北京 / UPPER 之上空间:studio 6 2.0 影棚空间设计
Chen Man once mentioned: "Beauty i s unspeakable and undefined ”
Only i n the i nf i ni te space can the i nf i ni te mind and spi r i t be bred.
Founded by Chen Man, the world' s top v i sual arti s t , S tudio 6 i s a high- end photography production company dedicated to
providing comprehensive and professional photography - related services and artistic image services for Chinese and global
2018 年 5 月, S t u dio 6 1 . 0 影棚进行了 空间升级 ;
2019 新年伊始 , 我们迎来了 S t u dio 6 2 . 0 版本
S tudio 6 1 . 0 s tudio was ful l y renovated at May. 2018 ,
At the beginning of the 201 9 New Year, we ushered i n S tudio 6 2 . 0
▼建筑外立面, Building facade
1. 以东方哲学的审美冷静结合西 方 科技,
2. 以空间 大 框架下的内部独立 块 这种灵活可变动的形式,来解决各区需求,
3. 以周全细致的人性化设计结合去繁留简的严谨框架,区别于其他类似形式。
Creative Logic and Upgrading Points:
1 . Combining the aesthetic calmness of Oriental philosophy with the development of science and technology i n the west.
2 . I n order to meet the needs of each dis t r i ct , the f l exible and
changeable form of i nternal i ndependence under the f ramework of space development i s adopted.
3 . I ntegrating comprehensive and meticulous humanized design
with the r i gorous f ramework of de - multiplying and s implifying, i t i s di f ferent f rom other s imi l ar forms.
◼ 传统材质的稳重X 新型材质的透彻
◼ 虚实无界X 朴实无华
◼ 内部的空间承载X 外部的光影借用
◼ 二位的面X 三维的体
◼ 构架的实有形X 镜中的虚无限
材料方面 水泥+木质+金属+镜面+玻璃+光线
The design breaks the sharp boundary between indoor and outdoor by introducing volumes onto the terrace, providing diverse perspectives and a variety of openings, transparency and translucency to blur and merge interior with exterior, bring new concept of space environment and atmosphere.
In this way the overall floor not only the confined photo studios is used for photography, and a multiplicity of scenarios can be adopted by the client. Different materials and geometries work together with light, shadow and reflection to maximize the possibilities of the photo scenarios. As a result the layout is a continuity of bodies which define space and circulation simultaneously, creating flow but also tension, providing users different feelings and ambiences of space. The outdoor terrace is designed more settled and harmonious in contrast with the surrounding format of the park.
▼入口前台,reception desk
on the design of the reception room is more clever and lively, bare wood highlights ecological space texture, bright orange with a mild white photograph echo, added more vitality for space, to bring new concept of space environment and atmosphere. White, pure, transparent, mild, between the imagination, slowly to.
布局上,空间的畅通有效提高工作人员的穿梭、器材的搬运。以透明玻璃取代实体墙作为空间分隔,让各区域人员可以迅速掌握彼此位置,同时通畅的空间可以舒缓及减少焦躁的情绪,视觉上通透空间上又互补干扰,就使用经验进行比较, 新的工作室能够照顾每位空间使用者,使每个进到 studio 的人都能感到舒适自
The main materials of space use fai r - faced concrete
coatings, metal and glass, together with natural l i ght. I n space
l ayout, the smooth space effectively improves the shuttle of s taff and the handling of equipment. Us i ng t ransparent glass i nstead of sol i d wall as space partition, so that people i n di f ferent areas can quickly grasp each other' s position, while unb ounded space can
ease and reduce anxiety, v i sual penetration of space and complementary i nterference, on the use of experience
comparison, the new s tudio can take care of each space user, so that each space user. E veryone who enters s tudio feels
comfortabl e and comfortable.
S tudio 6 2 . 0 有三个影棚分别是 A 棚、 B 棚、 C 棚 , 三个棚的高度高达 6 . 5 m 其中 A 棚、 C 棚面积最大分别为 137 m² 和 135 m²
Studio 6 2.0 has three studios: A, B and C. The height of the three Studios is as high as 6.5m. The area of A and C Studios is 137m and 135m respectively.
▼A 棚 影 棚 s tudi o A
“ White space” i s the highlight of thi s space design. Only by setting up an unplanned position can we continuously create al l k i nds of cross - border possibilities.
▼A- 1 化 妆间 s tudio A Dressing Room
▼A 棚独立卫生间 s tudio A washroom
▼A 棚更衣室 s tudio A Dressing Room
▼C 棚影棚 s tudio C
▼C 棚化妆间 s tudio C Dressing Room
▼B 棚影棚 s tudio B
▼2 F 摄影后期 教室 2 F Photography Classroom
▼一层平面图,1F plan
▼二层平面图,2F plan
设计公司: 北京 / UPPER 之上空间设计
类型:建筑 厂房
材料:混凝土涂料 金属 玻璃
灰色地胶标签:北京 影棚设计
分类:办公空间 影棚
▼项目地址, Project address
项目名称:studio 6 2.0 影棚空间
项目面积:1500 平方米
Project location: Beijing city project area :1600 square meters
design unit: UPPER(beijing)Design Group. design year :2018 —2019