Johannes Torpe:丹麦Palæo快餐店设计
‘Palæo – Primal Gastronomi’ is a healthy fast food concept with a strong focus on fresh and unprocessed produce. This DNA has been accentuated in the new design and interior concept by Johannes Torpe Studios through the creation of a warm and welcoming universe for their growing customer basis.
Johannes Torpe Studios为丹麦当地的健康快餐连锁品牌Palæo,打造了一间新的概念店。受到该品牌崇尚简单生活方式的启发,设计团队使用一些原始的装修材料,诸如皮革、木头以及羊毛等,为Palæo的吃货们打造出了一个怡人的农家乐般的纯朴就餐空间。按照业主要求,为了优化和提高备餐过程,设计师们开发并成功的在这里运用了模块化的操作系统。
“We experienced a brand with a really strong food concept, but with a need for this to be infused into their spaces. At the same time, the client wanted to create a setting that evoked a feeling of Danish hygge* and homeliness. They wanted to convey that they were more than a takeaway place, and that called for the creation of an interior that entices people to actually stay and hang out”, explains Bjarke Vind, project leader and Senior Designer from Johannes Torpe Studios.
Palæo – Primal Gastronomi,是一种健康的快餐理念,它专注于为客人提供新鲜的不经过多次加工的食物。这一品牌的核心价值,被Johannes Torpe Studios团队淋漓尽致的发挥在了新店的设计实践上,这里为不断扩大的食客群营造出一种温暖的怡人的就餐氛围。设计师的方案是,根据客人的不同就餐需求,将这里划分为不同的区域:有普通的座位区,也有更加舒适一些的包厢休息区。
The new design concept is divided into different areas; accessible seating areas as well as more cosy lounge areas, in order to meet the needs of the wide variety of customer demographics. The feeling of hygge and comfort has been achieved through a toned down colour scheme and natural materials such as leather, stone, wood, brass and wool that create a relaxed ambience in the space. This furthermore allows the colours of the fresh greens and fruits to take centre-stage in the open kitchen displays.
Dedicated zones specify areas for the different stages of food preparation and provide a clear visual division of workstations behind the bar. This was inspired by the studios’ many years of experience working with restaurant design in Asia, where the creation of specified zones helps optimise the food preparation process.
项目名:F&B concept for Palæo – Primal Gastronomi
客户:Palæo – Primal Gastronomi
创意总监:Johannes Torpe
项目负责人:Bjarke Vind Designers: Suguru Kobayashi, Matthias Kisch and Bjarke Vind
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