设计项目面积 / Project Area: 80 sqm
项目地址 / Address: 青岛市城阳区春阳路167号 / No.167, ChunYang Rd, Tsingtao
主案设计师 / Chief Designer: 刘柯 / Louise Liu
设计团队 / Design Team: 王雪洁 Kaely Wang,于田鑫 Trent Yu,庞毅赞 /John Pang
主要材质 / Main Material: 金属板 水磨石 美纹漆 线条灯 涂料
▼ 设计说明 Description of Design
Deconstruction critically inherits the orthodox principles and standards of modernism, uses the vocabulary of modernism, but reverses and reconstructs the relationship between various existing words. With the concept of decomposition, it emphasizes breaking, superposition and reorganization, attaches importance to the individual and the component itself, and opposes the overall unity to create a fragmented sense of uncertainty.