雷诺概念电动车/Renault electric concept car Symbioz

设计:Renault雷诺 | 项目地点:德国 | 类别:居住空间 | 2017-10-11 9696 96

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Renault has revealed an autonomous, electric concept car at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September, which it sees as an extension of the connected home.

        法国知名汽车制造商雷诺(Renault)在今年9月的法兰克福汽车展(Frankfurt Motor Show)上发布了一款自动驾驶的电动概念车,作为相连的居住空间的一部分。

Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-01


Described by the car company as "an extra mobile, modular and multi-purpose room", Symbioz is a vision for a car "in complete symbiosis" with the modern home, which connects to it wirelessly like many of today's domestic appliances.



Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-02

Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-03

Externally, the car takes its cues from contemporary architecture. It features a steel frame, expansive windows and wooden joinery details.



Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-04

Inside, the car is designed to echo the details and finishes of a living room, with materials including copper, marble, fabric and porcelain. Its four seats, described by Renault as "armchairs", can rotate to face each other, just like a swivelling armchair.




"The car becomes a new mobile, multi-purpose living space for the whole family and can be used – open or closed – more fully, even when parked," said Stéphane Janin, Renault's director of design. "The car allows passengers to feel at home when travelling, thanks to the interior design. It is underpinned by the idea of maximising the available space for the passengers, without taking anything away from comfort and modularity."

        雷诺汽车设计总监Stéphane Janin说,“概念车变成了一家人全新的可移动和多用途的生活空间,即使在汽车停靠的时候也能够很好的开合满足使用要求。Symbioz概念车居家感的室内设计,让家人在旅途中也能感受家一般的温馨。实现这一理念的方向就是最大限度地为旅客提供活动空间,同时保持应有的舒适性和模块性。”

Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-05

Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-06


"As designers for Groupe Renault, our job is to imagine what role cars will play in the future and integrate them into its ecosystem," said senior designer Tina Kentner."We therefore set out to build part of this ecosystem – a family home – and let our customers experience this home at an international motor show. That's a first."

        资深设计师Tina Kentner表示,“作为雷诺汽车集团的设计师,我们工作始终是不断地想象汽车在我们的未来生活中应该充当怎样的角色,并且把它们融合到我们的生态系统中来。因此,我们开始着手打造这个生态系统的组成部分——一个居住空间——让我们的客户在这样一个国际性的汽车展上体验这样的理念。而这只是开始。”

Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-07

Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-08


The residence has a total area of approximately 120 square metres, and was designed for Renault by French studio Marchi Architectes.

        住宅占地面积为120平方米左右,由法国Marchi Architectes设计事务所联合打造。

Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-09

        A custom-engineered lifting and rotating platform is incorporated into the house, which raises the car from the ground floor to the rooftop, so that users can enjoy views of the surroundings. When the lift is raised up, it creates an additional living space on the ground floor.


 Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-10

As well as informing one another aesthetically, the car and the home also economically share energy. "Kilowatt-hours are distributed through a smart grid shared by the car and the home in an artificial intelligence environment capable of anticipating occupants' needs," explained Renault.


Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-11


"If there are no plans for a long trip in the next 48 hours, a minimum charge level will be left in the car battery (i.e. enough energy for a short trip) in order to optimise power distribution at home. However, if a weekend away is planned, the system will fully charge the car battery on a Friday night, gradually turning down the home heating overnight."


Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-12

The wireless connection between the car and the home is constant, so continues to function when the car is on the move. This allows users to access their music, social media, and personal cloud storage around the clock.



Renault debut Symbioz in Frankfurt Motor Show 2017-13

Also, if someone rings the house's doorbell, the dashboard displays their face, and the passenger can give them access remotely.

"No longer can we think of car design in isolation from the ecosystem surrounding us, or from the evolution of major changes like electric energy use, connected and autonomous drive technologies that influence our lives," stated Laurens van den Acker, senior vice president of Renault corporate design.

        同样,如果有客人按响住宅的门铃,汽车的仪表盘就会显示他/她的脸部,通过远程控制为到访者开门。雷诺联合高级副主席Laurens van den Acker说道,“我们再也不会认为汽车设计和我们所在的生态环境是隔离的,或者和诸如电力使用这样关键的革命性改变背道而驰。互联的自动驾驶技术正在影响着我们的生活。”

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