BEHIVE 致野建筑:禅修空间上海旗舰店设计

设计:BEHIVE 致野建筑 | 项目地点:上海 | 类别:商业空间 | 2019-02-01 10817 101


  Rainbow Arches为一个以色彩能量学为理论和实践基础所打造的品牌和现代禅修空间. 本案的功能不仅仅止于创造冥想和禅修的场所, 业主对于本案Rainbow Arches在上海的实体旗舰店的定位希望打造成为未来的空间样板, 也是他们在全国的总部办公室, 更是一个可以让人获得精神上启发的空间. Rainbow Arches 禅修空间上海旗舰店是一个集总部办公, 心理咨询, 瑜珈禅修, 教育培训, 互动娱乐等多元对话的平台空间. 本案的设计挑战来自于一开始对这个品牌所从事工作内容的理解及如何转译到实体的空间架构层面之上.

Rainbow Arches is a brand focused on contemporary physical meditation and therapy, based on the theory and methodology of Chinese colorization energy. The flagship store is not merely a meditation and classroom space, but also a headquarter office for their staff and a prototype space for their future opening of new stores. The interior functions include: headquarter space, psychology consultation, yoga meditation, educational training, and interactive entertainment, etc. The design challenge is to fully understand the brand and their provision of services, and translating our ideas and understanding into a physical space framework with a strong identity.


  项目位于上海七宝宝龙城T3栋最顶层11楼, 原有的建筑是一个常规的商办混和性质空间. 对于原有空间的结构和平面, 最高效的平面布局是将业主所要求的不同类型空间井然有序的沿着塔楼玻璃幕墙侧排布成各个小房间, 但我们更希望将这里打造成动静自如, 能弹性使用并具有灵动氛围的空间场所, 营造一个人在空间的流动和行为仿如在探索未知事物的感觉. 我们希望从设计概念上能连结建筑与自然, 我们在与业主方初期的概念交流里共同讨论了诸多抽象概念意含 - 抑或是一个遨游在宇宙银河的飞船, 抑或是人在初来乍到这世间前在母体里备受呵护的状态, 抑或一种超越实体物理空间限制状态的多重感受.

The project is located on the 11th floor, T3 Building, Qibao Powerlong City in Shanghai. It is an office/commercial building with a preset space structure and plan. The most efficient layout is to distribute all the different functions into rooms along the curtain wall, however, we hope to create a more inspiring and spiritual space which can also be flexibly used in static and dynamic states. We would like to create an atmosphere for the users as if they are discovering unknowns while they are experiencing the space. Initially when we discuss our conceptions with the client, we talked about connecting architecture and nature at an abstract level – transforming the physical space with metaphysical meanings, such as a floating spaceship in the galaxy, or a state of being born when we were still protected in our mother’s body before coming to this world.



  前期在经过一系列与业主方的概念交流之后, 我们在给定的空间范围里植入了一个能承载复合多元活动的蛋形空间, 使这个空间成为整个项目的核心. 这个蛋形空间时而封闭时而敞开的状态, 完全可以根据活动和使用的需求来制定它的使用方式. 平时它可以作为总部员工的大会议室和培训教室, 甚至成为外来访客的禅修打坐空间或其他娱乐活动发生的场地. 蛋形空间的平面布局在东南角和西北角各有两个相互对应的柜台 - 东南侧为入口接待服务台,西北侧吧台则为提供酒水咖啡的休闲空间. 蛋形空间的立面设计上则透过弧面曲型玻璃的设置使蛋形空间的内外部形成视觉上的穿透, 且在无形之中映射出玻璃幕墙外的城市景色. 蛋形空间的另两个对角则设计了两个敞开的洞口成为进入到蛋形空间的入口, 其余的功能空间均围绕此蛋形空间排布,

After going through comprehensive discussions about the design concept with our client, we fill in an oval space into the main space. The oval accommodates multiple space functions and activities, and becomes a true nucleus to the flagship store. Whether open or enclosed, it can be flexibly used under multiple activity scenarios - meeting and training space for their office staff, meditation space for the customers, and can also serve as an entertainment space. On the south-east corner there is a reception counter, and on the north-west corner there is a bar counter to provide snacks and drinks. The openings along the elevation of the oval geometry with curved glass allows transparency between inside and outside, and allows city view to be reflected on the surface of the curved glass. Two entry openings are located on the other two corners of this oval space, and the remaining interior functions are placed along this oval geometry to surround it.


项目名称: Rainbow Arches禅修空间上海旗舰店

设计公司: BEHIVE 致野建筑及环境设计事务所


设计团队: 张铭政, 庄学砚, 欧阳见秋, 周天野, 陈祎珺, 孙建彬

业主单位: 徐健茗先生, 上海金门文化传播有限公司

施工单位: 上海兴博建筑安装工程有限公司

项目地址: 上海市闵行区新龙路399弄2号(宝龙城)T3楼1107室

项目规模: 300平方米

设计时间: 2018年5月-2018年6月

施工时间: 2018年7月-2018年8月

建筑摄影: 吴守珩

材料: 水磨石,人造石英石,铜,天然日本木皮,水泥清混涂料,曲面玻璃,水性漆

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