Lisa Bate:让可持续发展引领设计

设计:Lisa Bate | 项目地点: | 类别:腕儿对话 | 2015-02-09 6907 40


采访对象:B+H上海分公司董事总经理 Lisa Bate

    今年是Lisa Bate在华的第13个年头,13年来她亲眼目睹了中国的城市化变迁,也震撼于其环境的污染程度,因此可持续的环保设计占据了她工作的绝大部分。“所有的可持续建筑都严密监控室内空气质量、废弃物减量、循环系统及能耗方面的表现。掌握这些数据有益于我们从容应对老龄化和人口膨胀问题,在营造舒适、高效空间的同时,为我们的下一代储备足够的天然资源”她说。

     Lisa Bate 贝丽莎,B+H上海分公司董事总经理,亚洲业务副总裁,建筑学学士,安大略省注册建筑师学会原主席,注册建筑师,美国国际注册建筑师学会会员,加拿大皇家建筑师学 会特别会员,企业主管学院ICD.D证书,循证设计认证专家, 前加拿大绿色建筑委员会董事局主席, LEED专业认证资格。


DW:What are your personal hobbies? Are you lean to apply that to the design?


Lisa:I am a lifelong learner and passionate about any hobby that helps me to better understand our vast world of diverse people, cultures and events.  Travel, food, reading, conversations with thought leaders, colleagues and my big family around the dining room table immediately come to mind as hobbies that invigourate me.  Travel to all continents except the Poles and having lived on three continents gives me the chance to truly experience different environments and values.  My goal and that of B+H is to design places that enhance where we work, play, heal, learn and live to provide lifestyle enrichment by taking the best inspiration from around the world and adapting to the unique project requirements and local requirements,.


DW: As a designer with over 25 years of vast professional experience, what do you value most in the design work? What kind of message do you want to deliver to the public through the design work? 


Lisa:Design excellence is built on performance and innovation. Sustainable design is about both and has always been the core of my design principles. From mindful master planning to gain all the advantages a site has to offer, to conservation measures gained through the life cycle assessment of energy and construction materials that provide better ROI for the developers, tenants and other stakeholders over the life of the building.  Ultimately, performance and innovation is most important to support the health, well-being and achievements of the occupants. 


Sustainability is not new.  All good design is finding solutions to constraints.  Capital, operational and maintenance costs are constraints. With over 40% of final energy consumed globally from buildings, B+H feel responsible to promote the benefits and long term savings of sustainable, high performance building practices.  


DW:What’s your most impressive works? The reason for that?


Lisa:Two projects come to mind.  One is the current portfolio of 18 sports buildings and sites for the Toronto 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games which are the world’s third largest international multi-sport Games only surpassed in size and scope by the Olympic Summer Games and the Asian Games.    With a massive talented team, I have been the Managing Principal of two aquatics centres, a track and field stadium, a soccer and Canadian football stadium, a cycling velodrome and various other renovated facilities throughout the Greater Toronto area.  The Markham Pan Am Aquatics Centre and Fieldhouse has recently won three Design Excellence Awards.  This work has been important to me as my father still holds a Canadian record as an aquatics competitor in the 1950s that encouraged our family to pursue excellence and enjoyment in sports to understand hard work, goal setting and the importance of teamwork.  

    我此刻想到两个项目。其中之一便是涵盖18个服务于2015年多伦多泛美运动会的运动场馆。泛美运动会是世界第三大体育盛事,规模上仅次于夏季奥运会与亚运会。得益于一支庞大精英队伍的有力支持,担任项目管理合伙人的我带领团队成功完成了两个游泳中心、一所田径场馆、一座足球与加拿大式足球场、一个自行车赛场,以及遍及大多伦多地区的多个场馆翻新。最近,万锦泛美中心更是荣获了三项万锦市设计优秀大奖。对我个人而言这个项目还有特殊意义 --- 我的父亲至今仍保持着50年代创下的加拿大50码(45.72米)蝶泳纪录。这也鼓舞了我们全家一直以来对体育的推崇,更深层次的理解拼搏奋斗、目标设定和团队协作的重大意义。

    The second impressive project is the Haikou East Coast Master Plan in Haikou, Hainan Island.  In mid-2004, our international competition winning scheme proposed a ‘string of pearl’ series of manmade islands to protect the coastline of existing beaches and endangered lush mangrove forests from future catastrophic ocean impacts.  In the review process, the client design panel deemed these outer islands unnecessary.  Then on December 26, 2014, the most devastating tsunami struck the Indian Ocean that unfortunately validated our design and the protective islands were added back into the master plan.  The resulting tourism development is a testament to sustainable master planning.


DW:With cross-border project experience, what makes you decide to develop your career in   China?


Lisa:In 2007 B+H acquired my sole proprietor firm, Six Degrees Architecture and Design that won the Shanghai 1 City 9 Towns Fengjing Canada Maple Town competition among other projects across China so my career has had a focus on this region since 2002. After 5 years with B+H I was asked to move from Toronto to Shanghai to support B+H’s strategic growth throughout Asia as this is where the momentum of design and development innovation is happening.  To be a small part in the excitement of this time in China and Southeast Asia and to truly give back to this fast growing society with historical roots far beyond what a Canadian can take in, is an honour and a privilege I am thankful for every day.  


DW:Please comment on the current industry situation.


Lisa: The world and more impactful, China and SE Asia’s population is aging and the number of middle class families is growing.  Lifestyle expectations around health and well-being teamed with access to opportunities in education and travel are top of mind for all of us.  Architecture, planning, landscape architecture and interior design need to be mindful of the local and global scales and complexities of needs to address these expectations especially in the healthcare, eldercare, education and hospitality sectors.  All of the sustainable buildings that are measuring their indoor air quality and energy, water and waste avoidance, recycling and consumption are providing valuable data and lessons learned when dealing with an aging and growing population as we seek to keep us comfortable and productive and to have the earth’s natural resources remain abundant for our generations of families to come.         


DW:What’s B+H future development strategy and your personal career development path?


Lisa:  B+H’s strategy is to continue to build our 62+ year legacy of award-winning design leadership founded in the principles of sustainability, innovation, technical excellence and practical design solutions beyond our current portfolio of 29 million square metres of built high performance projects totaling almost $14 billion USD in satisfied clients’ investment across the world.   


    My personal career path will continue to build B+H’s legacy of delivering design services beyond client expectations through managing our 23+ years of operations in Shanghai supporting our work across Mainland China and SE Asia, as well as mentoring our 12 global studios of talented staff as a sustainable design thought leader.  I am honoured to say that I have just been nominated by the Canada Green Building Council with support from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in China to run for election to the Board of Directors of the World Green Building Council.  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to serve this esteemed organization to promote educational, cultural and data exchange across the 90+ country members and those countries still in the process of joining. I believe nobody is smarter than everybody together. 


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  • Lisa Bate:让可持续发展引...

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