
设计:Sou Fujimoto Architects | 项目地点:法国 | 类别:居住空间 | 2020-03-22 8026 73



2013年,法国蒙彼利埃市议会发起了“ Folie Richter”竞赛。这个竞赛旨在寻找一种地标性的新型塔楼原型,丰富当地的建筑形式。RFP强调了该项目作为一个宏大设想所需要达到的要求:该项目必须适应周边环境,同时包含商业及居住空间。这也就要求本项目需要由具有创新精神的年轻建筑师和经验丰富的团队共同完成。


In 2013, Montpellier city council launched the “Folie Richter” competition. It sought to identify a blueprint for a beacon tower to enrich the city’s architectural heritage. The RFP stressed the desire for a bold project that had to fit into its environment and include shops and homes. The brief was clear: city hall wanted a team made up of a young architect working with an experienced colleague...



© Cyrille Weiner


© Cyrille Weiner


为了这个竞赛,Manal Rachdi和Nicolas Laisné这两位有着自己的事务所的建筑师决定去拜访一下日本建筑师藤本壮介。




为了使这个项目能够顺利地推进下去,Manal Rachdi、Nicolas Laisné和他年轻的合伙人Dimitri Roussel于2013年的夏天专门飞去了东京。五天之后,最终集结的设计团队驻扎在藤本壮介的事务所里,开始了紧锣密鼓的设计和讨论工作。藤本壮介建筑设计事务所法国分部的现任负责人兼合伙建筑师Marie de France是本次合作的中坚力量,促进了东京和巴黎团队之间的沟通和交流。为了这个项目,所有的参与者都全力以赴,在一个开放的、放松的氛围中画着草图。


Manal Rachdi and Nicolas Laisné, who each run their own practices, decided to call on the Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto. All three of them seek inspiration in nature even if they express it in very different ways. On this project, these three visions would be mutually enriching.


To get the project off the ground, Manal Rachdi, Nicolas Laisné and his young partner Dimitri Roussel flew to Tokyo in summer 2013. For five days, they shut themselves away in Fujimoto’s studio for intensive workshop sessions.


Marie de France, a partner architect and current head of Sou Fujimoto’s practice in France, was central to the process, facilitating dialogue between the Tokyo and Paris teams. Sitting around a table laden with paper and pencils, they began to draw in an open and informal atmosphere.










To reinvent the tower, the architects focused on the human dimension, creating public spaces at the bottom and top of the building: the ground floor is a glass-walled space opening out onto the street, while on the roof there is a bar open to the public and a common area for residents, so that even the owners of first-floor apartments can enjoy the view.








But what sets the project apart is its design. The three architectural practices devised a building inspired by a tree, with balconies that branch off the trunk and shades that sprout out of and protect its façade. The attention paid to its setting, and to local lifestyles, guided the architects throughout the design phase.









阳台和藤架不仅丰富了住户们的户外生活,更让他们彼此建立了一种新型的邻里关系。每套公寓都拥有至少7平方米的室外空间((最大的是35 m²),私密性和布局各不相同;复式公寓则设有两个室外阳台,住户可以通过楼梯从一个阳台直接去向另一个阳台。因此,所有的公寓都拥有绝佳的景观,建筑师们通过一个实体的立体模型、一系列实验性的空间,描绘出了一幅未来居住模式的蓝图。


The many balconies and pergolas really do promote outdoor living and enable a new type of relationship between residents. Each apartment boasts an outdoor space of at least 7m² (the largest is 35m²), with multiple levels of privacy and layout options; residents of the duplex apartments can move from one balcony to the other. So that all apartments have pleasing views, the architects sculpted the blueprint with a series of spatial experiments using physical 3D models.



© Cyrille Weiner



© Cyrille Weiner


L'Arbre Blanc有许多技术方面的创新点,其悬挑长度高达7.5米的露台堪称是世界第一。这些出人意料的室外露台将起居空间延伸到了室外,模糊了室内外居住环境的边界,从而使得住户可以肆意地沐浴在阳光下之下。


The many technical innovations of L’Arbre Blanc include the terraces, whose cantilevers, which are up to 7.5 metre-long, constitute a world first. These exceptional outside spaces are fully-fledged living rooms which are connected to the dwellings in such a way as to allow residents to live inside and outside, a luxury for a city bathed in sunshine 80% of the year!






The proportions of the balconies emphasise this aim to embrace the outdoors, as do the leaves that fold out in search of the sunlight. These generous balconies are also a response to the need for environmental solutions closely tailored to the “ecology of the south”. Forming an effective protective veil for the façade, they provide the necessary shade and break up skew winds to help air circulate more harmoniously.




© Cyrille Weiner



© Cyrille Weiner


在这个多功能的塔楼开发项目中,建筑师采用了一种全新的设计理念。为了使塔楼能够更好地服务于城市,提高其可达性,建筑师将目光放在了公共空间的设计上,其中包括沿着Lez河(Lez River)设置一个景观公园,以及让塔楼对公众开放。




The architects adopted a new take on tower living for this mixed-use development. To cure inaccessible tower syndrome, from the earliest discussions there was a real focus on public space, including extending a landscaped park along the Lez River and opening the tower up to the public.


The seventeen-storey building is a full participant in city life, aiming first and foremost to be accessible to all the people of Montpellier, with an art gallery on the ground floor and a rooftop bar linked to a panoramic garden. By allowing people to take physical ownership of the tower, it will become an object of pride for the people of Montpellier, and a tourist attraction.






建筑设计:Sou Fujimoto Architects, Nicolas Laisné, Dimitri Roussel, OXO Architectes Marie-Laure Coste-Grange (project management)

景观设计:Now Here Studio

项目面积: 10,225㎡

项目摄影:Cyrille Weiner



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