Richard Murphy: 爱丁堡“墨菲住宅”设计/Murphy House at Edinburgh
来自爱丁堡的Richard Murphy建筑事务所设计的“墨菲住宅”被评为2016英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)年度大奖。 建于山坡地段,这个不寻常的场地给予了建筑师把玩设计细节的机会,项目装载了各种巧妙的建筑装置和细节,包括在主卧室、折叠墙、滑动书架梯子和可操作的智能面板 。
This is a house designed for Richard Murphy himself. It occupies approximately half of an existing garden in the open space between the back of houses on Forth Street and the gable end of houses on Hart St in the New Town of Edinburgh. The junction between these two streets is clearly an unplanned part of the New Town sitting at the point of contact where two estates that developed simultaneously met. In addition, an extra floor added at some time in the twentieth century to the west side of Hart Street has resulted in an unsightly gable end.
五层别墅的设计灵感来自20世纪意大利建筑师卡罗·斯卡帕(Carlo Scarpa)的作品,他以精心制作、极富趣味的建筑细节闻名于世,其作品包括Brion公墓,Fondazione Querini Stampalia和 威尼斯的Olivetti陈列室。
The house sets out to achieve a number of architectural ambitions. Firstly it acts as a 'bookend' to the above mentioned gable, hiding as much of it as possible. The elevational treatment continues the pattern set up by the Hart Street houses of an indented ashlar base, string courses and a significant cornice which is now terminated by becoming the roof edge of a dramatic sloping roof. This roof made mostly of glass with inset photovoltaic cells is designed both to ensure daylight to the adjacent basement flat on Forth Street and also to act as a major collector of solar energy. Inside the roof are a number of insulated shutters which are capable of closing when the roof is in net heat loss mode and opening when there is a net heat gain. In addition the photovoltaic cells power an industrial fan which draws air from the very top of the house to the semi basement to both counter the stack effect but also to store heat in a rock store placed in the solum for night time heating. The external form of the house is completed by a garage with a small roof terrace above.
来自Hiscox的评委Philip Thorn如是说道:“墨菲住宅是一个真正的盒子,它有一种独特俏皮的性格特征。虽然这是一个小尺度的地产项目,但是它通过巧妙地利用空间,使其内部空间显得特别大。 每个房间都有令人惊喜之处,对细节的关注则是另一亮点。 屋顶露台是一片详宁的绿洲,我喜欢环保的感觉,在此,我能想象到一个很多乐趣的生活。”
Internally an interlocking section places the living/dining and kitchen on the first floor with the master bedroom at the apex of the section capable of opening up and closing to the living space. A study sits between entrance hall and living room and a bedroom is placed on the ground floor and a further bedroom in a semi basement.
“墨菲住宅是今年最好的例子,如何克服极具挑战性的限制——从规划限制和场地在城市中尴尬的地理位置两个方面思考,建立一处令人诧异的的房子。 此外,建筑师克服了该项目最大的障碍之一,自己对自我设计的严苛要求!”RIBA总裁简·邓肯补充说道。
平面图和立面图 floor plans and facades:
设计师: Richard Murphy, Gareth Jones, James Falconer, Tersius Maass
工程师: Create Engineering
客户: Richard Murphy
项目地: 爱丁堡, 英国
完工时间: 2016
Edit by Designwire