Baptiste Bohu :浦东一家三口住宅设计
Chen Residence , Shanghai
This apartment located in Pudong Is 200m2. It has been designed for an american chinese lawyer, his wife and his young daughter. They were already living in this apartment and decided to fully renovate it. They asked Baptiste Bohu to take over the project.
▲客厅/living room
这是一处位于浦东的200平方米的公寓。公寓的主人是一位美籍华裔律师和他的妻子、女儿。他们希望重新打造这处寓所,所以邀请Baptiste Bohu来对它进行度身设计。
The owner has a great eye for art and style in general and wanted a mix of western and asian elements. He also loves the old architecture and interior of the historical buildings of the Bund where his office is.
▲餐厅/dining room
With this direction, Baptiste Bohu designed the apartment with some art deco flavors that can be seen in the graphic furniture of the house, typical signature of Baptiste Bohu's style but also on the mosaic floor of the entrance which replicates a classical geometric shapes but which looks very modern by the use of strong contrasting colors. The mosaic has been installed authentically as it was installed 100 years ago which gives this very original and premium effect to the entrance.
在充分沟通了设计方向后,Baptiste Bohu在设计中运用了ART DECO元素,这些都在家具的几何元素中得以呈现,这些是Baptiste设计风格中的标志性元素,这一点在入口的马赛克地面上有所表现,地面的质感和一个世纪前外滩旧建筑里的马赛克相同,用黑白强烈的色彩对比,通过现代的手法来诠释了经典的马赛克几何造型。
▲主人房/master bedroom
A lot of premium materials have been used in the design: marble mosaic, brass lines on wood floor, pure silk wallpaper with black velvet lining, silk curtains, lacquered wood doors. The art pieces have been selected at the same time that the design was done to make sure that the colors and material selection were all matching with the artworks. The dining chandelier has been designed by Val, a french sculptor based in Thailand who is represented by Phillipe staib gallery.
在这个作品中,设计师运用了许多高级的材质:大理石马赛克、木地板衔接处的黄铜条、纯丝质的壁布、黑色丝绒的线条、真丝的窗帘、烤漆木门等。在设计完成的同事Baptiste也开始着手对艺术品的选择,以确保室内色彩和材质的选择和艺术品的搭配相得益彰。餐厅的吊灯是常驻在泰国的法籍的雕塑家Val的作品,他的作品还在Philippe Staib画廊里展出。
▲女儿房/daughter‘s bedroom
The master bathroom is decorated with black and white mosaic, champagne color stainless steel details and , white marble, and mirror tiles. The bedroom has beige leather cushions for the bed head. The young daughter has a colorful bedroom with a light green and fuchsia details. All lighting and curtains have been specially designed and customized for each room. Finally the study room has been designed in a more asian style with a zen spirit with bamboo blinds and bamboo woods, a tea and reading area by the window.
The apartment has a very urban feeling, a mix between Shanghai and New York way of life. It is a great family place but also comfortable to receive guests for dinner or a glass of wine.
设计公司:Baptiste Bohu
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