
设计:Neri&Hu Design and Research Office | 项目地点:上海 | 类别:商业空间 | 2015-11-09 8489 67





Comme Moi boutique shop is located within the Art Deco Donghu Hotel, built in 1925. Over decades, the building underwent multiple renovations and changes in use, traces of which were still very much present when the design team encountered the site. Neri&Hu deliberately chose to keep these remnants of the past intact, while surgically implanting new design elements to embody the Comme Moi brand: young, sophisticated, and exquisite. 





Composed as a series of four sequential chambers, the retail space is integrated with a continuous rail, threading through the individual rooms while forming the armature for custom designed hanging cabinets. Sheathed in an elegant metal mesh, these showcase cabinets stand out within the historic architectural surroundings to present the fashion pieces in a striking new light. A new terrazzo floor also unifies the space and occasionally extrudes up to form sculptural function areas like the reception counter and seating, with wood inserts as accent.





Guided by the metal rails and continuous flooring, shoppers can meander freely through the various chambers and end their journey at the lounge space. Newly attired in Comme Moi garments, the shopper emerges from the cocoon of the white linen changing rooms to shine in the limelight of a runway catwalk experience, flaunting her new look against the glamorous backdrop of a scalloped glass feature wall.

  顺着流畅延伸的金属导轨和地面的指引,顾客可以在不同的房间之间自由漫步,最终在休息区结束这段小小的旅程。被“似我”服饰装扮一新的顾客从茧状的白色亚麻更衣室中迈入聚光灯下,体验走秀般的试装风采,在褶纹玻璃装饰墙的烘托下,尽情欣赏自己,享受新装上身的快乐和满足。“似我”精品店细节展示Project Name: Comme Moi – Flagship retail store

Site Address: 70 Donghu Road, Shanghai

Website: www.neriandhu.com 

Project Type: Interior Design

Interior Architect & Interior Designer: Neri&Hu Design and Research Office

Design Period: June 2015 – August 2015

Construction Period: 8 weeks

Gross area for renovation: 150 sqm

Neri&Hu Design and Research Office相关案例
  • 如恩:“似我”精品店设计


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