Lim + Lu: 仓库住宅HM设计/Warehouse HM
Tucked away on the south side of Hong Kong island and hidden amongst the hectic industrial buildings is the latest haven designed by Lim+Lu. Designed for a multi-talented animal-loving couple, whose hobbies include hosting painting and baking workshops, this abode offers the dwellers plenty of space for their activities as well as roaming space for their five pets.
▲入口 entrance
▲工坊 workshop
这个2600平方英尺的空间改造前是一个仓库。业主要求Lim + Lu在保留空间原有的粗犷感的同时,将其改造成一个可容纳他们现有的家具及旅游纪念品的住宅和创意工作室。
The 2600-square-foot property was previously a warehouse space. The clients asked design collective Lim + Lu to maintain the rawness of the space while transforming it into a family home and creative workshop space that can house the couple’s existing furniture and memorabilia they’ve collected during their travels.
▲餐厅 dining room
Lim + Lu认为好的居住空间设计应能体现居住者的性格及特点,并讲述他们的故事。业主在定居香港之前曾在多个国家生活过,纽约则是给他们留下最深印象的地方。Vincent Lim和Elaine Lu深谙纽约这座城市的吸引力,因为他们也曾在曼哈顿生活过好些年。该项目最大的挑战是,在香港营造一个可以让他们回忆起心心念念的纽约的地方。
When designing a home, Lim + Lu believes that the inhabitant’s personality and character should be reflected in the space and it should tell their stories. New York is still the one place that leaves the strongest imprint for the multi-national couple who have lived in many countries before settling in Hong Kong. Both Lim and Lu can relate to this strong gravitational pull New York has to one’s heart as they both lived in Manhattan for several years. The challenge for this project became creating a home that is reminiscent of the place they hold so close to their hearts, New York, in Hong Kong.
▲客厅 living room
▲客厅与主卧之间的推门 sliding door between living room and master room
Lim说道:“我们在进行空间设计时全面考虑到了项目周围环境和居民。对于这个项目,项目地址毗邻工业中心且业主对纽约有着很深的情结。我们觉得这是一次融合东西方文化的最好机会。” Lu补充说道:“我们借鉴周围的工业元素,并将它们穿插使用在纽约阁楼的设计理念中。当你置身于室内,在不向窗外看的时候,就犹如置身于曼哈顿下东区的阁楼中。当你望出窗外,又立刻回到了香港。在香港设计一个仓库类型的纽约阁楼的想法看起来很不寻常,然而它却最能毫无违和感地融入周围的工业环境。”
Lim commented, "We design with the context in mind; being mindful of the surroundings as well as the inhabitants. In this instance, we are working with a space neighbouring many industrial complexes and a client who has a deep connection with New York. We thought this would be a perfect opportunity to harmonize western and eastern cultures.” Lu added, “We borrowed elements from the surrounding industrial neighbourhood and intertwined them with the idea of a New York loft. When inside the space, without looking out the windows, one is transported to a loft in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. When you look out, you are immediately connected to Hong Kong. The idea of a warehouse-type New York loft in Hong Kong seems unusual yet it is perfectly fitting in the surrounding industrial environment.
▲主卧 master room
改造前的空间是完全开放的,没有分区,未隔出厨房或卫生间,且整个空间只有一面临窗。这样的空间,如何规划布局才能更好地引进阳光和方便业主活动,对Lim + Lu来说是一大挑战。
Originally a completely open plan with no divisions, kitchen, or bathrooms, and with windows only on one side, the space challenged Lim + Lu to strategically plan the layout for the filtration of light and facilitation of the client’s activities.
▲主位 master bathroom
Lim + Lu的解决方法是将空间分成两部分——私人的和公共的。穿过一扇老旧的未做任何改动的工厂大门,你来到了最迷你的仅包含了一张长凳和一个鞋柜的玄关。推开工业推拉门展现在眼前的是一个摆满了用品的工作坊。出于业主隐私的考虑,当他们举办研习班时,整个空间乍眼一看似乎只有一个工作室。然而,细看之下,到访者可通过工作室的后墙上的一扇窗户一窥隐藏的居住空间。推开第二扇推拉门,一个宽敞明亮的居住空间一览无遗,在寸土寸金的香港,这样的空间是少之又少的。
Lim + Lu’s solution was to divide the space into two halves- private and public. Upon entering through a decrepit factory door that was left untouched from its factory days, you are greeted by a minimal vestibule containing only a bench and a shoe cabinet. Peeling back the adjacent industrial sliding door will reveal a painting workshop space populated with supplies. For the client’s privacy when they hold workshops, it appears that there is nothing more to the unit than the workshop at first glance. However, at closer observation, one is offered a glimpse into the hidden apartment through the window on the back wall of the work space. Peeling back the second sliding door exposes a spacious and light-filled living space that is hard to find in Hong Kong, where space is often limited.
▲次位 guest bathroom
因业主特别热衷于社交,喜欢举办各种烘焙课和宴会。所以举办研习班的公共空间如工作室和厨房就设在了离入口最近的地方。为了确保绝对的隐私,更为私密的空间如卧室和主卫,设在离主入口最远的地方。由于私人空间缺少窗户,Lim + Lu使用钢铁和玻璃推拉门来给卧室和主卫引进阳光。当这些门全部推开的时候,私人空间和公共空间便变成一个和谐的大空间。
Because the clients are highly social creatures who enjoy hosting cooking classes and dinner parties, the public spaces where classes are held, such as the workshop and the kitchen are located closest to the entrance. To ensure the most privacy, the more intimate spaces, such as the bedroom and the master bathroom, are located furthest away from the main entrance. Due to the lack of windows in the private half of the loft, Lim + Lu incorporated steel and glass sliding doors to bring sunlight into the bedroom and the master bath. The doors, when completely open, allow for the private and public spaces to come together seamlessly as one.
设计师:Elaine Lu (卢曼子), Vincent Lim (林振华)
设计公司:Lim + Lu林子设计
摄影师:Nirut Benjabanpot
Designers: Elaine Lu, Vincent Lim
Design Company: Lim + Lu
Area: 242㎡
Location: Hong Kong
Date of Completion: 2017,08,17
Photographer: Nirut Benjabanpot
Edit by Designwire