An invitation to the public is made through large entrances without physical barriers and with a welcoming character.Located in Campos Elíseos, central area of the city, in the corner between Alameda Barão de Piracicaba and Alameda Nothmann, the proposed architecture comes with a series of measures aimed towards the urban revitalization of the region.
对于塞古鲁港文化中心的创新设计,事务所摒弃主入口处的物理屏障,营造一种宾至如归的感觉。项目位于圣保罗市中心的Campos Elíseos,一个处在皮拉西卡巴市和阿拉梅达罗斯曼市之间的一个区,提交的建筑设计方案伴随着一系列的测量系统,目的在于发展当地的现代都市化。
An exposed concrete pure monolith, gives life to the new cultural center of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil.完全裸露的混凝土整体塑制墙体,让这座位于巴西圣保罗市中心的文化中心再添活力。
The folds guide the route and encourage curiosity to discover a new space.折叠状的装置指引文化中心的动线,激发探索这一崭新空间的好奇心。
Known in the 40s as the “paulista” elite neighborhood and home of the headquarters of the Sao Paulo’s Government, Júlio Prestes Train Station and Luz Train Station. The region went through a messy process of development, and currently Campos Elíseos has abandoned mansions and a deep stage of social problems, with that, it ended up receiving the nickname of “Crackland" due to the excessive consumption of hallucinogens that occurs in the local streets.
在上个世纪40年代,这个地方因为是“保利斯塔”精英街坊以及圣保罗政治首府、儒利奥·普列斯特斯火车站和卢斯火车站的发源地而家喻户晓。当地经历了一次乱糟糟的发展历程,目前Campos Elíseos区政府已经放弃建造住宅,随之而来的是接二连三的社会问题。结果,由于当地街区频频发生的迷幻药剂过度消耗事件,让这里蒙上了“坠落之城”的臭名—不禁让人想起了电影《暴力街区》的场景。
In contrast to this harsh reality, the new cultural center came to encourage the transformation of the region and improve the local urban scene. Designed to be a place for development and presentation of the most varied contemporary artistic expressions, the space aims to present exhibitions, workshops, courses, symposiums, parties and festivals. Therefore, the diversity of the spatiality of the interior spaces was designed to give high flexibility of use, making possible to use diverse layouts and scales of exposures; facts that enrich the experience of the local user.
设计公司:圣保罗建筑事务所/São Paulo Arquitetura
项目地:巴西圣保罗市Campos Elíseos区
设计师:Miguel Muralha, Yuri Vital
设计团队:Bruno Santucci, José Amorim, Roni Ebina
摄影师:Fabio Hargesheimer – Foto G, Courtesy of São Paulo Arquitetura & Teixeira Duarte SA
São Paulo Arquitetura, founded in 2012, is an association of two young and acting architects, graduates at Mackenzie Presbyterian University - School of Architecture. Miguel Muralha and Yuri Vital (have a diversified portfolio that includes projects with different scales and programs, resulting on an exchange of professional experiences.
圣保罗建筑事务所成立于2012年,事务所由两位毕业于麦肯齐长老会大学建筑设计学院朝气蓬勃的年轻人建立。Miguel Muralha and Yuri Vital两人拥有截然不同的设计经历,包括不同规模和设计的项目,让两人专业的设计经验在此交融。