Steven Holl: 弗吉尼亚联邦大学当代艺术学院设计
▲建筑正面 front view
弗吉尼亚联邦大学当代艺术学院(ICA)的特点是开放的设计:动态展览和活动空间,这些空间可以被创造性地激活,以支持多种多样的当代艺术形式。玻璃幕墙和窗户创造了建筑内部和外部空间的连续性。一层是面积4000平方英尺(约371平方米)的美术馆,包括咖啡厅、酒吧和从ICA中心广场到户外花园的零售概念店,Steven Holl将其描述为“思考领域”,将用于社交聚会和公共项目。一楼还配备了一个最先进的240座礼堂,供电影放映、表演、讲座和其他活动使用。二层包括两个极限画廊和一个多功能“学习实验室”,用于互动。还包括一个公共平台,是4个绿屋顶其中的一个。三楼也是一个画廊,里面有高耸的33英尺高(约10米)的墙壁,还有一间行政套房和会议室。其他的员工办公室位于大楼的底层,底层还包括一个供游客参观的大厅,艺术储藏和准备设施,一个制作间,一个绿房间,餐饮厨房,以及储藏室。
▲俯瞰图 aerial view
The open design of the ICA features dynamic exhibition and programming spaces that can be creatively activated in order to support widely varied forms of contemporary art. The glass walls and windows create continuity between the interior and exterior spaces of the building. On the first floor, a 4,000-square-foot gallery and café, bar, and concept shop radiate from the ICA’s central forum and frame an outdoor garden, which Steven Holl describes as the “Thinking Field,” that will be used for social gatherings and public programs. The first floor also features a state-of-the-art 240-seat auditorium for film screenings, performances, lectures, and other programs. The second floor includes two forking galleries and an adaptable “learning lab” for interactive engagement. It also includes a publicly accessible terrace, featuring one of four green roofs. The third floor features a gallery with soaring, 33-foot-high walls and houses one of the administrative suites and the boardroom. Additional staff offices are located in the building’s lower level, which also includes a lobby for visitors, art storage and preparation facilities, a fabrication workshop, a green room, the catering kitchen, and general storage.
▲建筑手绘 sketches of the architecture
“我们将 ICA 设计成一个灵活的、前瞻性的空间,这既是对当代艺术的变革可能性的一种催化剂,也是一盏明灯。”霍尔表示 “就像今天的许多当代艺术工作, ICA的设计不区分视觉和表演艺术。设计的灵活性允许实验,并鼓励展示艺术的新方法,它将充分利用整个弗吉尼亚联邦大学校园的独创性和创造力。”
▲建筑后方 rear view
“We designed the ICA to be a flexible, forward-looking instrument that will both illuminate and serve as a catalyst for the transformative possibilities of contemporary art,” said architect Steven Holl. “Like many contemporary artists working today, the ICA’s design does not draw distinctions between the visual and performing arts. The fluidity of the design allows for experimentation, and will encourage new ways to display and present art that will capitalize on the ingenuity and creativity apparent throughout the VCU campus.”
▲室内空间 interior space
为了符合校园的总体可持续规划设计, ICA结合最先进的技术和环境意识设计元素, 利用大量的自然资源。Markel 中心采用预风化的镀锌外表面,点缀着透明玻璃幕墙和天窗,为大楼注入自然光,减少对不可再生能源的依赖。环保措施包括使用地热井为建筑提供供暖和制冷能源,以及四个绿色屋顶来吸收雨水,抵消碳排放,并使隔热效果最大化。使用的当地植物包括木燕麦(wood oats),小芒草(little bluestem),宾夕法尼亚莎草(Pennsylvania sedge), 秋麒麟(goldenrod)。 建筑材料包括维吉尼亚青石(Virginia bluestone),订制中空玻璃幕墙,可以在夏季减少能耗,并在冬天合理利用。该项目的目标是满足LEED金牌认证标准。
▲室内设计手绘 sketches of interiors
In keeping with VCU’s master sustainability plan, the ICA’s design incorporates state-of-the-art technologies and environmentally conscious design elements, and makes use of numerous natural resources. The pre-weathered, satin-finish zinc exterior of the Markel Center, which houses the ICA, includes interspersed clear- and translucent-glass walls and skylights that infuse the building with natural light and lessen the reliance on nonrenewable energy. These include the use of geothermal wells to provide heating and cooling energy for the building, and four green roofs to absorb stormwater, offset carbon emissions, and maximize insulation. Native plantings include wood oats, little bluestem, Pennsylvania sedge, and goldenrod. Building materials include Virginia bluestone and custom glass cavity walls, designed to exhaust heat in the summer and harness it in the winter. The project is designed to meet LEED Gold Certification standards.
建筑师:Steven Holl Architects
地址:907 Floyd Ave, Richmond, VA 23284, 美国
主持建筑师:Steven Holl
高级负责合伙人:Chris McVoy
项目建筑师:Dominik Sigg, Dimitra Tsachrelia
合作建筑师:BCWH Architects
建筑面积:3800 平方米
摄影师:Iwan Baan
项目团队:Garrick Ambrose, Rychiee Espinosa, Scott Fredricks, Gary He, Martin Kropac, JongSeo Lee, Yasmin Vobis, Christina Yessios
结构工程师:Robert Silman Associates
机械工程师:Arup, OLDS
景观顾问:Michael Boucher Landscape Architecture
灯光顾问:L'Observatoire International
声音和视觉顾问:ConvergentTechnologies Design Group, Inc.
剧场技术顾问:Theatre Projects Consultants
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