
设计:李一设计师事务所 | 项目地点:台州 | 类别:餐饮空间 | 2020-05-20 12920 60



Don’t know since when, nature is just nature, and cities are just cities. It seems the whole world has only insolated green and dull grey. There is an invisible boundary cut the nature and life into inside and outside, just like the coexistence of black and white. The impression of beautiful landscape and the life that all creatures living together are as scarce as the water sources in the desert. We strive to shorten the distance between nature and the city through design, try to integrate the earth into life itself and form an "Isolated Island", which is our original intention of this project, I may name it “Urban Oasis”.




RONWELL Restaurant is an upgraded brand of local catering. The project is located in Wenling, Taizhou, Zhejiang, and consists of 850㎡of indoor space of main building and 1200㎡ of podium outdoor terraces. We used the combination of stainless steel and lighting to re-create the elevator hall space as a hallway, it turns into a boundary between work and leisure and makes the movement into the elevator in the office building surprised. At same time, the extension to the spatial scale also makes you feel good from dull work. The vagueness of attributes makes the mystery the embryo of exploration.




Entering the Lobby space, the bar-shaped grille complements the sky light, the combination of light, object and shadow tells you where time is heading. Such as a home-like reception space, warm furnishings and library-like quietness are the reception etiquette of the restaurant; full-sized floor-to-ceiling windows connect to the outdoor space. As long as a friendly relationship is established, the building can always hold nature in proper ways. Let time slow down, sit down for a while, and experience a conversation between mountains, water, light and you. "Oasis" here gives guests the first enlightenment of unbounded and coexistence; at the same time, the restaurant also seems to be another enchantment of inside and outside. This is why I likened it to an "island" before.



Walking through waterside path to arrive outdoors, the field of vision is greatly extended. The terrace space consists of an outdoor dining area which composed of a cloister and three mirrored water areas, where natural and human contact through the touch is greatly bonded. Guests can feel the moving sense in different places like walking in the garden, or they can stay still and experience the environmental changes brought about by time. The functional design of the terrace space can not only be used as a fixed meal, but also can meet the needs of afternoon tea, night bar or party. An afternoon tea or a romance under the reflection of the night will be the diary of the restaurant, as long as being friendly, life is sheltered in the building, and the building becomes the natural background. Here, the time is slanting, the tree shadow whirling; the little birds singing in the ear, the bamboo sound like concerto; the breeze blowing, the water surface tells you where the wind is going.




The indoor dining space is composed of eleven private rooms, which has the reception capacity for business banquets, friend gatherings and family banquets. Guests can get different dining experiences in different private rooms. The three waterfront private rooms can have outdoor beauty from different angles, which has the comfort of the setting sun, the ease of the reflection of the still water, and the poetry of the landscape. The way of interacting with the interior, the trail, the waterside path or the island give the restaurant agility while strengthening the definition of unbounded again. The aisle filled with the atmosphere of the library has formed the connection between various types of private rooms, and the small scenes sometimes interspersed on the basis of creating quietness also show that the interior has never forgotten the outdoors.





The Rongwei Restaurant is the first chapter of our urban oasis series, and we hope to explore the dialogue between nature and space through design. We believe that design has always been the process of combing and connecting various aspects, forming a dialogue, and creating a symbiotic logic that belongs to the project itself, rather than a pile of strong materials and colors. Hope this kind of exploration can get a positive response.



Project Name: Ronwell Restaurant


Location:  Zhejiang/Taizhou·Wenling


Size: 2000m2


Design Agency: Minhoo.lee Architecture & Interior

总设计师:李 一 / 青 青

Chief Designer: Minhoo Lee / Tiffany Fu


Design content: micro-architectural design, interior design, lighting design, courtyard design, soft furnishings


Completion Date: 2020.03


Photography Agency: yikongyijian

撰    文:李 一

Written by: Minhoo Lee


李 一/ Minhoo.lee


李一设计师事务所创始人/总设计师,曾游学多国进修,专注于现代与东方美学语言的融合,以多维度的思考实现对生活方式的表达。其强调“设计不是用来征服人,而是需要感动人”的设计态度深受广大业主与业内同行认可。曾获得APDC亚太室内设计精英邀请赛金奖、蒙特利尔EXCELLENCE PRIZE 优秀奖、金堂奖展示空间类最高奖、艾特奖餐饮空间金奖、40 UNDER40杰出设计青年、中国室内设计新势力榜、中国国际室内设计双年展银奖、台湾六艺奖等国内外众多专业奖项。




  • 李一:荣味-汀餐厅设计


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