
设计:大为建筑设计(北京)有限公司 | 项目地点:北京 | 类别:餐饮空间 | 2016-07-13 9034 63

Creative firm David Ho design studio presents their snacks bar project- Cook Fans realized in the city of Beijing, China.  

  大为设计公司David Ho Design Studio在2016年完成了他们在北京的台湾小吃餐厅项目-‘嗑饭 Cook Fans’。


  这个項目被英文法文俄文韩文等许多国外设计媒体报导 ,在知名设计网站TRENDHUNTER的报导里形容此餐厅“活泼亮丽的氛围让人觉得彷彿置身于紐約市的某个地方Cook Fans and is a vibrant environment that feels like something straight out of New York City”。


The entrance focal point as you walk through the front door is a long row of wooden cooking utensils, hanging from the ceiling to formed as a major part of the pendent light. The long, open kitchen welcomes its guests with the familiar tones and textures of natural oak wood wall combined with mixture of black, white and gray tiles flooring.  



Along the right wall, more kitchenware to make noodle such as spoon, strainer, tongs, bamboo scrub, fork, and cutting board adorn a dark oak display case, making those simplistic tools look like a prized possession. Most of the furniture is made out of smooth, sanded wood, with green appearing occasionally throughout the small diner. This bistro is a noodle bar mainly cooking Chinese fast foods.  



The concept behind this design is not only the food. Most people focus on the delicacy in front of them, and they try to savor every mouthful they take. However, David Ho believes that it is the journey that is important, not the outcome so he sought to animate the spaces with surprising feature and details. The most intricate and delicious dishes are prepared using basic utensils, ladles, rolling pins, and whisks represent this idea.  

  大多数人在餐厅会专注于他们面前的美味去体味他们所吃每一口。何大为认为这虽然是很重要但是在餐厅里还有其它东西值得被注意。‘嗑饭 cook Fans’设计背后的理念是体会到我们使用最基本用具却能做出最复杂和美味的菜肴。因此将制作食物的工具变成空间的主角。



Usually, in a restaurant, food is our main focal point. But in this design, David Ho would like to move the focal point from the food to the kitchen utensils which are the most important tools to cook fans, and let them shine in the spotlight for once. They play the main role in the design of this bistro.  

  在这个设计中,何大为希望将焦点从食物转移到厨具- 这是烹饪爱好者Cook Fans的最重要的工具,让它们在聚光灯中闪耀一次。


项目名称:‘嗑饭 Cook Fans’台湾小吃餐厅


设计公司:大为建筑设计(北京)有限公司 David Ho design Studio

主案设计师:何大为 David Ho

说明撰写:何丰 Tiffany Ho



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