
设计:Standard Studio | 项目地点:荷兰 | 类别:居住空间 | 2016-06-13 10659 60


Walking through Amsterdam’s city centre is always a delight because of the beautiful architecture. Although we are often left with the urge to see inside the buildings. Luckily we have the opportunity to see a typical canal house which dates from 1752, and used to be a sugar refinery two and a half centuries ago. Standard Studio, an architecture and interior design firm from Amsterdam, did the full renovation and interior design for this monument on the unesco protected canals.

        沿着阿姆斯特丹市区的运河两侧,五颜六色的多层小楼紧紧依偎在一起,形成了极富特色的城市风景。但作为普通的过往路人,人们往往无缘一睹其内部风采,只能带着遗憾离开。而来自阿姆斯特丹本土的建筑与室内设计事务所Standard Studio有幸受邀为其中一间公寓进行了全面的改造和室内设计。这座建于1752年的经典运河建筑位于世界遗产保护区内,在过去的250年中一直被用作制糖厂。


Situated on the Bloemgracht the loft house covers an area of 150 square meters. When the client, a young stock broker bought the house, it was completely covered in plasterboard, lowered ceilings and lots of tiny rooms without a clear function. The goals of Standard was to create the opposite; an open plan interior for the real ‘loft’ feel.

       这间位于Bloemgracht街的公寓面积约150平米,经过改造后的内部空间开敞宽阔,Standard Studio利用层高打造了一个名副其实的loft公寓,一扫业主购入时凌乱空间划分、石膏板墙壁和低矮吊顶带来的无序和混乱感。




The apartment was completely gutted and given a new look, yet the traditional essence and structure still remained. The wooden beams create warmth and a sense of nostalgia, which, when combined with the modern design results in a harmonious beautiful interior. The materials used were all very basic; concrete, oiled oak and unfinished hot rolled steel. It gives a beautiful contrast with the plants, loose furniture and art.




In the front of the house, the facade side with a view on the Bloemgracht (meaning “flower canal”) the architects, Wouter Slot & Jurjen van Hulzen designed the living room and on a split level the bar and dining area. There’s a great kitchen made from mat powder coated steel with marble tops and perfectly integrated high-end equipment. On the backside of the kitchen wall they created a walk-in closet and bathroom with 2 rainfall showers. This all together is one of two functional units in this open plan layout. The other multi functional unit is created in the corner next to entrance and holds the sauna, spa, shower and restroom.

        建筑师Wouter Slot和Jurjen van Hulzena将公寓的临街空间划分为两层,客厅上方的夹层内是吧台和用餐空间。旁边的通高空间内,高端厨房设备镶嵌在哑光粉末涂层钢板制成的整体橱柜和大理石台面上,打造了一个品质极高的厨房空间。加上与厨房仅有一墙之隔的衣帽间和浴室,形成了着开放式公寓中的一个集成化的功能单元,而另一个集中了桑拿、洗浴和卫生间的复合功能单元则位于公寓入口旁的角落内。



The remaining space is the bedroom, office and bathing area (with freestanding bath) in one. A multi functional big black book is holding the library, the bed and art. And it has the possibility to close it all off with sliding doors nicely detailed away in this bespoke furniture piece.




The end result is a stunning, contemporary loft that embraces the original character of the building. Together with Modern Vintage, the furniture supplier, and Eginstill, who made the kitchen and some bespoke items, we could say that all three combined, turn out to be a match made in heaven.

       现代简约的loft风格和建筑的传统元素的完美结合让落成后的建筑空间令人眼前一亮。来自Modern Vintage的家具和Eginstill的厨房以及定制设备更是锦上添花,与空间设计相辅相成。





项目地: 阿姆斯特丹
承包商: Bouwunie
室内布局: Eginstill
摄影:Standard ©
其他设计师:Jurjen van Hulzen, Wouter Slot & Felix Stadie in collaboration with Eginstill.


Standard Studio相关案例
  • 阿姆斯特丹loft公寓


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