
设计:MVRDV设计 | 项目地点:奥地利 | 类别:文化教育 | 2019-07-24 8173 68

展现MVRDV设计精髓的大型建筑展——“建筑之语:MVRDV的语言”,现已于奥地利因斯布鲁克的建筑中心Tyrolean Architecture Center(以下简称“aut”) 开幕。四座塔形装置被放置于原为酿酒厂的展览空间,它们呈现了MVRDV项目中反复出现的四个设计理念,每种理念都对应一个具有MVRDV特色的语汇:“ 堆叠(stack) ”、“ 像素(pixel) ”、“ 村落(village) ”和“ 催化剂 (activator)”。这些塔形装置构成了此次展览的框架,展示了MVRDV过去、现在和未来的经典项目,每个项目都体现了MVRDV方法和核心价值的四个关键词之一。展览的序言不仅论述了MVRDV如何在项目中运用设计语言,还从社会和环境层面阐明了这些对MVRDV达成使命至关重要的概念。

Architecture Speaks: The Language of MVRDV, a major exhibition about the work of the Dutch firm, has now opened at the aut. architektur und tirol in Innsbruck. Through an installation of four towers filling the space of the multi-storey former brewery building, the exhibition focuses on four design methodologies that arise repeatedly in MVRDV’s projects, each described by a single word selected from the firm’s characteristic vocabulary: ‘stack’, ‘pixel’, ‘village’, and ‘activator’. The towers form the framework for the exhibition, displaying exemplary projects from the firm’s past, present, and future, while each acting as a distillation of one of the four words that are key to understanding MVRDV’s approach and worldview. The exhibition is accompanied by a manifesto analysing the firm’s use of language and elaborating on the social and environmental dimensions of each concept that are fundamental to MVRDV’s mission.


图/Image: Günter Richard Wett


The four towers fill the space of the aut building, a former brewery

“对我们而言,这次展览不仅向公众展示了MVRDV的观点,还为我们一些最重要的理念增添了新的章节。”MVRDV联合创始人兼策展人Nathalie de Vries说道:“我们希望通过提炼这四种理念的精髓,向公众展示这些概念如何指引MVRDV那些大胆、出人意料和肩负社会责任的设计。我们可以轻而易举地创造出一座高楼林立的城市,我们坚信这次展览所展示的四种理念是塑造未来所必备的思考和工作方式。”

“We saw this exhibition not only as a way to show our work to the public, but also to add another chapter to the stories of some of our most important concepts,” says Nathalie de Vries, founding partner and curator of the exhibition. “We aimed to distil these four design methodologies to their essence to uncover how each of these ideas contributes to an architecture that is brave, unexpected, and socially responsible. We could easily have created an entire city of towers, but the four concepts we selected for this exhibition each represent a way of thinking and working that we deem necessary in shaping our future.”


图/Image: Günter Richard Wett


The stack tower at the aut, representing MVRDV’s belief in the need for density and the requirement to combine functions vertically, comprises four rounded volumes, formed from yellow curtains, stacked over two storeys. Within this space, the upper floor showcases models of MVRDV projects, while a ‘models playroom’ on the lower level allows visitors to create their own stacked designs from blue foam.

图/Image: Günter Richard Wett


The stack tower comprises four rounded volumes, formed from yellow curtains, stacked over two storeys


The pixel tower is constructed from hundreds of bright pink cardboard boxes, some of which display images of MVRDV projects and concise statements. These small boxes or ‘pixels’ are a response to the need for flexibility and diversity of spaces within designs. At the base of the three-storey tower, viewers can enter to experience the hollowed-out space, and on other levels, ‘missing’ pixels give visitors a glimpse to the inside of the tower.


图/Image: Günter Richard Wett


The pixel tower is constructed from hundreds of bright pink cardboard boxes


The two-storey blue plywood village tower is hollow inside, with a ladder that enables both visual and physical connections between floors – reflecting MVRDV’s vision of architecture that combines the ecological and economic benefits of urban density with the communal atmosphere and individuality of a village. Inside, visitors will hear an audio recording describing the ideals behind the village, while horizontal arms extending from the vertical trunk of the tower offer curious visitors a new perspective of the aut exhibition space.


图/Image: Günter Richard Wett


The village tower is hollow inside, with a ladder that connects two floors

可重复使用的钢脚手架构成了“催化剂”塔形装置的结构,体现了MVRDV对具有生产能力结构的偏爱,这种结构将社会问题和可持续性的核心特征结合起来,为人与自然提供了空间。塔形装置外部的架子摆放了各种各样的植物,参观者可以沿装置内部的结构拾级而上,并在到达塔顶后观看视频,Nathalie de Vries在视频中描述了MVRDV的设计如何发挥催化剂的功能。同时,到达塔顶的观众将获得独特的视野。

The activator tower is made of a reusable steel scaffold structure providing spaces for both people and nature, a manifestation of MVRDV’s preference for productive structures that combine a social agenda with the core features of sustainability. On the outside of the tower, shelves provide spaces for a diverse array of plants while inside, visitors can climb the structure to watch a video in which Nathalie de Vries describes the MVRDV projects that function as activators. Those with the dedication to climb to the very top will be rewarded with unique views over the towers. 


图/Image: Günter Richard Wett


The activator tower is made of a reusable steel scaffold structure providing spaces for both people and nature 

了解更多关于MVRDV为本次展览所做的研究,请点击下方“阅读原文”查看ArchDaily上发布的完整展览序言。从现在起至9月28日,“建筑之语:MVRDV的语言”在奥地利因斯布鲁克的Lois Welzenbacher广场的aut建筑中心展出。aut开放时间为周二至周五上午11点至下午6点,周六上午11点至下午5点。展览得到了Creative Industries Fund NL的赞助。

To learn more about the research conducted by MVRDV for the exhibition, click “read more” below to read the full manifesto published on ArchDaily. Architecture Speaks: The Language of MVRDV is on display at the aut building on Lois Welzenbacher Platz in Innsbruck, Austria from now until September 28th. The aut is free to enter and is open from 11am to 6pm Tuesday–Friday, and until 5pm on Saturday. The exhibition has been made possible in part by a contribution from the Creative Industries Fund NL.


图/Image: MVRDV


Each tower is designed to be the purest possible distillation of the concept it represents

  • MVRDV设计:"建筑之语"大型建...

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