AB Concept: 三亚保利瑰丽酒店设计/Rosewood Hotel Sanya

设计:AB Concept | 项目地点:三亚 | 类别:酒店设计 | 2017-10-19 24189 110


        “这里没有奢华而宏伟的大堂,也没有任何夸张的造型。只希望以返璞归真与平淡的手法,带出一种现代都市人在度假时所追求的低调与放松情怀。”三亚保利瑰丽酒店室内设计师AB Concept创始人伍仲匡说道。这是瑰丽在中国第二家酒店,亦是第一间度假酒店,于2017年8月21日揭幕。

“Here, guests will not find a luxurious grand lobby or overembellished forms of any kind. There is only an atmosphere of concise and well-thought craftsmanship that delivers all the aspirations and relaxation required by modern guests from the city.“ –said the interior designer of Sanya Rosewood, Ed Ng, founder of AB Concept. This magnificent hotel is the second instauration of the brand in China and its first resort hotel. Its doors opened to the public in August 21, 2017.



        阿根廷艺术家Carlos Arnaiz Carlos钟情于观察自然植物由种子至盛开的生长过程,以其想象力透过诗意形式呈现和庆祝植物原始状态而闻名,伍仲匡将这种象征自然滋养的存在注入了大堂。

The Argentinean artist Carlos Arnaiz Carlos loves to observe the growth process of natural plants from seed to bloom. Using his imagination to create poetry, he celebrates and makes known the natural growth of plants. Mr. Ng portrayed this symbolic form of natural nourishment in the design of the lobby.




        这幅抽象花卉油画高达7米且纵贯中庭,寓意与自然和谐相生的哲学;此外,中国艺术家丁浩以竹子和木搭建而成的“通天塔”,趣味与自由臆想并存;还有韩国当代艺术家Byun Dae-young的"冰淇凌熊",让客人偶尔在艺术装置中会找到一点喜悦。

An abstract flower painting hangs seven meters above the ground from the atrium, symbolizing harmony with nature. In addition, the Chinese artist Ding Hao used natural elements such as bamboo and wood to build a “Babel Tower”, a work of art that denotes refined taste and freedom of thought. The “Ice Cream Bear” from the contemporary Korean artist Byun Dae-young, makes guests enjoy art in a more cheerful way.



        有别于一般酒店的大堂与前台的设计,Sky Lobby旨在构建一个海边度假小屋,以木头、图腾配以海洋元素来演绎空间,并用现代的手法勾勒出优雅的低奢,展现城市对于自然以及大海的依恋。

The lobby and front desk were designed in a unique way, completely set apart from other hotels. Sky Lobby represents a holiday hut by the seaside, using elements such as wood, totem figures and sea themed items to define space, as well as modern composition methods that outline simple yet elegant luxury, expressing the love for nature and the sea felt by guests from the city.




The “Book of the Sea”, a work of art weaved by Tan Dali, professor of the Guangzhou University, can also be found on this space. The craftsmanship shown in this work, from the material selection to the elaboration process, clearly portrays traditional Chinese cultural connotations, combined with modern weaving techniques in a precise creative process that serves a profound purpose: to register and collect all the wonderful and interesting experiences from guests into the “Book of the Sea”.




“A gentle pavilion, elegant and warm, sets the hotel apart from others.” According to Ed Ng, the coziness of holidays can only be achieved after guests have established a strong connection with their surroundings.





The bar in the lobby faces toward the sea; it is an elegant space suitable for reflection and thinking. It is also a cultural temple where one can talk freely about culture, art or life. The use of multiple overlapped lines serves as a catalyst to transform the details of the space into a dynamic atmosphere that brings to mind the original warmth of life, away from the rush of the city.





Details on the ceiling are inspired on local architectural elements. The use of multiple layers of oak adds depth to the space. In ancient times, the warmth brought by wood was considered a symbol of life. Thus, wood is the main material used in the interior design of the rooms, to keep a connection between man and nature, and integrate local tradition in a seamless combination with modernity.






The hotel offers five restaurants and lounges: “East Kitchen”, “Chop House”, “The Fishmonger”, “The Lounge” and “Hai Infinity Pool and Bar”, all of which present guests with a variety of delicious cuisines from around the world, while satisfying their highest requirements to properly enjoy art and life.





The seafood restaurant finds inspiration in local fresh seafood markets, eliminating the feeling of distance usually found in top hotels. This provides the space with a strong local personality that creates a fun dining experience: trays with fresh fruit, seafood displayed as in local markets, and details imbued with cheerful vitality.





        Speakeasy Bar兼具画廊、酒吧、会议室及举办活动的功能,丰富线条交替变换,与渔民图案的地毯相映成趣,娓娓道来的是当地最朴素的生活模式。

Speakeasy Bar functions as a gallery and a bar, and also provides meeting and event rooms. Rich lined patterns alternate to transform the space, and perfectly match the fisherman pattern used on the carpets. Such is the charm of pure simplicity found in the local lifestyle.




In fact, the so-called concept of “impression” implies the acceptance of external stimuli through sensory organs, to compare them against registered memories, and produce results.  Design anticipates impression, and consciously intervenes in the behavior of its combination process: to create and communicate, allowing us to further understand the world we live in.




As such, even before entering a room, guests are able to feel the leisure and relaxing atmosphere brought by a unique beach resort. All paths present guests with trees scattered on the side, making them feel as comfortable on interiors as if they were already walking by the beach.






“Light-colored rooms further bring the freshness of the sea indoors. Balconies facing toward the ocean and even the swimming pool are all elements in perfect connection with the overall concept.” – Ed Ng explained.




项目: 三亚保利瑰丽酒店

室内设计:AB Concept奥必概念



Project:Rosewood Hotel Sanya

Interior Design: AB Concept

Architect: Ed Ng and Terence Ngan

Opened: 21st August, 2017

AB Concept: 三亚保利瑰丽酒店设计_扫二维码.png



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