OEO STUDIO:Ultrafabrics面料公司国际展厅设计

设计:OEO STUDIO | 项目地点:伦敦 | 类别:商业空间 | 2018-07-19 10634 120


Copenhagen-based OEO Studio, has just completed work on the design of the first international showroom in London for Ultrafabrics, the performance fabrics company.

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   Ultrafabrics以美国和日本的专业技术为基础,创造出智能面料,将精湛工艺与先进技术相结合,为行业提供变革性的触觉体验。 Ultrafabrics对于伦敦展厅的愿景是为客户创造一个令人愉悦的协作空间,并为国际设计界提供创意中心。

Founded on a hybrid of American and Japanese expertise, Ultrafabrics creates intelligent fabrics that combine master-craftsmanship with pioneering technology to offer transformative tactile experiences for a broad spectrum of industries. Ultrafabrics’ vision for its London showroom was to create a stimulating collaborative space for clients and provide a creative hub for the international design community.

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  OEO Studio与创意策略师Teke Busk共同合作创造空间设计理念,最终呈现的,是突破了面料展示和使用的界限,大胆、动感且独特的体验,极具吸引力的强烈感官叙事。 

OEO Studio worked with creative strategist Teke Busk on the design concept for the space to create an inspirational destination that pushes the boundaries of how fabrics are showcased and used, creating a bold, dynamic and unique experience with a strong sensory narrative that appeals to the senses.


The design of the new showroom draws on perceptions of nature with an abstract Japanese-inspired twist, which reflects Ultrafabrics'heritage.

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Designed to inspire, communicate and stoke curiosity, the bespoke elements include tactile art installations masterfully crafted into organic and poetic shapes as well as highly functional pieces that draw inspiration from Japan. The materials used in the showroom include crafted ash wood and aluminium which beautifully complement the fabrics.

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   OEO Studio的日式感性是其许多设计项目的特色,该工作室所擅长的东西方相融的风格,简约之上不乏优雅,并注重精湛的工艺品质。在功能和可持续材料的应用上,与Ultrafabrics的美学理念完美契合。

OEO Studio’s Japanordic sensibility characterises many of its design projects. The studio’s East meets West style is both minimalist and elegant, with an emphasis on quality craftsmanship, functionality and sustainable materials, and fits perfectly with the Ultrafabrics’ aesthetic.

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  OEO Studio创意总监Thomas Lykke说:“我们对此次设计的愿景,是为Ultrafabrics创造一个前所未有的展示空间。在面料方面,希望通过创造力和特殊的展现方式来吸引人们。展厅还向日本和美国独有的所有权致敬。

Thomas Lykke, Creative Director, OEO Studio says: “Our vision for the design was to create a space that showcases Ultrafabrics in ways never seen before. We want to inspire people by alluring curiosity and creativity in terms of using the fabrics. The showroom also pays tribute to the unique Japanese and American ownership.”

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  Ultrafabrics首席执行官Clay Rosenberg评论说:“我们希望打破传统的陈列室形式,提供引人入胜的品牌体验,能够提升人的感官体验,同时展示面料的创造潜力。”

Clay Rosenberg CEO, Ultrafabrics comments: “We wanted to go beyond a traditional showroom format to deliver an engaging brand experience that speaks to and elevates the senses, while showcasing the creative potential of the fabric.”

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