纳索是一家全法资建筑设计事务所。总部于1991年由 Marcelo Joulia在巴黎成立,之后陆续在上海(2005)和布宜诺斯艾利斯(2008)开设了分公司。纳索亚洲拥有一个国际化的设计团队。我们的设计师来自不同国家和不同背景,设计领域包括建筑,室内,平面,产品和3D。凭借丰富的经验和独特的创意,纳索在欧亚美洲完成了多个极富声望的五星级酒店,度假村,高端住宅的建筑和室内设计,包括办公空间,影院,零售及餐厅等诸多项目,并且屡次获奖。
我们的核心设计理念是,在有限的品牌空间内注入独特的情感。通过三大洲三个办公室的信息沟通和分享,纳索时刻保持着最灵敏的行业嗅觉和最绝妙的创意概念。我们的项目包括,衡山电影院,上海世博会摩纳哥国家馆,地中海俱乐部亚布力滑雪度假村,香港诺富特,西溪花间堂,Franck,Bar Rouge,Unico/Colagreco,茹丝葵牛排馆,五方空间,爱马仕北京精品店,外滩5号公共区域,爱马仕上海办公室,四明大楼。
- 5年以上建筑/室内设计相关工作经验,具有良好的项目协调能力;
- 有能力管理团队及驾驭现场工作,能配合客户很好地完成工作;
- 具有良好的沟通能力和敬业精神,能独立开展工作,可承受工作压力;
- 会使用苹果机Mac操作系统及熟练掌握VectorWorks, Photoshop, Illustrator, Keynote, Sketch Up等相关软件;
- 能很好地与供应商、承包商及设计院协调;
- 对于设计图纸(深化图纸、施工图纸等)及现场工作有很好的理解及解决能力;
- 中、英文听说读写能力良好。
Senior Interior Designer
- 5 years of working experience in China as interior designer Project Manager (senior level);
- Capable of managing a team and site, able to work within client deadlines;
- Able to brainstorm and communicate ideas within a design team, able to face a client for presentation and through emails;
- Can use Mac and Apple software such as Vector Works, Photoshop, Illustrator, Keynote, and Sketch Up;
- Able to coordinate suppliers, contractors, LDI;
- Good understanding of details and technical drawings to check construction drawings and solve details when needed (on drawings and on site);
- Should speak English and Chinese fluent.
Please send your resume and portfolio to zhao@naco.net
Immediate recruitment if candidate is suitable.
- 室内设计相关专业,具有良好的项目协调能力和空间布局感,能绘制深化图纸、施工图;
- 有良好的专业基础知识及设计理念,会使用苹果机Mac操作系统及AutoCAD, Vector Works, Illustrator, Sketch Up等相关软件;
- 具有良好的沟通能力和敬业精神,团队精神强,可承受工作压力;
- 中、英文听说读写能力良好。
Junior Interior Designer
- Major Interior Design related, good in space planning and project coordination;
- Capable of generating quickly construction/technical drawings;
- Can use PC and Mac/Apple software such as AutoCAD, Vector Works, Illustrator, and Sketch Up;
- Able to brainstorm and communicate ideas within a design team;
- Should speak English/Chinese.
Please send your resume and portfolio to zhao@naco.net
Immediate recruitment if candidate is suitable.
- 室内设计相关专业,能够在效果图渲染中营造合适的设计氛围,能够积极提议创新的三维效果以及技巧方法;
- 具有良好的专业基础知识及设计理念,会使用iMac操作系统及sketch up、cinema4d、aftereffect、permier、photoshop、illustrator、3dmax(Vray)等相关软件;
- 具有良好的沟通能力和敬业精神,团队精神强,可承受工作压力;
- 中、英文听说读写能力良好。
3D Rendering Designer
- Major Interior Design related, capable of creating the right ambiance in 3D renderings, should take initiative to propose creative 3D effects and new techniques;
- Mac (apple software) preferred: sketch up, cinema4d, aftereffect, permier, photoshop, illustrator and 3dmax(Vray);
- Able to brainstorm and communicate ideas within a design team;
- Should speak English/Chinese.
Please send your resume and portfolio to zhao@naco.net
Immediate recruitment if candidate is suitable.
- 艺术类相关专业;
- 有良好的专业基础知识及设计理念,会使用苹果机操作系统及illustrator, photoshop, indesign等相关软件;
- 具有良好的沟通能力和敬业精神,团队精神强,可承受工作压力;
- 中、英文听说读写能力良好。
Graphic Designer
- Art major related;
- Can use PC and Mac/Apple software such as illustrator, photoshop, indesign;
- Able to brainstorm and communicate ideas within team;
- Should speak Chinese and English.
Please send your resume and portfolio to zhao@naco.net
Immediate recruitment if candidate is suitable.