俞挺: 一个关乎幸福的新型邻里中心研究设计—— 六合院

设计:Wutopia Lab | 项目地点:上海 | 类别:会所设计 | 2017-11-24 16132 102




6xn yard: A real estate innovation for improving the lifestyle of its residents.  The destiny of the city dweller is to be an individual as well as part of a larger collective. 


        Wutopia Lab 用1:1比例将应中南置业委托的新邻里中心比邻好研究成果以艺术装置的方式在本年度11月18日的一个活动上呈现出来。这个研究成果就叫六合院。

Wutopia Lab will present a 1:1 scaled model of our neighborhood center research commissioned by “Zoina Land”, a Chinese real estate company, at an event sponsored by Zoina Land on the 18th of November.




China’s residential development, in particular the development within large cities, has matured at an impressive rate.  The resulting communities are unfortunately often self-centered, meaning residents often remain to themselves. Lack of attention towards developing neighborhood centers and committees makes it difficult for residents to meaningfully interact with each another.  Rapid real estate development and early on low prices of residences has inadvertently made denizens of modern Chinese cities nomadic, frequently moving into better residences.  Residential complexes have become temporary settlements. There is no longer the sense of belonging to a larger whole that is associated with city life. Zoina Land is aware of the importance of the long term stability of a community within residential complexes and residents’ desire to be a part of such a community. Zoina Land is less interested in superficial fitness centers and more interested in neighborhood centers that exist as a transition space between public space and home. Our goal is to design a proposal that may revive a more romantic sense of community. This is 6xn yard.


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Through empirical research Zoina Land and architects have reached a consensus regarding the needs of modern residents. These needs are: a space for entertaining guests, a space for work, the availability of quality produce, the presence of convenient dining options, a social atmosphere, and a space for kids. 



Community Living Room: for meeting friends, morning coffee, afternoon tea, open study space, etc.


Community Canteen: for casual dining from breakfast to dinner.



Open Kitchen: for parties and cooking courses.



Kid’s Heaven: for play, learning, extracurricular, and theatrical performances.



Fresh Supermarket: for quality produce and daily necessities, includes delivery options.



Reading Space: for book sharing, studying, reading, remedial classes.




Each function is contained with a 6x6 meter box. This is the meaning of 6xn yard.   


Both the literati of Jiangnan and modern city residents will agree isolation from nature shackles our spirit. Gardens and landscapes are thus vital. Though community gardens are beautiful, they lack the privacy of gardens on independent property, a luxury in large residentially developed areas. So we built three small courtyards as a middle ground on this spectrum. One garden contains a tea house (a space for life), another is connected to a more private room (a space for thought), and the third is a spice garden that can be handpicked. These gardens are the borders of the neighborhood, connecting private space (home) to public space ( city streets). The use of this neighborhood center is determined by the resident, who ultimately have the freedom to explore the potential this center has to offer. The three small courtyards play an integral part to both the building’s function and façade. And so 6xn yard was born. 

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Zoina Land decided to setup the model representation of 6xn yard in three days, with the final product available for only one day. I decided to use an art installation approach to create a surreal representation of our idea. The required us to jump out of the mold for our design. Since the second floor can no longer permit visitors, I decided to place the second floor on the ceiling so visitors, when the look up, may easily see the design of the second floor. The plane inverted on the ceiling is a mirror image of the design. This way visitors on a single level may experience the change of space between two floors on a single plane thus creating a new surreal experience of reality.


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The architect used semitransparent material to enclose the interior. The translucency of the material allows for the interaction of light and shadow that obscures the limited volume of the internal space. The furniture with in 6xn yard,  is pared down to its most basic and practical form and then painted white. The floor is made black so the white of the interior is intensified making it even more surreal. The pared down dimensions of the furniture further heightens this sense surrealism in the interior and draws the attention of the visitors. 




The mountain landscape is retained as the visual symbol of the architecture.  I used black, grey, and white poly carbonate boards to create this seemingly ink painted landscape façade of 6xn yard. Each piece of the faced is suspended in order to seem like it floats in space. The layered façade also maintains the privacy within. The façade displays the elegance of the community within.



        装置的六合院,或者日后建成的六合院其实是这么一个地方。每个人只要did great, real great,都可以成为他们生活的英雄,这关乎幸福。

示意图 diagrams:





设计公司:Wutopia Lab







摄影:CreatAR Images 艾清


Project: 6XN yard---- neighborhood prototype study

Architects: Wutopia Lab

Chief Architect: YU Ting

Design team: Shengrui PU, Liran SUN, Gary ZHANG

Lighting Consultant:  Chloe ZHANG

Area: 216 sqm

Project Year: 2017

Location: Shanghai, China

Photographs:  CreatAR Images ( AI Qing)

Edit by Designwire

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