Noor Studio:越南岘港希尔顿酒店设计

设计:Noor Studio | 项目地点:越南 | 类别:酒店设计 | 2018-02-02 19450 92

  Noor是一家领先并专注于酒店项目的建筑与设计事务所,总部分别位于雅典和胡志明市。Noor的国际团队由Luc Lejeune和David Hodkinson于2003年创立,团队由专业经验丰富,文化底蕴深厚的室内设计师及建筑师组成。

Noor is a leading architecture and design studio with a focus on hospitality projects, based in Athens and Ho Chi Minh City. Established in 2003 by Luc Lejeune and David Hodkinson, Noor’s international team of experienced, cultured and well-travelled interior designers and architects works on projects worldwide.



The new Hilton Da Nang Hotel will open in April 2018 and will become the first five-star hotel in Da Nang, the third largest city and number one resort destination in Vietnam.

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  岘港希尔顿酒店坐落于Bach Dang街的主干道上,沿着汉江贯穿整个城市的景观,面向Son Tra半岛的山丘和Da Nang与Hoi An之间的海滩。从岘港的长滩到海岸再到Hoi An遗产镇,无处不体现出这是一个与时俱进并充满无限活力的城市。

The Hilton Da Nang is set on the main thoroughfare of Bach Dang Street, which runs along the Han River with commanding views across the city, towards the hills of the Son Tra peninsular and the beaches between Da Nang and Hoi An. Da Nang is a fast developing and energetic city with two sides – from the long-beaches reaching down the coast to the heritage town of Hoi An。

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  越南总部的Noor 提供了全面详尽的关于酒店室内设计的信息。该酒店设有大堂、咖啡厅、小酒馆和屋顶餐厅酒吧、舞厅、游泳池和健身区、会议室、行政酒廊以及211间客房。

Vietnam-based Noor delivered a comprehensive brief to design the interiors of the hotel’s 211 rooms, lobby, café, brasserie and rooftop dining bar, ballroom, pool and gym area, meeting rooms and the executive lounge of the hotel. 

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  该酒店的设计灵感来自当地文化,大量参考了Hoi An的建筑形式。 Noor团队希望将该地区的历史文化与酒店相联结,充分利用遍布该地区的天然调色板,即采购当地砂岩,陶瓷墙地砖,大理石,胡桃木和青铜等材料。

The design was inspired by local culture with strong architectural references to nearby Hoi An. Noor wanted to connect the history and culture of the location to the hotel, working with the natural colour palette found throughout the region and sourcing materials including local sandstone, ceramic wall tiles, marble, walnut wood and bronze.



  对于这个新的酒店项目,Noor团队将定制家具和照明设计融入了酒店的设计方案中,其中包括来自国际知名品牌Stellar Works,Wendelbo,Manutti,Sonite和Kettal的作品。

For this new hotel project, Noor has incorporated bespoke furniture and lighting into the hotel’s design scheme interspersed with pieces from leading international brands Stellar Works, Wendelbo, Manutti, Sonite and Kettal.


  Noor团队的投资涵盖从餐厅到酒吧,豪华酒店,度假村到私人住宅和超级游艇等项目,致力于为全球的客户提供高质量的服务。已完成的项目包括阿布扎比Nusr'Et牛排餐厅,撒丁岛Cala di Volpe的Novikov餐厅,柬埔寨暹粒吴哥莱佛士大酒店,湄公河水上游船,马尔代夫Furaveri度假酒店,土耳其伊斯坦布尔Splendid Palace酒店以及位于加德满都帕坦的喜马拉雅酒店。 




 Noor’s portfolio encompasses projects ranging from restaurants and bars to luxury hotels and resorts to private residences and super yachts, for clients around the world. Projects include the Nusr’Et Steakhouse Abu Dhabi, Novikov at Cala di Volpe Sardinia, Raffles Grand Hotel d’Angkor in Siem Reap, Cambodia, the Aqua Mekong river cruise boat, Furaveri resort in the Maldives, Splendid Palace in Istanbul, Turkey and the Himalaya Hotel in Patan, Kathmandu.



项目名称: Hilton Da Nang Hotel 


设计团队:Noor Studio



Edited by Designwire

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