i29室内建筑公司“2016年荷兰设计街区”Baars & Bloemhoff设计展

设计:i29 interior architects | 项目地点:荷兰 | 类别:腕儿线索 | 2016-06-22 7336 86

i29室内建筑公司“2016年荷兰设计街区”Baars & Bloemhoff设计展-01

Baars & Bloemhoff presents an exposition designed by i29 interior architects at Design District where several products are used in an installation of 2d and 3d objects. Commissioned by Baars & Bloemhoff, i29 made a design showing the possibilities and characteristics of several HI-MACS and Finsa products such as seamless bonding, translucency and CNC millwork. 

        荷兰室内建筑装饰材料供应及建设公司Baars & Bloemhoff邀请i29室内建筑设计公司在2016年荷兰设计街区博览会(Design District 2016)上推出设计展。在博览会上,Baars & Bloemhoff的多个产品用于第二和第三个主题的艺术装置上。Baars & Bloemhoff委任i29制作了一场设计秀,展示HI-MACS 和Finsa产品的可能性和特色,如无缝粘贴、半透明和数控加工。

i29室内建筑公司“2016年荷兰设计街区”Baars & Bloemhoff设计展-02

i29室内建筑公司“2016年荷兰设计街区”Baars & Bloemhoff设计展-03

With an abstract conception of lines, volumes and shadows the exposition is both simple as hallucinating complex. The consistently implemented concept shows a graphic composition of 2 dimensional objects mixed with 3 dimensional volumes in a similar form language. Depending on the viewpoint, flat surfaces seem to become volumes and vice versa. Different tones of grey HI-MACS solid surfaces suggest shadows and volumes, which gradually merges into a bright blue scenery of Finsa Gama Duo surface materials. 

        通过一个集线条、方块和阴影的抽象概念,设计展带给一种简单的幻觉复杂感。这种实现了的设计概念展示了通过一种运用类似的形式语言把二维的图形元素和三维的方块融合在一起。基于这样的思维方式,平整的表面看似变成了方块,反过来也一样。不同灰色调的HI-MACS立体表面暗示了阴影和方块,慢慢的浮现出一个反映Finsa Gama Duo表面材料的淡蓝色场景。

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i29室内建筑公司“2016年荷兰设计街区”Baars & Bloemhoff设计展-05

A thin black line accentuates the outline of the volumes, and highlights the possibility of detailed material assimilation and color combinations. The exhibition that Baars & Bloemhoff created to launch their new Finsa Gama Duo collection and HI-MACS colors is rewarded with a ‘District Award’ for best in show during Design District 2016.

        一条薄薄的黑色线条突出了方块的外轮廓,并强调了细致材料同化的可能性和色彩的融合。Baars & Bloemhoff的展览展示了Finsa Gama Duo新的材料系列和HI-MACS色彩体系,并在本届的荷兰设计街区博览会上获得了“最佳展览秀”奖。

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i29室内建筑公司“2016年荷兰设计街区”Baars & Bloemhoff设计展-07

以上图文信息由i29 Interior Architects提供,并授权设计腕儿发布。

关于Design District 2016

i29室内建筑公司“2016年荷兰设计街区”Baars & Bloemhoff设计展-08

Design District is the leading event for interior design in the Netherlands. About 150 high-quality participants show their newest and best products in the field of interior design on a 7,000 m² exhibition floor and in the immediate surroundings.

An exceptional venue and a combination of the best brands, innovative newcomers and young designers provide an inspiring event where you are informed quickly of the latest developments in interior design.

Design District is primarily aimed at professional public. The first 2 days, 1st and 2nd of June, are for trade public only; (interior)architects, designers, project managers, facility managers, press, retailers, stylists and others who professionally are involved with interior design. Friday, June 3rd, all public including consumers and students are welcome at Design District.


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