【首发】Michael Liu:澳门Silverstrand住宅设计
This 11,000 square-feet house is located on Taipa Island in the Southern side of Macau. The owners live with one elderly and three children. Understanding the needs of the owners, the designer transformed the space into a more practical and suitable home for the family to settle in.
此单位是位于澳门南海的独立屋,面积约11,000平方迟,业主夫妇有三个小孩及一个老人家同住, 希望设计师因应其缺点改造成适合业主使用的居所。
Functionally, the designer relocated the staircase in the living area in order to create an effective and spacious living space for its owners. Apart from expanding the living area, the designer also designed two bedrooms for two sons, two sizable ensuite bedrooms for daughter and grandmother. A full level for a master ensuite bedroom, with an open roof top sitting area as a sky garden with a spectacular sea view, a spacious walk-in closet, and stereo room. The designer purposely designed a study room in the basement for their three children. The study room is connected to the garden, but the full height wall in the existing garden has blocked all the natural sunlight and cannot reach into the basement. The designer demolished the wall and created an artistic staircase to link up the split garden, thus, allowing the sunlight to go into the reading room. The other side of the basement is a wine cellar which can store more than 500 bottles.
功能上,设计师将原有楼梯位置改动到另一个位置,这个改动除了将客厅部份加以扩大外,更使其他房间实用率提高,除了为两儿子提供房间外,更能够为女儿及其外婆提供寛敞的套房。而主人房更是独佔全层,内设有空中花园、衣帽间、影音室等设施。由于三个小朋友均在求学阶段,设计师特意将地牢改成相连花园的阅读室,原有的花园因而被一道高牆所阻隔,光线不能进入地牢,设计师特意将此高牆拆掉改成为一道艺术装置的楼梯连贯上下两个花园, 使阳光顺利进入阅读室。地牢没有窗户的另一面则改成酒窖,酒窖内可摆放500支以上收藏。
Conceptually, the designer used geometry form as main design concept. The rectangular shape exterior in contrast with the curved lines used in interior area, creates an energetic movement through out the entire house. The whole house uses natural materials, veneer and marble for the walls and floor and a decorative green wall to embellish the home to create a natural ambience.
设计公司:Millimeter Interior Design Limited
设计师:Michael Liu
项目面积:11, 000平方英呎
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