W.DESIGN无间设计 2025招聘

工作地点:上海 | 2025-02-13


创始人/设计总监 吴滨

W.DESIGN无间设计,由著名设计师吴滨Wu Bin创立,多年来以中国传统文化为土壤、立足当下,致力于生活观念的启迪,以及对未来的洞察与尝试,由此开创出独一无二的“摩登东方”设计语言。作为时代的思考者,无间设计以不断自我迭代的创造力,推动中国设计走向国际,代表中国成为传递东方美学的一张名片。










l 主案设计师_室内设计 | 

Lead Designer - Interior Design


职位概述 Position overview 


The ideal candidate must possess the ability to organize, coordinate, and complete all phases of interior design projects. They should have a strong design and aesthetic sense, adapt to various project requirements, proactively guide designers through each stage of the work, and ensure the integrity of the design outcomes.


岗位职责 Job Responsibilities

1. 组织协调所在设计组的日常工作,并对阶段性的成果完整性有所把控;

Organize and coordinate the daily operations of the design team, ensuring the completeness of project milestones.

2. 在保持设计质量的同时,并行管理多个项目;

Manage multiple projects concurrently while maintaining high design quality.

3. 向客户演示设计成果及方案提报;

Present design outcomes and proposals to clients. 

4. 包括研发设计在内的跨部门协调项目合作(如软装设计等);

Coordinate cross-departmental project collaborations, including aspects such as soft decoration design and research & development.

职位要求 Position Requirements

1. 建筑或室内设计等相关专业本科及以上学历;

Bachelor’s degree or higher in Architecture, Interior Design, or a related field. 

2. 八年以上一线事务所室内设计工作经验;

Over eight years of interior design experience in top-tier design firms.

3. 拥有一线城市高端地产项目或高端度假酒店项目的案例经验;

Proven experience with high-end real estate projects or luxury resort hotel projects in first-tier cities.

4. 精通方案设计中的各个阶段,兼具成熟的项目设计管理能力,熟悉各个阶段的工作要点和沟通流程以及图纸要求,在创始人或合伙人的指导下确保概念及方案设计在各个阶段的一致性和完整性;Proficient in all stages of concept design, with mature project management skills. Familiar with key tasks, communication processes, and drawing requirements at each stage. Ensure consistency and completeness of concept and design proposals under the guidance of founders or partners.

5. 能够协调三人左右设计小组的日常工作分配,确保团队合作的融洽与高效;

Ability to manage and delegate daily tasks within a design team of approximately three members, ensuring harmonious and efficient teamwork.

6. 具备个人化的审美,兼具包容的国际视野,热爱艺术,具备敏锐的观察力与好奇心; 

Possess a personalized aesthetic sense coupled with an inclusive international perspective. Passionate about art with keen observational skills and curiosity.

7. 熟练操作AutoCAD、Sketchup、Indesign等专业设计软件;

Proficient in professional design software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, and InDesign.

8. 拥有熟练的方案提报能力,能够清晰阐述设计的策略与思考;

Skilled in presenting design proposals, clearly articulating design strategies and thought processes.

9. 拥有良好的团队精神及强烈的责任感;

Demonstrates strong team spirit and a high sense of responsibility.

10. 以中文为专业沟通的前提下,流利的英语专业沟通者优先考虑。

While professional communication is conducted in Chinese, fluent English communication skills are preferred.

申请附件Application requirements

1. 中英文简历


2. 项目作品集,包括自己负责的部分以及项目形态和面积

Professional work sample with descriptions on areas of responsibility and project type/size

l 高级设计师_室内设计 | 

Senior Designer_Interior Design

职位概述 Position overview


The ideal candidate must be capable of independently completing all phases of interior design projects. Additionally, they should assist the Principal Designer in preliminary and detailed design stages, as well as in design management during the construction phase, ensuring the high-quality completion of projects.

职位要求 Position Requirements

1. 建筑或室内设计等相关专业本科及以上学历;

Bachelor’s degree or higher in Architecture, Interior Design, or a related field. 

2. 四年以上一线事务所室内设计工作经验;

Over four years of interior design experience in top-tier design firms.

3. 拥有一线城市高端地产项目或高端度假酒店项目的案例经验;

Proven experience with high-end real estate projects or luxury resort hotel projects in first-tier cities.

4. 精通方案设计,具备成熟的项目落地阶段的设计管理能力,熟悉各个阶段的工作和沟通流程以及图纸要求,在主案设计师的指导下确保概念及方案设计在各个阶段的一致性和完整性;

Proficient in concept design with mature design management skills during project implementation phases. Familiar with key tasks, communication processes, and drawing requirements at each stage. Ensure consistency and completeness of concept and design proposals under the guidance of the Designer Director.

