
设计:天比高(广州)空间 | 项目地点:广东 | 类别:办公空间 | 2018-03-08 17359 142



As a workplace at the architecture design institute, it serves office staff of 170 members who come and go in a heavy traffic. It requires to realize the optimization of workplace traffic and improve the working mode at the same time.


Therefore, as the initial target, it shall provide a comfortable workplace and focus on providing the other functions other than an office such as meeting, leisure, and storage. It consistently pursues the ultimate "simplicity and peace" of a life-oriented working place to make the relationship between people improved, working pressure and motivation optimized and promoted to a higher level.



The inspiration comes from an art gallery.


White is simple and practical, very appropriate for the workplace. But, a workplace should not be a hall of stereotyped compartments filled with cold computers. It shall be people-oriented. So, the designer introduces sunshine, plants and wood to the workplace to create an environment of warmth, peace and sense of safety. People here would not only enjoy the interest of working, but also find a place of subsiding and communicating with their inner part.


Eco-friendly materials like white oak, glass, new light pipes, rain-sensing automatic daylighting louver, and environmentally friendly coatings of heat and sound insulation for the wall are not simply materials. They have excellent functions, and are added to the comfortable geometric space.


The balance between being loose and being tight makes the space reach a degree of relaxation. The designer courageously removes the 4th and 5th floors of the building and creates a "courtyard" of hidden beauty. The relatively crowded space is immediately opened up and a widely-spreaded space is displayed. The overall feeling becomes very transparent.


The color of the floor, ceiling or pillar is very harmonious. They become complementary for each other's material. Professionalism reveals from the comfort.


The designer has not forgotten his inspiration and original intention and fixes on the integration between the space and people.


Abundant lighting brings some spirituality for the space. Wooden furniture and marble floor reflect each other in the space, creating a sense of communication and interaction from the view. The space becomes warmer. Placing of high plants makes the space more vivid and lively. Chinese ink and wash painting brings more cultural atmosphere for the space.


Everyone works there also hold themselves aloof from the world. Ultimately simplified space supports not only your life and passion of working, but also holds your brisk energy of life.


设计公司 | 天比高(广州)空间 
项目 | 广东中山建筑设计院第三综合设计所新办公室
项目时间 | 2018.02 
项目面积 | 2600m² 
设计总监 | 谢文龙 
设计团队 | 蔡同信,谢英杰,邬昊成 
照明顾问及施工 | 欧苏蕾照明 
摄影 | 形界空间摄影
主材 | 白橡木,玻璃,不锈钢,导光管,雨量感应自动采光天窗 

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  • 谢文龙:广东中山建筑设计院...


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