AMZ Arquitetos:Belgica House绿色住宅区设计
比利时之家“Belgica House”是可以直通花园,让观者领略全景的无墙社区。
Belgica House's wall-less social area allows it full view and direct access to the garden.
这是由建筑师Adriana Zampieri和Pablo Alvarenga带领的AMZ Arquitetos团队参与的位于巴西圣保罗的绿色住宅区。根据功能(服务,睡眠和休闲空间)堆砌和布置房屋计划,该计划以三个区块为基础进行组织,以便创建一个连续的系统,使得室内 - 室外一体化。
Signed byAMZ Arquitetos, led by the architects Adriana Zampieri and Pablo Alvarenga; Belgica House is located in a green residential area in São Paulo, Brazil. The house program was organized in three blocks based on functions (service, sleeping and leisure spaces) piled up and arranged in a way that creates a constant indoor-outdoor integration.
尽管无墙社交区域可以让人们欣赏到全景,并可直接进入花园,但半透明的推拉门将服务区与活动区以及泳池区分开。当滑动推拉门时,服务室(厨房,厨房和烧烤区)延伸到社区和花园之中,从而形成内部 - 外部连贯极具张力的开敞空间。
While the wall-less social area allows it full view and direct access to the garden, translucent sliding doors separate the service block from the living and pool spaces. When slid open, the service rooms (pantry, kitchen and barbecue area) are extended into the social area and garden creating an interior-exterior continuity as one expansive space.
The sleeping and more intimate spaces are located in the upper block. They are covered by hinged and sliding pine wood panels that open up enabling the contemplation of the garden and green-roofed service block.
The top block and third floor of the house consists of a leisure space. It includes a gym opening onto a terrace where one may enjoy the sunlight while overlooking the surrounding green neighborhood.
At night, the translucent feature of the panels produces the reverse effect, allowing internal light to leak out to the garden.
项目名称/Project Name: Belgica House
建筑师/Architects: AMZ Arquitetos
撰文: Pablo Alvarenga, Manoel Maia, Adriana Zampieri
项目团队/Team: Gabriel Rocchetti, Paula Saito, Paula Ferreira Leite
项目地点/Location: São Paulo, SP
完工时间/Construction Conclusion: 2016
占地面积/Area: 1075 m²
摄影师/Photographs: Maíra Acayaba
Structural Engineering Company: Leão & Associados / Construction Company: All’e Engenharia
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