
设计:logon.design 罗昂设计 | 项目地点: | 类别:腕儿线索 | 2020-02-26 5955 79


罗昂出品, SMART HOME智能家居。


COVID-19? Prevent infection? How to comfortably and healthily at home? The solution is here!

The SMARTHOME by logon.


The dining area with (artificial) fireplace






logon will publish a series of short articles about our comfortable and healthy SMARTHOME; this issue will only focus on heating in winter. Did you know that dry and itchy skin, nausea, cold, allergies, headaches, and many others can be caused by the so-called SBS, “sick building syndrome”? If you feel cold air draught from your windows, have your air con blowing hot air through the room but you still don't feel comfortable, if you find mold behind your curtains or furniture, or if you constantly get sick and feel weak or have cold feet, it’s time to evaluate your home (and maybe your office).


The lounge - do you see any heaters or any air condition outlets? 

客厅- 你能发现空调或暖气吗?


01 舒适健康的SMART HOME

   comfortable and healthy SMART HOME


根据欧洲和中国的科学研究及实践,罗昂开发出品了一套舒适健康的SMART HOME智能家居理念。为了测试这个概念,并确保应用技术的可行性(或者在某些情况下,开发新的技术和应用程序应对现有失败产品),罗昂创意总监Frank柯复南先生将自己的公寓变成了实验之家。

Based on scientific research and experiences from Europe and China, logon has developed a concept for a comfortable and healthy SMART HOME. To test the concept and ensure the feasibility of applied technologies (or, in some cases, develop new technologies and applications as available products failed), logon Creative Director Frank has turned his own apartment into an experimental home.



The master bathroom features floor heating, steam sauna, music system and mood lighting 



02 温度控制

   Temperature control


SMART HOME由中央服务器控制,负责处理舒适健康生活的所有相关方面。在冬季,所有房间全天候加热,并且系统会根据住户的停留和活动分别控制房间的温度(例如,标准的室内温度设为20.5°C;住户睡觉时卧室温度将降低到19°C,而早晨闹钟响起时,卫生间的温度已升高至舒适的24℃)。


The SMART HOME is controlled by a central server that takes care of all relevant aspects of comfortable and healthy living. In winter, all rooms are heated around the clock,but the system controls the temperature of the rooms individually based on occupancy and activity (for example; standard indoor temperature 20.5°C; the bedroom is reduced to 19°C while the owners are sleeping, but once the alarm rings in the morning the bathroom temperature is already increased to a comfortable24°C).



Sensors are hidden inside walls, ceilings and ventilation ducts 



03 空气质量控制

   Air quality control




Multiple sensors in each room and outdoor constantly monitor temperature, humidity, air quality(CO2, PM2.5 (testing period)), brightness and solar radiation. Based on this data, the server operates all systems to ensure ideal air quality and reduce energy consumption. Indoor relative humidity is controlled between 40 and70%RH. Air quality (CO2) is maintained at very good at levels below 750ppm, while the notorious PM2.5 indoor air quality is excellent - we measure only7ug/m3 compared to 69ug/m3 outdoors -thanks to 4-layer air filters for both fresh and return air. 


04 标准和习惯

   Norms and Habits



有人在家时,舒适健康的SMART HOME智能家居温度设置控制在20.5°C。这个温度听起来似乎很低,但我们在最初设置21°C时,体感证明温度太高- 我们没有睡好,所有的来访者也都抱怨太热(冬天)。

At what temperature did do you usually set your air conditioner or heater? The comfortable and healthy SMART HOME temperature is set and controlled at 20.5°C (if somebody is at home and in the room). This seems low, but our initial settings at 21.0°C proofed to be too high - we did not sleep well, and all visitors complained it was too hot (in winter!).


A warm place by the window 



05 隔热

   Thermal Insulation



All exterior and interior walls (to the neighbors) are equipped with thermal insulation, soare ceilings and floors. The windows feature insulated frames and triple glazing. This ensures that any surface temperature is never more than a few °C lower than the room temperature, avoiding discomfort by cold radiation, and highly increasing energy efficiency by preserving the energy inside the apartment.

06 运营成本

   Operation Cost


Utilities Cost (December 2017), all inclusive









Well, this might be the key question you want to ask! Here it is:

Total RMB 870.82 per month (December) for all energy consumption in the house.


Electricity Bill December 2017: RMB 774.82 (including heating (radiant heating in all rooms, floor heating in bathrooms), ventilation, light, fridge, washing machine, oven and microwave, wine cellar cooling, multimedia (home cinema, audio, tv), multi-room audio, smart home server, etc.)

Gas Bill December 2017: RMB 96.00 (including hot water for shower and bathtub,


Note: the apartment features a gross area of 175sq.m.

logon.design 罗昂设计相关案例
  • 罗昂出品,舒适健康智能家居


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