5. 能够独立完成工作并与团队合作进行深化设计,且对深化图纸进行相应的审核与评估;

Ability to independently complete work and collaborate with the team for detailed design, as well as review and evaluate DD drawings.

6. 具备个人化的审美,兼具包容的国际视野,热爱艺术,具备敏锐的观察力与好奇心; 

Possess a personalized aesthetic sense coupled with an inclusive international perspective. Passionate about art with keen observational skills and curiosity.

7. 熟练操作AutoCAD、Sketchup、Indesign等专业设计软件;

Proficient in professional design software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, and InDesign.

8. 具备方案表达能力,能够清晰阐述设计的思考与意图;

Skilled in design expression, able to clearly articulate design thinking and intentions.

9. 拥有良好的团队精神及强烈的责任感;

Demonstrates strong team spirit and a high sense of responsibility.

10. 以中文为专业沟通的前提下,流利的英语专业沟通者优先考虑。

While professional communication is conducted in Chinese, fluent English communication skills are preferred.


申请附件Application requirements

3. 中英文简历


4. 项目作品集,包括自己负责的部分以及项目形态和面积

Professional work sample with descriptions on areas of responsibility and project type/size

5. 节选深化图或施工图

DD or CD drawing sample



l 软装主案设计师 | 

Lead Designer_Soft Furnishings


职位概述 Position overview


The ideal candidate must possess the ability to organize, coordinate, and complete all phases of interior design projects related to soft furnishings. They should have a strong design and aesthetic sense, a keen understanding of cost management, and the ability to adapt to various project requirements. Additionally, the candidate should proactively guide designers through each stage of the work and ensure the integrity of the design outcomes.


岗位职责 Job Responsibilities

1. 组织协调所在设计组的日常工作,并对阶段性的成果完整性有所把控;

Organize and coordinate the daily operations of the design team, ensuring the completeness of project milestones.

2. 在保持设计质量的同时,并行管理多个项目;

Manage multiple projects concurrently while maintaining high design quality.

3. 向客户演示设计成果及方案提报;

Present design outcomes and proposals to clients.

4. 对项目成本有严格把控;

Strictly control project costs.

5. 包括室内设计/研发设计/供应链等跨部门协调项目合作;

Coordinate cross-departmental project collaborations, including interior design, research & development, and supply chain management.


职位要求 Position Requirements

1. 室内设计等相关专业本科及以上学历;

Bachelor’s degree or higher in Interior Design, or a related field.

2. 八年以上一线事务所室内设计工作经验;

Over eight years of interior design experience in top-tier firms.

3. 拥有一线城市高端地产项目或高端度假酒店项目的案例经验;

Proven experience with high-end real estate projects or luxury resort hotel projects in first-tier cities.

4. 精通方案设计中的各个阶段,具备成熟的项目执行阶段的设计管理能力,熟悉各个阶段的工作和沟通流程以及文本要求,在创始人或合伙人的指导下确保概念及方案设计在各个阶段的一致性和完整性;

Proficient in all stages of concept design with mature design management skills during project execution phases. Familiar with key tasks, communication processes, and documentation requirements at each stage. Ensure the consistency and completeness of concept and design proposals under the guidance of the founder or partners..

5. 能够协调三到五人的设计小组的日常工作分配,确保团队合作的融洽与高效;

Ability to coordinate the daily work distribution of a design team of three to five members, ensuring harmonious and efficient teamwork.

6. 具备个人化的审美,兼具包容的国际视野,对艺术/人文/哲学有一定认知,具备敏锐的观察力与好奇心;

Possess a personalized aesthetic sense coupled with an inclusive international perspective. Have a certain understanding of art, humanities, and philosophy, along with keen observational skills and curiosity.

7. 熟练操作AutoCAD、Sketchup、Photoshop等专业设计软件;

Proficient in professional design software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Photoshop.

8. 提案能力较好,能够清晰阐述创作意图及设计思路;

Strong proposal skills, able to clearly articulate creative intentions and design concepts.

9. 拥有良好的团队精神及强烈的责任感;

Demonstrates strong team spirit and a high sense of responsibility.

10. 以中文为专业沟通的前提下,流利的英语专业沟通者优先考虑。

While professional communication is conducted in Chinese, fluent English communication skills are preferred.

申请附件Application requirements 

1. 中英文简历


2. 项目作品集,包括自己负责的部分以及项目形态和面积

Professional work sample with descriptions on areas of responsibility and project type/size

请将您的申请材料发送至 hr@wsdeco.com.cn,并在邮件标题中注明您申请的职位名称,我们会与符合职位要求的申请人联系沟通。

Please submit your application materials to hr@wsdeco.com.cn and specify the position you are applying for in the email subject line. We will contact applicants who meet the position requirements.



\ 无间设计

\ 创始人/设计总监

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