
设计:AIM | 项目地点: | 类别:腕儿对话 | 2014-03-31 7662 53



  “很久以前我们便对带有庭院的房子所吸引,我们认为中国的四合院考究深刻,能够给人们提供忘返的体验。它们以独特的方式回应着那个时代的社会,每座四合院都有着不同等级的私密度。启发我们最多的是它和自然的融合以及利用景观完美的将其点缀。” -----AIM

  如果你熟知莫甘山的裸心谷,那一定对它的室内设计者Wendy Saunders和Vincent de Graaf不陌生。十年前,这对夫妻从荷兰辗转到上海并创建了AIM,目的就是创造美。他们痴迷于传统的四合院文化,并且乐于在这种文化的基础上,进行合理创新,而孕育了无数建筑经典的中国土壤,恰恰可以支持这种‘野心’。

AIM Architecture


AIM:We came to china out of curiosity. We had read an article that shanghai was sinking under the weight of all the new towers being built. That sounded to interesting to miss. The plan was to look for a job and stay about 6 months to gain a new experience. Shanghai was exciting and fresh for us, full of energy and optimism. After working in a company for a few months we wanted to stay in shanghai longer. We where inspired to try and do some of our own projects.



AIM:there is two: first there is the unbelievable powerful houses in Anhui, for a long time we have been interested in patio houses, and i think the Chinese traditional courtyard houses offer a deeply amerced understanding of life in places of many. They react towards society in very specific manner, creating different levels of privacy. Together with the sustainable nature and the beautiful treatments of time they are a big inspiration.The second attraction lies in the present.



   We see china as a seeking place , a laboratory ( hence your question ), one that offers a fertile ground to develop  new ideas and new forms of architecture that bring new meaning to a country that may be old, but definitely has a new youth now.



AIM: Maybe the best achievement of our dutch/ belgian cultural education is that it focusses on finding new ways to create.




AIM: Before it seems the discussion was based on relatively fixed models. Now i believe the strength lies is new and meaningful compositions of things that have meaning or reason. This can be anything: re-using old materials in modern architecture or re-using old and valid typologies in new architecture. I think that mostly the key now is that buildings need to be emotionally successful, not just economical or theoretically based.




AIM:For us it is not about style. It is about context, both physical and cultural. Our education has made us pretty open and enthusiastic to translate cultural changes into our work. We have always approached things in a pragmatic way. How can spaces be used, how do they influence the user and the surroundings. But then of course also what kind of image or feeling does it need to evoke. I think that a north European conceptual attitude helps this process. Most Chinese clients are very open for new ideas or new processes if you can make them understand why it is better. So only focusing on the packaging or the style of the project is something we try to avoid.



AIM:Yes there is! The Dutch sustainable approach is ignited because the Dutch have to prove that their buildings are sustainable. I think a intelligent mix can be made out of all sustainability labels in the world now. I would expect that the government would set such a standard. It can mean that we give points to buildings made out of very durable things like dry stacked stone and points should be given for good insulation and other measures that save energy. Or tax or fine developers or people if they do not succeed to get to a certain standard.


  If china would choose for such a system, buildings would be of a lot better quality and much more sustainable.



AIM:The future plan of AIM is to make good, beautiful and meaningful things!This can lie in architecture or interiors. At the moment we build resorts and interiors, which is an interesting thing to think and react on how the new china is travelling. But we also hope to build schools or other culturally relevant projects. exploring further how buildings influence people is fascinating ,so we seek to specialise in answering questions that we think are meaningful and interesting.

  AIM 的未来计划:打造高品质、优雅而且有意义的项目!



AIM:In this context i think we should say to generate chances for personal freedom and development.For example we have a ship in Amsterdam that we used to live on. It thought us a lot about architecture, how to make things and how to create a life that offers freedom to us and our friends. I think the office is also such thing, and hopefully the projects we make are alike. I guess the risk is that our work has absorbed our hobby, but we see it as a good cause!


  在阿姆斯特丹我们有一座游艇,我们曾经在那里生活过一段时间。那段时光给予了我们很多建筑方面的启迪:如何造物?如何创造一个可以为自己和朋友提供零束缚的生活?我认为同样的想法也可映射在办公室之中,希望我们做的项目秉承的同样的理念。这其中的风险也许是我们的项目吸取 了很多我们的个人爱好,不过,这是个不错的借口。


AIM:As above i guess, i think we constantly do that. The things we love or fascinate us steer our design decisions constantly.



AIM:We like to use our clients dreams as generators for hopefully powerful projects. This means that we have not one stylistic answer for all questions, but seek to go beyond what we would normally choose. We think this approach helps us to stay away from convention and hopefully results in clearer, more specific projects.




AIM:It is great to work with people that have a powerful vision. Their questions are more focussed of their own reasoning than on what convention tells them. We love that, this drives our projects to be specific and off course we enjoy being around sharp minded people:)




AIM:Very practically actually. Soho wanted to lease out these ofices with an open ceiling and they had a good MEP system in place.We wanted to create a space that had the feeling of industrial machine, where it was visible how things work and how different things are connected together. We also knew that this showroom needed to look sharp and finished as this project reflects the shanghai bling and tries to target towards the more fashion savvy crowd . 


  So we came up with the idea to use glass as it would maintain the visible height of the space and show the well designedMEP . But off course it also established this sharp and reflective ' inner coat' of the space that is seductive to sell the project. The nice thing is that the reflective quality of the glass brings in the green of the threes and sky, making this space somehow more connected to the outside.




AIM:Things are what they are meant for. This is a temporary showroom, it was meant as a special experiment and targets to show something special. I think it was very successful that way. If these people would come up to us to design something for them we hope they have great dreams of their own so we can use those to come to something that is powerful to them.The glass office is the intersection between dream and reality.

  做任何一件事都是有原因的。由于这是一个临时性展厅, 它意在为人们提供别具一格的空间体验,业主要求它一定要有特殊性。我认为这个案子达到了这个使用要求,也是一个成功的案例。如果有业主怀揣梦想找到我们,我们一定会帮助他实现他的愿景

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