寸匠熊猫:Poan Education |柏安教育幼儿园设计
This project is located in Yunxiao, a county-level city of southern Fujian in China. With the development of the society, the younger generation often seeks employment opportunities outside the city. As a result, their children left behind have become the bridge connecting them with their parents. Parents would like to provide their children with better education and let them win at the starting line. However, they were beaten back to the reality by the stress and helpless of life.
Homogeneity of children's education methods is a common problem that most of the non-first-tier cities in China is facing, due to the lack of recreational facilities and venues and the shortage of young educators. In order to adapt to the children’s educational environment in China we have conducted systematic research and analysis.
我们围绕荷兰教育学家Van Kuyk提出的金字塔构建法(pyramid method)为设计基础,该理论是结合了传统的整体法和顺序法,其目的在于自然地发展和促进孩子的自我管理和可选择性的老师鼓励学习。教师在系统里扮演的角色是引导和挑战者的角色,从根本上改变传统系统中老师是管理者的教学模式。
Our design is based on the pyramid method proposed by Dutch educator Van Kuyk, which combines traditional holistic and sequential approaches with the aim of naturally developing and promoting self-management in children and encouraging learning by teachers alternatively. The teachers play the role of guidance and challenger in this method to fundamentally change the traditional teaching model in which the teachers are managers.
Geographical Analysis Of The Proiect
The project is located in a commercial store of the living area of the county, with convenient transportation. The single-story area is small and cramped and therefore we have to conduct a systematic analysis and positioning of the project to design and plan for the target population.
Design Methods
The objective of this project is to create a multi-functional space where children and teachers can explore, play, live and learn together.Firstly, we analysed the original three-layer lines of the architecture and reconstructed the ground floor of the commercial store by creating two areas with multi-correlation.
We placed ten different size of cylinders like the strewn mushrooms in the forest in the two areas. This design not only improves compound character of the space but also helps children develop their ability to explore the impulsive and cultivate and construct spatial cognitive.
Contemporary studies of children have found that spatial cognition is proving to be as important as verbal and mathematical skills, and that increased difficulty in space exploration can help children increase the size of the hippocampus and the number of nerve cells.
Through the cylinders, we plan the vertical and horizontal dynamic lines of the space so that children can explore and play freely in the space. At the same time, we also include different functional attributes into the space to meet the needs.
For example, through the connection of transparent round acrylic glass cylinder, children can observe the space from different angles while walking through various spaces, which increases the physical functions of children and enriches their spatial experience.
Arc is the best explanation of how we protect our children. We make use of the tension of arc to induce imagination of the children while taking into account of safety protection.
We place shelves at a walk-in place to facilitate the communication between teachers and children. Slide and ocean ball pool had always been the children's favorite.
The adult scale’s planning is to hope that teachers can freely play with the children. Big apple glass floor is the touchstone to hone the little warriors. Although the playground is small, it is still a best place for children to communicate with each other.
The stairs leading to the second and third floors are covered with thick soft skin to ensure the normal passage of children and effectively reduce the damage caused by accidents.
The classrooms are separated by large arc-shaped glass lighting areas to increase the transparency of the space and enlarge the narrow space several times.
We also designed a flexible two-way classroom which is separated by a hidden crane rail door in order to provide children and teachers with a flexible teaching space for various courses. This also helps to break traditional kindergarten "classroom teaching" as we respect for children to provide more interesting areas to explore and give teachers more interactive teaching for equal participation in the process to build knowledge.
We believe that such a group of children still exists in many cities in China. We hope to do more for Chinese children by bringing the idea of better education and cooperative construction into the design to serve our little successor in future.
项目信息 | Project information
Project Name | 项目名称:Poan Education |柏安教育
Location | 项目地点:ZHANGZHOU,FUJIAN,CHINA | 中国福建漳州
Project area | 项目面积: 470㎡
Design company | 设计公司: Artisan of CUN PANDA Architecture Design | 寸匠熊猫建筑设计
Chief Designer | 主创设计师: JC Lin | 林嘉诚
Assistant Designer | 辅助设计师:
CUN PANDA Design Team | 寸匠熊猫设计团队
Photographer | 摄影师: GL YANG
Project planning | 项目策划: LELE Brand Strategy | 楽楽传媒
林嘉诚,1984年出生于福建,室内建筑设计师,漳州明居装饰设计有限公司掌门人和寸匠熊猫品牌联合发起人,他可爱憨厚的童趣形象被媒体亲切地誉为“熊猫奶爸”,80后儿童空间设计领域集大成者,中国幼教最具品牌影响力---阿优文化的御用设计师,亦首位将“德国早教之父”菲纳克斯教授(Wassilios Emmanuel Fthenakis)的育儿理念完美融入中国幼儿空间的设计师,助力阿优品牌获得中德两国业界的一致好评。