What kind of atmosphere can present local feeling?
What kind of spirit can express intention for going international?
What kind of posture is suitable for a hotel in between city and ocean?
“Innovation, Technology, Art”是我们结论出对于这些在设计上给予自己的问题、所需要响应及在空间里面表达出来的精神与形象,同时也需要藉由科技与工艺来将在地因素融入到空间的感受之中。 亦及感受是在地的、技术是前卫的、形象是当代的 …… 我们企图塑造的是一种有在地感受、具当代性,能展现出交流、对话态度的空间精神与氛围。
“Innovation, Technology, and Art” is answer we conclude for those questions given for design mentioned above, and also important spirit which needs to be presented in space, especially by technology we think. Simple to say “feeling is local but image is contemporary”.
Weather, humanities, and environment is common experience, and ocean is deep memory for local!
对于高雄,如同世界上其他的海港城市,“Ocean”一直是一个永远的存在及与外在的连结,也是生活中的一种真实感受与记忆。它可以被看到、听到、碰触,也可以被闻到,特别是它不曾静止、具有一种永远没有固定形态的状态的感官经验。因此、如何与Ocean连结,及运用当代的技术与手法来表达港湾的“自然意象”,使其呈现出一种科技、前卫、有趣,具在地感受的新的状态,是本案主要的设计策略与想法;简而言之就是“在地因素 + 当代表达”。
Same as other harbor cities in the world, ocean is a permanent exist and connection with the world to Kaohsiung. It can be seen, heard, touched, and also smelled, especially it never stop moving with kind of sense and status in unfixed form! So how to use contemporary way to express “nature status” of ocean which can create feeling of technology and avant-garde, but still with local sense is our basic design thinking and strategy. Put it simply,“ local factor + contemporary express “!
Ground Floor, 一楼大厅 Dancing Particles
The whole ground floor experience is created by 3 elements from entrance outside to lobby inside continuously.
Wave Screen, 水波冲孔帷幕 – 光印粼粼in water
Wave screen starts at entrance and is extended to lobby with purpose not just only to connect outside and inside but also create space sequence and intensify entrance axis!Moreover, it’s also with intention to create kind of feeling “in water” by wave patter on screen when light going through holes and reflection from water pool outside on it as well.
Kinetic Sculpture, 数字动态雕塑 – 抽象之水 dancing particles
大厅中的kinetic sculpture 则扮演着塑造空间精神最重要的角色。如同在BMW Museum 或新加坡的樟宜机场,ART+COM的作品总能诠释出一种创新、科技、艺术的精神,与我们想要呈现的形象不谋而合;而同时他们所使用的数字技术也非常适合我们所希望在大厅中表达出的那种时而海面翻腾、时而幻化为水分子、时而优雅、时而急促、时而动作象是被时间所凝结,变化万千、类似海洋那种没有固定形态的状态的感官经验。总而言之,它表达出的不是一种形态而是一种状态,它呈现出的不只是一个艺术品本身,更重要的是赋予了空间的精神及创造了“对话性”。
Kinetic sculpture inside lobby plays the most important role for creating space spirit. As in BMW Museum or Changi Airport, Singapore, ART+COM’s work always can express kind spirit of innovation and technology which is just as what we want in our lobby. Besides the digital technology they use is also very suitable for status and experience of ocean we intent to create. Imaginably, sometime it moves like wave movement or raining drops, and sometimes it looks elegant, or looks rapid. When it moves slowly, you just feel like time is slowing down or condensed.Simple to say, what it expresses is not about form, but “status”, and what it presents is not just only an art, but more importantly it gives space spirit and creates imagination.
Ripple Wall, 数位涟漪砖墙 – 翛然律动rhythmic brick
柜台背后的“涟漪”砖墙则是kinetic sculpture 所创造出来的状态的延续,运用的数字原理同样也是藉由单一元素在位置上的改变来塑造出整体的动态效果;而选择使用灰砖是因为砖块本是高雄在工业时期有相当产量的一种营建材料,所以我们希望透过不同的使用方式及技术来改变砖块呈现出来的性质、使其具有一种既传统又当代,同时具有工艺精神的感受,亦即“在地因素+当代表达”。
Ripple wall behind the counter is spread of “effect” from kinetic sculpture, “dancing particles”, and similarly, It’s status is also created by changing position and angle of single unit, brick to create whole kinetic effect.Choosing brick, the traditional industrial material as basic unit is because we want to present kind of character with both traditional and contemporary feeling, especially spirit of craft in it by different way and technology to use it. Again, Simple to say“Local Factor + Contemporary Express ”.
案名 : 晶英国际行馆1楼大厅
业主 : 御盟集团
性质 : 酒店
位置 : 台湾高雄
面积 : 约500m2
设计时间 : 2016年6月至9月
完工日期 : 2017年7月
设计团队 : CT Design 城市设计 / 朴木联合建筑师事务所 + 雅元设计
主要设计师 : 陈源盛、胡峻侥、潘凤凰
艺术团队 : 永添艺术股份有限公司 / 邵雅曼
Kinetic Sculpture : ART+COM Studios
摄影: 阮伟明 & 永添艺术股/邵雅曼
Project : 1th Lobby, Silks Club
Client : Yui-Mom Group
Category : Hotel
Location : Kaohsiung Taiwan
Size : about 500m2
Design Period : June - September, 2016
Completion : July 2017
Design Team : CT Design / PU Architecture Association + Ya-Yuan Design
Main Designer : Chen Anson, Hu Chun-Yao, Pan Feng-Huang,
Art Team : Alien Art / Shao Yaman
Kinetic Sculpture : ART+COM Studios
Photographs : Yuan Wei-Ming & Alien Art / Shao Yaman
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