Flores&Prats:巴塞罗那Sala Beckett国际戏剧中心设计

设计:Flores & Prats Architects | 项目地点:西班牙 | 类别:文化教育 | 2017-07-18 9142 63


A cultural space designed by Flores & prats opens in Barcelona; it is characterized by extraordinary vivacity and a surprising relationship with history which tends to redefine the theme of architectural restoration. the new Sala Beckett, opened in november 2016 in poblenou, in the Sant Martí district, is dedicated to theatre, experimentation and training. this place for meeting and creativity found a space in the headquarters of the old peace and justice cooperative (pau i justicia). the design by architects ricardo Flores and eva prats reflects the dense memories profoundly rooted in the culture of the historical industrial district, which had already undergone significant changes for the 1992 olympics and has now become vibrant due to the presence of numerous artists and creative talents..



        改建项目从 2011 年开始筹划,巴塞罗那建筑事务所 Flores & Prats 赢得了改建项目的竞标比赛。整个改建项目花费了 5 年时间。贝克特实验剧场从 2016 年 11 月开始,重新面向公众开发新的演出季计划。

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▲主入口/street life

Having grown for 25 years through the commitment of the director José Sanchis Sinisterra, Sala Beckett has been a central place in the culture of Barcelona for some time. The institution will be run in its new location by Toni Casares, together with whom the architects Flores & Prats, winners of the competition announced in 2011, have worked for a long time to create a space capable of interpreting its important role and relaunching it into the life of Poblenou. To come up with a design for the new location the architects Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats spent much time learning about the production activities and theatrical experimentation, discussing it with Toni Casares and the other people that would then make use of the new spaces. They visited Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord by Peter Brook and studied several cases, enabling them to develop a personal and profound awareness of the subject matter which they then reinterpreted inside the old building with their meticulous ability to dialogue with spaces and their histories.

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▲新旧窗户用连廊连接后面的酒吧/old and new window connecting the bar with the vestibule

        由建筑师 Ricardo Flores 与 Eva Prats 领导的建筑团队在改建开始时,花费了大量时间仔细研究了剧场的活动、实验性戏剧的内容,并希望能够弄明白剧院和这座建筑间所能产生的情感联系。

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▲连廊和天窗/vestibule and skylight

The design by Flores & Prats stems from the spatial and decorative qualities of the existing building, a part of the identity assumed by the city of Barcelona at a time when the workers’ associations emerged along with their surprising capacity to create space for entertainment. Each significant element has been carefully collected, from the frames to the doors, the polychrome tiles, rose windows, the stratifications present in the masonry fabric and the plasterwork. The design process included an in-depth study of the environmental characteristics, identified and developed through numerous drawings and detailed study models.

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▲拱门和天窗之间的到达区/arrival under the arch and skylight

        建筑师仍就希望保留内部的空间结构和一部分的装饰。Flores & Prats 对此阐述道:“我们对建筑的这种破败程度产生了兴趣。但并不仅仅因为我们想要重新利用它们,而是希望它们能成为新环境的参与者,成为携带两段交错历史的见证者,继续还没有完成的任务,在原来的基础上融入到新的功能里去。因此,改造这座建筑的难点在于,在开发建筑新的功能基础上,完整保留它原本的灵魂。”

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▲长廊主入口/main Vestibule towards enrance

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▲长廊处的酒吧入口/bar and vestibule

The building constructed in the 1920s was in ruins, however it had a high number of features that Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats have chosen not only to leave in place, thereby leaving substantial traces of the original building intact. They also wanted to project into the future, turning all the signs and stratifications of time and the uses of the building into a device through which to give further meaning to the drama- related research conducted by Sala Beckett.       

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▲Beckett酒吧(硬装完成时)/beckett bar(construction finished)

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▲Beckett酒吧(布置好后)/beckett bar(in use)


        改建完成的贝克特实验剧场功能齐全,拥有两个可以容纳 200 人和 120 人的剧场,一间试验教室,一间办公室,两间化妆间,以及一个沿街的咖啡馆和其它服务设施。


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▲酒吧角落/corner bar

The light that filters from above through a skylight into the entrance area gives rise to the complexity of the spaces and delivers a sense of unity to the whole building, gently reaching down to the ground floor. Here, in the lobby of the old cooperative, it guides the public towards the performance areas.       

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▲带自然光线的展厅/exhibition room with natural light





▲总平面图/site plan




▲平面图/floor plan






▲细节图/detailed drawings

建筑设计和施工:Flores & Prats Archs / Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats.
筹办人:Institut de Cultura de Barcelona + Fundación Sala Beckett.
投标:January 2011.
项目一期:March 2012. 

项目最终确定:January 2014.
建设:April 2014 – March 2016.
项目地:Calle Pere IV 228, Poble Nou, Barcelona.
预算:2.500.000 euros.
过程:Rehabilitation of the former social club Pau i Justicia as the new Sala Beckett / Internacional Drama Centre, including two exhibition spaces, classrooms for Reading and writing drama texts, and a bar-restaurant open to all the neighbourhood.
剧院工程师:Ing. Marc Comas.
声响咨询师:Arau Acústica.
布景顾问:Elisabet Castells.
数量统计:Xavier Badia.
结构顾问:Arq. Manuel Arguijo.
装置:AJ Ingeniería.
参与人员:Eirene Presmanes, Jorge Casajús, Micol Bergamo, Michelle Capatori, Emanuele Lisci, Cecilia Obiol, Francesca Tassi-Carboni, Nicola Dale, Adrianna Mas, Giovanna de Caneva, Michael Stroh, Maria Elorriaga, Pau Sarquella, Rosella Notari, Laura Bendixen, Francesca Baldessari, Marta Smektala, Ioanna Torcanu, Carlotta Bonura, Florencia Sciutto, Georgina Surià, Elisabet Fàbrega, Julián González, Valentina Tridello, Agustina Álvaro Grand, Monika Palosz, Shreya Dudhat, Jordi Papaseit, Judith Casas, Tomás Kenny, Filippo Abrami, Constance Lieurade, Iben Jorgensen, Lucía Gutiérrez, Gimena Álvarez, Agustina Bersier, Mariela Allievi, Toni Cladera, Clàudia Calvet.
摄影师:Adrià Goula.

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