温群: 重庆融创国宾壹号院销售中心设计
▲建筑外观 facade
China is in an era of rapid economic development。 The people's demand for quality of life after the stage of meeting the basic needs of life to the spiritual level is getting higher and higher. This trend is also reflected in the demand of housing projects which occupies more than One-third of the life time of human life. Sales office in China, as a showcase for developers to display their projects and ideas, has received extreme attention. It becomes an important medium of marketing. Developers will be willing to invest money on the sales office to showcase their project’s taste, style, quality, environment and the implementation of lifestyle and so on.
▲建筑广场的水景区 waterscape in the hall
▲金属幕帘 metal fabric
▲户外座椅区 outdoor seatings
In the past decades, the fault of Chinese culture has caused their own cultural value to be destroyed and neglected by the whole society, and there has been a cliff-like culture flaw. The great contradiction between the increasingly affluent life and the lack of culture causes a lot of blind worship and acceptance of the values of overseas culture and its output. Such a fault makes the European classical architectural form extremely popular in China because of its gorgeous image and as a symbol of wealth and good taste. This kind of architecture phenomena which lacks of Chinese culture and cultural foundation is a new cultural colonization. It is a historical tragedy.
▲梦幻般的水景 imagined waterscape
▲入口 entrance
We are trying to find a way to engage new technology, materials, ideas to excavate the essence of Chinese architectural culture, to create a new form of Chinese architecture adapting to the development of modern era, to return the value of Chinese culture. We hope to use design to regain the essence of Chinese culture and reshape our cultural self-confidence.
▲幕帘细节 detail of metal fabric
融创重庆虎歇路国宾一号售楼处项目是由项目内配套的幼儿园先期作为售楼处使用,项目的难点在于两个不同功能对空间和造型完全不同的要求,我们采取的策略是在作为幼儿园功能的建筑的外面增加另外的一层可拆卸的环保表皮,这层表皮作为售楼处形象所传达的核心概念是对中式建筑从意境方面的表达,区别于西方以砖石为基础的建筑,古代中式建筑不以几何造型作为建筑表现的基础,相反的的是中式的木构建筑更加注重表现建筑构造的逻辑之美,柱,梁,斗拱,椽,檩等等结构构件暴露,一切遵从自然的力学法则,所以才会呈现出毫不矫揉造作的优美造型尤其是屋顶的弧线,配合出挑的屋檐所形成的灰空间与周边的自然环境紧密融为一体,达到人和自然的共生状态. 售楼处的造型是在传承这样的的一种理念,利用现代的半透明的金属幕帘这样一种绿色环保材料形成内外空间的在视觉上和空间上内敛而优雅的过渡,半透明材料所呈现的若隐若现的视觉模糊传递着层次丰富的空间纵深感,同时利用金属幕帘自然下垂所形成的符合自然力学逻辑的优美的弧线向同样符合自然结构逻辑的中式建筑致敬,同时通过把现代钢结构的逻辑之美通过外露的形式表现出来,与景观结合在一起形成朦胧而富于诗意的空间。 半透明的金属幕帘又作为遮阳的第二层皮肤起到了节能环保的作用,虽然建筑的造型和材料都是现代的,但是核心的理念和中式建筑一脉相承,不以几何造型取胜,道法自然,大道无形。
▲手绘图 sketch
▲效果图 rendering
SUNAC as one of the largest developers in China will develop a luxury apartment project in Chongqing located on Huxie Road. We are committed to design their sales office. Based on the regulation, the sales office will be converted into a kindergarten after the use as a sales office. The difficulty of the project is that two different functions have completely different requirements for space, form and appearance. The strategy we adopted is to add another layer of removable green skin, the metal mesh, outside the building for sustainable and imagery purpose. This layer of skin creates an unique facade of the sales office which is conveyed by the core concept of Chinese architecture from the artistic conception of the expression. Different from the western architecture which are based on stone masonry construction system, ancient Chinese architecture does not use geometric form as the basis of architectural performance, in contrary, the Chinese-style wood structure emphasis more on the expression of architectural logic following the natural law. Structural components such as pillars, beams, brackets, rafters, Purlin and so on are all exposed, all comply with the natural mechanics of the law, so it will appear without affectation, especially the roof of the arc. The overhangs of the eaves forms the gray space and it creates a vague zone merging the nature and building into one to achieve the symbiotic state of man and nature. The concept of the sales office is in the inheritance of such a concept. The use of metal fabric as the secondary skin forms a sustainable curtain to protect the building from direct sunlight for energy saving. Also the internal and external space are linked visually and spatially in an elegant transition. Translucent materials presented by the looming visual blur convey a rich level of the depth in space. At the same time, the graceful arc of metal fabric formed by natural mechanical logic salutes the Chinese architecture which conforms to the logic of natural structure. The elegant modern steel structure are exposed. The translucency together with elegant landscape creates a poetic zen space. Although the architectural form and the material are modern, but the core idea is the same as Chinese architecture philosophy. The Tao Nature, formless is the ultimate sophistication.
▲平面布局图 floor plans
▲剖析图 analysis
▲立面图 elevation
▲能量转换示意 graphic of energy conversion
▲结构示意图 structure graphic
项目名: Chongqing Sunac One Central Mansion Sales Pavillion 重庆融创国宾壹号院售楼处
设计公司: AOE事建组
设计总监: Larry Wen温群
设计师: Yibo Wang王怡博,Chao Xie谢超,Yusong Zhang张玉松
项目地点: 重庆, 中国
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