Munge Studio:Penthouse on the Esplanade复式公寓设计

设计:Munge Studio | 项目地点:加拿大 | 类别:居住空间 | 2018-08-09 12830 124

  由Munge Studio设计,坐落于多伦多历史性区域Lawrence市场的双层豪华公寓建筑,有近4500平方英尺的面积。这个奢华的公寓设计项目,坐拥开阔的视野,通透的空间秩序以及富有灵感的陈设为客户及其家庭成员打造了宜人的起居场所。

Located within an exclusive residential condominium building in the heart of Toronto's historic St.Lowrence Market neighborhood, this two-story.4.500 square foot penthouse ilustrates how a luxury condo can still have all the comforts of a traditional family home. With expansive views,a sprowling terrace and airy interiors, this inspired setting is the ideal home for the clients and their family.


  客户希望设计师能够重新设计复式住宅的室内环境,使其更具有摩登、时髦的当代审美,同时拥有清晰的居家空间布局。在整体色调上,设计师选择了柔软的中性色,辅以雕塑元素的装饰细节以及自然材料的肌理感进行空间叙述  。一个双向的大理石壁炉在餐厅所在主楼层,雕塑式的螺旋楼梯将客厅和用餐区域分割开来。

Studio Munge was approached by the clients to re-invigorate the interiors of their penthouse suite, and applied a sleek, modern aesthetic while maintaining a distinct residential feel. The interiors feature a soft. nautral color palette accented by sculptural elements and natural material finishes, including a two-way Costa Azure marble fireplace in the main-level dining room, and sculptural spiral staircase separating the living and dining areas.


The clients were concerned that moving to a condominium would prohibit them from enjoying the lifestyle they had become accustomed to as a family with grown children. As such, Studio Munge ensured to integrate the same comforts found in a traditional family home, complete with abundant storage. outdoor space and ample room for entertaining friends and family. 



 Studio Munge developed a series of distinct but open spaces to create an airy. uncluttered atmosphere that promotes effortless transition between rooms. An open-concept kitchen with an oversized 5' x10' island leads into the main floor dining room. designed to accommodate the client's large family. 


A spectacular two- way fireplace in the dining room is a dominant focal point;the dark marble unit offers a unique contrast to the soft color palette employed throughout the rest of the home. A 2,000 square foot terrace wraps around the entire first level, and a lounge located directly off the sculptural spiral staircase behaves as a dual access point to the master bedroom, with direct access to the master en-suite and bedroom. The library -den is partially hidden by custom-designed shelving and the main staircase. giving it a sense of privacy while maintaining an open concept feel.

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  起居室的设计是结合了艺术品来营造整体环境,在确认每个空间的规模和功能之后,精心挑选了符合空间特色以及装饰效果的艺术品。它们主要来自Shelley Adler, Barbara Cole, Josua Jensen Nagle和Edward Eurtynsk。精致而具有张力的艺术作品,为空间氛围增添色彩,最终呈现的是传统家庭模式在当代、时髦的空间氛围里的生活写照。

Studio Munge also integrated artwork into the residence. working closely with the clients to analyze the scale and function of each area and carefully select pieces that could both define a room yet allow for decorative flexibility. Featuring works by Shelley Adler. Barbara Cole, Joshua Jensen Nogle and Edward Burtynsky, this custom art program punctuates the living areas and creates a fascinating interplay with the surrounding palette.

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