
设计:Spark思邦建筑 | 项目地点:吉隆坡 | 类别:商业空间 | 2019-07-29 6968 83

Starhill Gallery is perhaps Kuala Lumpur’s most iconic shopping mall, featuring an extraordinary array of luxury shops and fine dining restaurants. Spark's design proposal dealt with the reinvention of the existing façade of Starhill Gallery facing Bukit Bintang. This reinvention of Starhill Gallery is designed by Stephen Pimbley, founding director of Spark and the architect behind Singapore’s hugely popular Clarke Quay.  

升禧廊可谓是吉隆坡最具标志性的购物广场之一,汇集众多奢侈品牌店及各类高档餐厅。Spark思邦建筑的设计方案很好地改造面朝Bukit Bintang一侧的建筑外立面,使之重焕活力。这个改造项目的主创建筑师就是曾主笔设计备受瞩目的新加坡克拉码头的Spark思邦建筑的创始合伙人Stephen Pimbley。


Stephen says, “Unlike many street-facing malls in Kuala Lumpur, our new façade for Starhill Gallery is firmly engaged with the public realm and generates valuable visual connections along this section of Bukit Bintang via the heavy footfall. We have designed a beacon for Starhill Gallery that celebrates its relationship with the city.”

Stephen 表示:“不同于其他的吉隆坡临街购物广场,我们设计的全新建筑外立面与周边的公共环境是有紧密联系的,通过熙攘的客流量在Bukit Bintang沿路的部分激发出可观的视觉联系。我们将它打造成城市的标志性结构,好似灯塔般显著。”


Spark's design has opened up the façade which provides a lot of visual interest via a continuous shop front that wraps the existing building in a crystalline skin of glass and stone panels. The new façade resembles the "wet drapery" of the ancient statues of Greece and Rome, and the beautifully crafted gowns on sale inside Starhill Gallery. The fractured variation of solidity and transparency transforms the street façade of the existing building entirely, giving it a new contemporary classic identity that stands out amongst the quick-fix, ubiquitous shopping mall façades of many of Starhill Gallery’s neighbours.



Spark’s lightweight steel, stone and glass façade is the first of their kind in Malaysia that embraces cutting-edge façade technology from the French engineer RFR, the team that delivered the Pyramid at the Paris Louvre.



Spark replaced the café at the entrance of Starhill Gallery with an iconic triple height shopping pavilion for the French luxury retailer LVMH and their cosmetics brand Sephora. Sephora is, in turn, connected to Starhill via a first floor bridge that pierces the new crystalline façade.



Spark, together with YTL, has deliberately crafted a complex building envelope using only the best materials that resonate with the importance of the building’s position and contribution to the streetscape of Kuala Lumpur. The synergy with high quality of the brands/products, as well as special visitor experience inside Starhill Gallery is undeniable.



Starhill Gallery’s new crystalline façade and the Sephora pavilion have effectively established an iconic new identity for Starhill Gallery, affirming its position as the foremost destination for luxury shopping in Southeast Asia. 



Project Data:

Architects: Spark

Principal Architect: Stephan Pimbley

Project Architect: Michael Gibert

Team: Darmaganda, Kim-Lee Tan, Sevena Lee, Wenhui Lim

Local Architect: A.Mariadass Architect

Lightning Designer: Snfor Sdn Bhd

Structural Consultant: RFR Shanghai 

Main Contractor: Syarikat Pembenaan Yeoh Tiong Lay Sdn Bhd (SPYTL)

M&E: Syarikat Pembenaan Yeoh Tiong Lay Sdn Bhd (SPYTL)

Building Area: 2,000sqm

Design Period: April 2009 to August 2010 

Construction Period: September 2010 to July 2011



Architectural Photography: Lin Ho




主持设计师:Stephan Pimbley

项目总监:Michael Gibert

项目成员:Darmaganda, Kim-Lee Tan, Sevena Lee, Wenhui Lim

当地建筑师:A.Mariadass Architect

灯光设计师:Snfor Sdn Bhd

结构咨询:RFR 上海

项目承包商:Syarikat Pembenaan Yeoh Tiong Lay Sdn Bhd (SPYTL)

机电工程:Syarikat Pembenaan Yeoh Tiong Lay Sdn Bhd (SPYTL)






建筑摄影:Lin Ho

  • Spark思邦建筑改造:升喜廊...

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