【首发】DPD: inWe因味茶梅龙镇广场旗舰店

设计:DPD | 项目地点: | 类别:餐饮空间 | 2017-11-24 12395 130

  inWE茶饮DNA由各个领域的精英人士聚合而成。创始人缪钦有着20年的餐饮管理 经验,曾任前麦当劳中国首席运营官COO,于2014年创立inWE茶品牌,并获得以刘强东为主中欧商学院同班同学为班底的天使基金的投资,章泽天女士出任投资人代表。

    inWe主供绿茶、白茶、青茶、红茶、黑茶等各种中式纯茶,以茶引领东方生活方式, 向世界展现时尚东方。同时,国内外优质茶叶及丰富茶周边产品同步售卖,一站式打造年 轻人的时尚茶生活。其实一切都是因为茶。茶是这家店的灵魂。而茶属木,可以说,这家店遇木则润。木居东,有曲直之性,纳水土之气,以条纹为形,色彩上以绿色和原木色为代表。所以,你会看到全店都是纯粹的白色与原木色,条纹元素贯穿整场。

  当初项目定位以茶引领东方生活方式, 向世界展现时尚东方。同时,国内外优质茶叶及丰富茶周边产品同步售卖,一站式打造年 轻人的时尚茶生活。


The whole space is like a giant open tea box on the busy street, revealing itself to every guest seeking a sense of belonging here. It’s not just a tea shop, but a showcase of new life style and a window between us and the tea culture.


For most young people, the obstacles preventing them from falling in love with tea culture is the ritualistic procedure, complicated making process and old-fashioned tea house design. Tea is stereotyped as complicated, serious and traditional, but actually it can be different. DPD is commissioned by inWe to design its flagship tea shop in Westgate Mall in Shanghai to present the traditional Chinese tea culture through modern design method, refresh young people’s opinion and create a natural, attractive place for tea.


Wooden grating show windows, open seating area and bright neat indoor space makes the whole tea shop outstanding in the hustle-bustle, just like a quiet gentle breeze in your face. She’s like a giant open tea box on the busy street, revealing itself to every guest seeking a sense of belonging. Customers can enjoy the urban view through the windows while tasting tea. They are resting, chatting, and at the same time becoming the special view in the pedestrians’ eyes. It’s not just a tea shop, but also a showcase of new life style, a window between us and the tea culture.


A mysterious wavy corridor made of semi-transparent wooden grating, together with the white wall, leads people to explore step by step into the shop.


To encourage the young generation to embrace traditional tea culture, we need to change the cultural context and communication style. DPD has extracted the symbolizing element from traditional tea culture and inWe brand, applied them to the explanation of this project design.


Large amount of circulation design is originated from ripples in the water. The round celling design is inspired by the patio in traditional architecture, intending to create a cozy atmosphere. Also the tea shop is mainly in shite and log color, offering the customers a more relaxing tea-tasting experience.



Walking slowly into the shop, visitors’ vision, smell and hearing are all activated, totally ready to explore the tea spirit. In this modern society which highly values efficiency, we still stick to the daily rituals, cherish every single moment of life. No matter how changeable the world is, the little bitterness will hold on tight to the ground and remind us why we started.



设计总监形象照 - 林镇 .jpeg



  • DPD年度力作:北京3AM·S艺...

  • 【首发】DPD: inWe因味茶梅...


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