Kimshasa Baldwin:普拉亚维瓦可持续精品酒店树屋套房
English transcript:
Stroll the one-mile beach of this 12-key 200 acre eco-resort, and what draws your gaze is an elliptical shaped bamboo wrapped platform hovering somewhere between the canopy of palms above and green shrubbery below. This perch is the beachfront bedroom of the 700sf bi-level treehouse suite. Upon approach, though hard to distinguish interior from exterior, there is an open-air lower-level villa housing the sitting area and bathroom and upper-level perch for the sleeping area. The villa’s palm-tree-pierced, clay tile roof and exposed wood beams provide a textural ceiling for the lounge and bathroom, where locally sourced wood becomes countertop, carved stone is the vessel sink and hand-laid pebbles create the graphic shower floor. Bamboo screening provides privacy while the roof is intentionally carved back so showering can be experienced outdoors, revealing palm trees by day and a blanket of stars by night. With all water heated by solar, all water recycled, all electrical provided by 100% solar power and all-inclusive yoga classes, the impassioned eco-traveler or curious explorer can find harmonious balance with the surroundings and one’s self.
The perch removes all unnecessary elements to deliver an natural, immersive retreat. An oversized, curved wood door perfectly arches to the bamboo sheathed perch. Minimal locally made furnishing deliver unobstructed front and rear views, while hatch windows scatter about for continual peeks of nature and support passive cooling. Interior and exterior bamboo shoot reflects splaying branches of a true perch. Locally sourced woods create the perch edges of floor, ceiling and wall, each stagger as the randomization of elements found in nature. Hoping to nudge guests to peel away typical inhibitions, a two-person floor hammock with unobstructed views down gives a true sense of suspension.
With an expedited schedule, it took 6 months from the initial design meeting, to receiving the first treehouse suite guest.
建筑和室内设计:Deture Culsign, Architecture+Interiors (
项目地址:墨西哥格雷罗州胡鲁初加Playa Icacos
业主: David Leventhal
管理公司:Playa Viva S de RL de CV
摄影师:Leonardo Palafox, The Cubic Studio
关于Kimshasa Baldwin(Deture Culsign建筑&室内设计工作室)
为创造能给客户提供刺激体验和体现清晰的品牌形象的空间,建筑师、室内设计师和绿色建筑认证专业人士Kimshasa Baldwin与客户密切合作,力求提供“有观点的设计”。Kimshasa拥有20年丰富的国内外设计经验,在芝加哥、迈阿密和纽约的策展和执业体现了她有与诸多领域的行业龙头合作的优势,包括酒店/度假酒店,餐厅,水疗和保健,游轮,娱乐和博彩。在她芝加哥的工作室,为了通过对客户的体验进行分层的探索以打造不朽的设计,她睿智地召集了一个为客户提供定制服务的优秀团队。她以高水平的设计成功地获得了浸入式,有环保意识,有操作意识的空间设计方面的声誉。她被精品设计BoutiqueDesign评为“正在崛起的设计师”,并获得了美国Hospitality Design杂志和和国际室内设计协会IIDA的多项设计大奖。通过旅行、志愿服务和对艺术的深入研究,Kimshasa继续发掘设计和文化之间的创造性的动态关系,而这也是Deture Culsign建筑&室内设计工作室的精髓。